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  1. I'd like to get two tickets. My daughter is at UC Davis.
  2. I would recommend that everyone read Gregg Easterbrook's new book; The Game's Not Over: In Defense of Football. He addresses many of the issues being talked about here. He writes this in the same style he used when he wrote TMQ for ESPN. He addresses the finances and the blackmailing of cities by franchises in order to get new stadiums built, as well as the concussion issue and many more. Enjoy.
  3. Buster Douglas, Holly Holm. You gotta Billieve!! Of course I will watch.
  4. Two come to mind for me. Both were against the Dolphins. 1980 at the stadium when the streak was broken and the fans tore down the goal posts. Other one has been mentioned as well, beating them when Ricky Williams ran wild. My son was probably 10 at the time and the whole stadium was singing "Let it Snow". By the time we got back to the car there must have been a foot of snow on the ground and everybody was helping push each others cars out.
  5. Actually he wasn't. He went to Seattle after here for nine seasons. Went to the AFC Championship one year and did win the West one year. Only coach to win Division Championship with three different teams.
  6. One thing to remember is Marv's comment about Special Teams being one-third of a team. We have improved there and we have a dominating defense. A couple of improvements on Offense and we should have a great team. Go Bills!!
  7. Am i and this poster the only ones old enough to remember Joe Pisarcik? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_at_the_Meadowlands
  8. We will pick 32nd after winning the SB and draft a safety to replace Byrd. You gotta Billieve!
  9. I have been a fan of this team for 50 years and I still go into every game expecting to win. So I have to agree with The Senator. 19-0 Baby!
  10. One of my favorite memories is a local radio station flying a plane over the stadium with a sign reading "Cox, Don't spit, Swallow"
  11. "They took the sails out of our winds." 1986, Buffalo Bills head coach Hank Bullough after a tough loss.
  12. I was at that Giants game with a friend from Geneseo who was a huge Giants fan. Since there was almost nobody in the stadium we sat right behind the Giants bench in the third row. The G-mens third string scab quarterback was a guy whose last name was Bush or Busch. So late in the game and half in the bag, we started chanting "WE WANT BUSH, WE WANT BUSH". He actually turned and waved to us. Absolutely horrible game, but we had fun.
  13. My son, who is a member here, LeviF91, and I were discussing the Pro Bowl last week. His suggestion was to announce the Pro Bowl playerss as a Honor. Just like the Silver Slugger or Golden Glove winners in baseball. He said they should have a game after the Super Bowl which would be played by Free Agents. This would showcase available players for the teams and the fans. What do you think?
  14. Actually I don't think that those were Cox's thumbs that were up.
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