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Everything posted by RTandler

  1. Once again, it was Wilson who was pointing fingers and naming names and questioning values, not Snyder, not Jones. And, in my opinion, the chances of Buffalo retaining the team will start to improve greatly the moment that Wilson realizes that the NFL landscape has changed, the CBA is what it is, and that he needs to figure out a way to make it work. The Packers are doing just fine in a smaller city that also isn't home to many Fortune 500 corporations. They can do it because the deal in reality and realize that is' not 1975 any more. If and when Wilson does that, the Bills have a chance of being saved. If he puts his energy and hopes on Congressional hearings and the like, the LA Bills aren't too many years away.
  2. The admission for training camp was for one year and it was pretty much dropped about halfway through that one camp as they gave out vouchers to come back on another day for free to everyone as they were leaving. That was six years ago. He made a mistake, he learned from it, and has moved on.
  3. Well, OK, what I really meant to say is that it doesn't totally suck. Thanks, Dog
  4. Hey Folks, I'm the one who wrote the article, and since at least one of you and possible more have emailed me in resonse, let me just answer to a few points raised here: Right, I agree. Had Wilson not called Snyder out by name I would have left him alone. Believe me, Wilson did not need to shine any flashlight. We've seen what Snyder has done in regards to jacking up prices, turning game day at the stadium into a 4-hour trip into Ad World, and making a hash out of the football operation for five years before hiring back Joe Gibbs. Those of us in DC know Snyder all too well and are scared to death of what he might do when Gibbs retires again, for good. As to the first part, the site that the article appeared on is owned by, and I am paid by, FoxSports.com. That doesn't make it better than the Buffalo paper, but it's not my own website. As to the second part, my wife probably would agree with you sometimes. Don't have any idea what TQM is, I've never read it so I couldn't steal from it. Not that I'm above borrowing a good one-liner from time to time, but this was not one of those times. Nope, not the case for the Redskins anyway. The stuff you read about them having to play with 20 rookies turned out to pure nonsense. They got enough veterans to redo their deals so that they wouldn't have had to cut any more players than they ended up cutting anyway. True, they would not have been as active in free agency as they were, but Snyder did not go along with the agreement to avert cap hell. I can't speak for Snyder, but I'm not upset. Kind of sad, really, but not upset. And Snyder is just using the tools at his disposal, too. Once again, I will point out that Jones and Snyder--along with 28 other owners--did ultimately vote to keep the salary cap, the main driver of parity, and to share what to them will be tens of millions of dollars annualy with the leagues other teams. I have written many, many articles on the CBA and what is right and what is wrong about it. You can do a Google search, they're out there. This particular article focused on Wilson's comments on Snyder. As to the first part, uh, did you read the article? Because this was in it: So, yes, this "clown" has heard of the BCS. But the disparity in revenue between, say, Michigan and Wake Forest is much, much greater than the disparity in revenue between the Redskins and the Bills and if you don't believe that I think we'll have to reevaluate who is cluess. As to the second part, again, my wife would probably agree. I put my email address at the top of such articles and find the boards that link to my articles because I want to hear what people think about them. I appreciate your comments, even the disparaging ones Thanks for letting me visit your board, it looks like a very classy place. Rich Tandler http://www.WarpathInsiders.com WarpathInsiders@comcast.net
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