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  1. Hey we agree! He is going to run wild, back away from the presure...... doh thats what they call sacks in the NFL.......
  2. It wasnt your offense that did anything. I mean comon, 98 TOTAL OFFENSIVE YARD Jax had 4 times as many yards. The only reason you all won is because Jax gave the ball to your team four times. At the worst times, I might add. You should be thanking Garrard for the early christmas presents. You can rest assured JP Losman isnt going to be as generous. So the way I see it, Bills 24 Titans 3
  3. I am lost on the KC Oakland game. So why does KC have to beat oakland? As much as I hate the raiders and them being 2-12, shouldnt we want oakland to beat KC? Maybe I am missing something...
  4. I believe most teams would be happy with 170 yards rushing including the bills fans... More rushing usually means a better time of possesion, and game control. SO yes I am excited about that. I dont know of anyone whom wouldnt like a more higher powered offense.... But throwing the ball more just for the sake of throwing, hoping it will raise your offensive rankings is just plain lame. The object is to win, and the coaching staff has put this team in position to win most of the season by using plays that most fit the players[b\] abilities... This team is heading in the right direction and I personally couldnt ask for any more. Hopefully during the offseason some of the offensive needs will be addressed and filled. Then maybe our rankings are going to improve. But I wouldnt count on more passing than running plays because that is not the system Marv and company want in place.
  5. No cap or FA as we know it now until the early 90's. The cap was put in place when FA was introduced. In hopes to let the small market teams to be able to compete. At that time, it was instituted that all revenue for the most part was shared. What Ralph is complaining about is all the loop holes that the big market teams get to avoid thier share of revenue sharing.
  6. If you put it like that, your answer will never come for as long as there is a compentent coaching staff in place. The will game plan will always dictate the way offense attacts in accordence to the weakness of the opposing defense. Once either team is loosing by double digits, that may dictate a change ie more passes or more running. Its a team sport. It doesnt matter if you have a ferrari or desoto, you get a flat tire or two your slowing down. What I do know, is JP can lead the team back and win, he is a team player and spreads the ball around. But most of all he is progressing! Them are the things that I care about.
  7. So we only put up 24 points on offense..... we won! I guess we should have either tried for a TD or kicked a field Goal instead of JP kneeling to run the time off the clock. This team is not the most explosive offense. Nor do I believe they play not to loose, but rather to win! Teams that win, dont give up a lot of sacks, or throw lots of INT. So they try to keep them low! I cannot see a darn thing wrong with the play calling because it resulted in a win! Best of all, it wasnt a nail biter but a rather convincing victory. It is rather nice seeing this team believing, in this coaching staff, the systems they have in place, and actually starting to execute as an unit! With the right off season moves, this will be one awesome team to watch! I honestly dont know how anyone cannot be happy with the direction this team is heading. But thats just me and my positive thinking.
  8. Now that you mention it, how many bandwagons have you jumped on and off Your sure to be right some of the time
  9. I have to admit it would be awesome to see them sneak into the playoffs. But I honestly would not hold my breath. Playoffs or not, I would just would love to see this team win out the remaining schedule at least finishing 8-8 While it may be a tough feat, it could happen. That would be a great confidence boost going into next season!
  10. I am sorry, but if you think Vick is a better QB... You must be seeing PINK ELEPHANTS
  11. Sometimes you cannot win no matter what you do. For instance, what if the field goal was miss and SD took advantage of thier good fortune of awesome field postion by scoring. These same people would be calling for his head for going for it. There is a lot of difference between having 30 seconds to move the ball into scoring position and 4 minutes.
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