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Everything posted by DANCOCK

  1. re watch last years tampa bay vs Bills pre season game and tell me that was worth watching?? tampa looked like a 12-4 team and the bills looked like a 2-14 team.... i will never watch another pre season game again.
  2. i love how people use religion and the bible to mask their bigotry.. i am pretty proud of this guy.. ill be rooting for him next year, even if hes not on the bills..
  3. I agree with you on bb Canada however Peter and Alec !@#$ed their game play by turning on topaz not once but over and over which cost them their games. They weren't smart game players. Helen and Amanda have run the big brother house since day one. Everyone they want out are put up and are out. That's good gameplay. when you aren't In power and to make what you want to happen, happen is good game play. Nick, Jeremy and kaitlyn may have been good at comps (???) or could have been. All 3 had god awful social games and got them selves evicted. Kaitlyn could have saved herself this week but instead of listening to Elissa she attacks her. Like wtf?? Elissa tried to save her lol You clearly aren't watching the live feeds. Helen is by far the MVP. She will win the game. I dislike Aaron but she has turned her game around and has a chance to stay for a while. Jesse is a crappy, she needs to go.
  4. Well yea Elissa is a crack pot lol she isn't Rachel at all. I loved Rachel, I'm done voting for her to get MVP that's for sure. Helen and Judd get my votes now lol However how could you say that the bb Canada cast has played better then this seasons us cast ? Helen, Judd, Andy and McCree are playing real well. Do you not watch the live feeds?? That bb Canada cast all constantly made bad mistake after bad mistake other then the final 3 the others sucked.
  5. Yea omg I was thinking the same thing to myself. Wtf is up with that???
  6. Oops lol trying to delete this post but can't. I'm sorry for bumping this mods ... :/
  7. Sad day rip.
  8. It'll be pretty kool there's tons of gay football fans like myself. Makes no sense why they have to be in the closet.
  9. Lmao duh just like Fox News is to the GOP. CNN is just ummmmm idk what it is anymore.
  10. 2 years ago and 3 years ago. We are still better then those teams.
  11. He would never do that time slot. It will not happen.
  12. Sounds like a lot of you guys were influenced to be douche bags by your parents.
  13. 22-25 is what excites me.. maybe now i wont be standing in lines forever missing the game..
  14. How does this guy keep his job. Fire him now!!! Buddy please for crying out loud fire chan gailey now!!
  15. pretty funny and yet so so true and sad :'(
  16. Tjs fault, however I blame fitz. you don't count on your rookie in that situation. You look for Scott, Stevie or cj none open --> throw it away PERIOD!!
  17. Obama and down the line democratic except for one Green Party person.
  18. I would love to see us run cj or Fred 3 times in a row. I don't even care if it nets us 0 yards just try to run the ball.
  19. 12 !@#$ing running plays. Chan gailey is a joke.
  20. so you know for sure that, that's what chan are talking to the ref about. That no way it could have been chan arguing that the time should have been left at 5 seconds?? I had no clue you had a seat on chan lips. Nice view???
  21. Blue http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_15gBgALuGh8/TURaou533sI/AAAAAAAAJNE/K8udvkoEVqw/s1600/Sexy-Muscle-Men-in-Jeans-Gallery-3-009.jpg
  22. Ill **** my pants if the bills make that cards offensive line look like pro bowlers.
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