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Everything posted by drg2021

  1. Yea they look completely unprepared,gotta think AL cant be happy and Lane Kiffens days are numbered.Theres no excuse to look as chitty as they do .Wow i thought they would be improved however i think they have gotten worse
  2. Whos the Raiders OC.What a joke.They had some momentum going and then tried a reverse.There Defense is horribile,Deangelo Hall is getting smoked by a rookie,wow they look like schitt.
  3. Jackson finished the game in typical Losman fashion,an interception.He looks lost in that offense like Jp does(deer in the headlights).Your right i think Chad Penningtan would have been a good fit in Minny,but Jackson is not the answer for the Vikings
  4. Hopefully the Raiders/Broncos game is more entertaining
  5. Jackson reminds me of Losman he sucks also Too bad cause I thought Minny had a good shot to go far this year,but they certainlly dont have a qb to get them there.
  6. Your sick and disgusting.Mods please ban
  7. Your right,just very frustrating.Btw Jackson sux and needs to be replaced.Whos Minnys backup?
  8. Yea really,but Minnesota is making Rodgers look like a world beater.No sacks no turnovers and no pressure.Minnesota is the first ranked defense?They should be sending the house at Rodgers and they arent.If they lose to Rodgers and the Pack they deserve it
  9. He played great and if he continues to play at a high level the Bills will have plenty of leverage with Mr Peters.The longer Chambers plays the cheaper Peters gets and this whole holdout may very well blow up in his face.Thanks in advance Eugene,signed Bills fans
  10. Yea,how quickly things change.The Espn lovefest has changed from Brady to the Favre led Jets.Talk about bandwagon fans,they put the icing on the cake.
  11. I believe the Pats "Reign of Terror" is over,at least for this season.Its unfortunate that Bradys knee got taken out,but they took out Jps last season.What comes around goes around.Oh Btw ill be surprised if Cassels makes it through the season,cause every Pats oppenent are going to send the house at him.
  12. Youve nailed it.Teams that had the score run up on them last season now get retribution.I believe the entire NFL couldnt be happier,because they were so arrogant last season.Karma?The football Gods are are dealing out the punishment for those cheating Pats.Now if they could just find somthing for Randy Moss
  13. Hes a lazy,Mike Williams kinda guy thats about to be a free agent
  14. Rust,nerves and weather made for a poor outing for TE in the first half.As he gets more playing time he will get more comfortable and i believe he will be a priemer qb in the NFl
  15. I say they let Peters sit and play Chambers as long as Chambers continues to play well. I dont see any reason to renogiate Peters contract,aside from the fact he will holdout again next summer.Hes getting what he had coming to him, talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.
  16. Peters has played all his cards and is reporting to the Bills.He has 3 years remaining on his current deal,and can can be franchised for another season after that.Id say the Bills hold all the cards in this situation and Mr Peters should be greatfull there even willing to renogoiate.Good job Russ standing your ground and letting these guys know they arent going to be running the asylum. ie: Angelo Crowell
  17. Sure,why dont you just empty your wallet and light your money on fire.
  18. I think the Bills should have just outright cut him.You dont wait until the season opener to tell them youve decided to have surgury.Id be very surprised if Crowell is on this team next season.Enjoy your schitt pie Crowell.Just my 2 cents
  19. I agree because if he is disgruntled he may just start waving the "OOOLE" flag
  20. So what if Peters comes back and the Bills dont redo his contract? Peters maybe a disgruntled worker and whoever is at qb maybe eating alot more turf than they did last season.If they dont redo his contract,are we to believe he will play at a probowl level,or will his play drop off the deep end?Its a very touchy situation and can only hope the Bills pay him.
  21. Or his babies mama
  22. I dont think you can,however if you have the sports package on dtv you can see the game on Nfl Network "Replay "sometime during the week.
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