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Bills Fan in MD

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Everything posted by Bills Fan in MD

  1. That may be the worst call by an official that I've ever seen.
  2. The heat and direct sunlight during the Miami game in September sent multiple Bills players to the locker room with heat exhaustion. They should probably STFU about having a game in hostile weather conditions.
  3. For those of us coming in from the DC area, it looks like we can avoid most of it by taking 15 to 390, and heading west on 20. It just may be a nightmare leaving the stadium.
  4. Before he threw the TD to Tyreek, Tua had 25 yards passing. That was SIX MINUTES INTO THE THIRD QUARTER.
  5. The Jets have some legit young talent, so this is a solid win, but Bills also have some things that need to be cleaned up if they expect to get to the promised land this year. Totally doable, but concerning nonetheless.
  6. Has Elam seen the field at all?
  7. Hate to say it, but Milano deserves an assist on that fumble.
  8. It was a good throw and a good catch, but it always seems like Jackson has no ability whatsoever to break up a pass.
  9. McDermott needs to start sending Josh the receipts for his blood pressure meds for reimbursement.
  10. The weather forecast for this Sunday is maddening. It's not terrible, but just bad enough that I'm not inclined to want to get soaked for three hours and then start an eight hour drive home. That said, I really want to be there.
  11. The only reason to sign OBJ is to make an impact this year. If he's healthy and can't be signed without giving him multiple years, you consider it so long as it works from a cap perspective (and doesn't preclude us from re-signing more important players). But if there are any indications that he's not going to be healthy this year, then it becomes an easy decision - even easier than whether to invite Slash to play guitar in your garage band.
  12. I legit thought it was going to be an ugly defensive night after that first NE touchdown. I'm so happy to be wrong!!
  13. Same here. I also spent the week after the KC game re-watching the throw to Knox to go ahead.
  14. I'll admit that I clicked on this thread to say "hell no," but I read the OP and I have to say that it's not as crazy as it sounds. It definitely seemed like the Lions weren't playing with the same sense of urgency as they would have brought if they were down by 4.
  15. Mac Jones? I wouldn't waste my money on that even if I was a New England fan.
  16. McKenzie for a game changing zero yards on zero catches!
  17. The next home game is on 12/11. Dorsey should get his name added to the Ring of Fame in a pregame ceremony.
  18. What just happened to Davis? Is he allowed to hold onto the football like that?
  19. Allen being the focal point on last week's loss really took the heat off how bad the defense played, especially in the fourth quarter.
  20. Denver gave up two first round picks and two second round picks for him.
  21. I have less of a problem with the 4th and 2 play call and am much more frustrated with not running it on 2nd and two and 3rd and two. If an offense can't get two yards running the ball on three consecutive plays, that's a problem.
  22. The cheapest tickets on Ticketmaster were close to $300 last week and dropped to close to $100 this mornings. They're going back up, but if anyone is trying to go to the game tomorrow now's the time.
  23. This is the one game I have tickets for this year, so it will suck if Allen doesn't play, but Keenum should be fine. I remember all the same handwringing when Kelly would go down because Frank Reich looked awful when entering a game. Once he had time to work with the starters in practice, he looked so much better. It's still going to be a challenge to beat the Vikings, especially with Keenum, but it's not going to be a repeat of the last week's Titans-Chiefs game. But it does mean that the defense should have a chip on its shoulder.
  24. I think he's the founder of Prestige Worldwide, global entertainment conglomerate and sponsor of the Catalina Wine Mixer.
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