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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. i think they come up with creative ways to show signs of life before giving the game away. on wednesday jennings said he thinks it would be funny to let players run by him all day instead of block them.
  2. lets use our draft picks on 10 year olds next year so we won't play them for 10 years
  3. I don't understand why we have the terror color levels? Is it to tell us how scared to be? or perhaps to tell terrorists when we are least expecting an attack so they can plan accordingly. Someone tell me what good it does.
  4. i am for bush too, but that is pretty weak. he asks for your reasons to vote for bush and you tell him there are too many?? at least give him a couple instead of making it seem like there are none.
  5. i guess i do need to lighten up.
  6. touche nc But i didn't quite get the effectiveness of your post. Perhaps i understood it wrong. Are you saying that you don't think you should have any remorse for professional athletes because they are treated better than anyone in the us, they are payed millions, and they get away with murder? I hate to break it to you, but the love obsession for pro athletes is fueled by people who spend a lot of their lives worrying about whether drew had a good game or a bad game, ect. It is fanatic football fans who make the athletes larger then life. So nc, you in fact, are the cause for the very thing you are against.
  7. can you run a crisp post pattern?
  8. this is what i am talking about...its just a game. ease up.
  9. Everytime you guys yell at somebody for making a mistake, just ask yourself one question. "Could I do it better?" Could you guys block a 300 lb lineman? Could you consistantly pick up 4 yards a carry? Could you throw the deep ball when the chips were down? If not, you guys need to just give these guys a hand for doing their best. That's what it's all about isn't it??
  10. todd of course
  11. i became a bills fan the first time i saw todd collins throw that long bomb to quinn early. i don't know why we ever got rid of that guy.
  12. i'm with you too!! why not the bills? look at the bills roster in 98. they made the playoffs after an 0-3 start then and we've got more talent now. not only are the bills going to win the superbowl...i would be SHOCKED if they didn't.
  13. Kerry Ad
  14. shane matthews JUST WINS. he's got magic pixie dust.
  15. yeah this is what i meant. not knowing the outcome of every year in advance.
  16. You have 2 choices. A. The Bills win the superbowl this year, but then follow that up with 20 straight 0-16 seasons. OR B. The Bills make the playoffs every year for the next 20 years, but never win it all.
  17. i want to see willis run for 200 yards and 3 touchdowns.
  18. quit living in the past real t. why don't you tell us how lou saban made the wrong choice by taking a frozen pizza out of the oven too early.
  19. hahahahahahaahahahaha
  20. everyone is already talking as though the season is over. i'm not gonna say that things look good for the bills...but it's not THAT hard to believe that we can turn it around. the bills looked so good in the first 2 games last year, and look what happened. why is it so hard to believe that we look terrible in the first 2 games this year and then turn it around? anyone remember how the eagles looked the first 2 games of last year? maybe this season will be the opposite of last season. 10-6??
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