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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Awful call, but do fans seriously believe there is some sort of NFL conspiracy that involves influencing the outcome of a week 4 matchup between the Bengals and the Bills. Seriously?
  2. If it was ruled a completion the Bengals wouldn't have even ask for a review because it was so obviously a catch.
  3. or the zebras
  4. garbage. Just garbage. That's a catch the whole way.
  5. Fitz has got to get it together here.
  6. How many backup uniforms do you think they have? I'd love to see Kyle Williams and Fitz have to share a jersey for the rest of the game.
  7. Laughably bad is Whitner in week one overtime loss. McKelvin staying with the receiver the whole way and just getting out worked for the ball is just frustrating.
  8. I'd rather have Jabari Greer.
  9. He almost makes it look worse because he makes sure he's in the area so we all know who is covering the receiver but doesn't make a play on the ball. He should try getting beat the old fashioned way and not even be in the area when the ball is caught. At least then it'll be a little harder for us to tell who messed up.
  10. By the end of the year we will be able to put together a 30 minute show of just highlights of great catches made on Leodis.
  11. Is there any time limit on the tuck rule? Can the QB just pump fake to start every pass play and then not tuck the ball back in and be immune to any fumbles for the rest of the play???
  12. I don't understand. They beat the Pats??? I was fully expecting the final field goal to get blocked and returned for a TD and then have Brady come to my house and kick me in the groin.
  13. I think they should try to get the TD on third down. Up 7 with 45 seconds left is better than up 3 with 14.
  14. Pats have 2 timeouts. 3 knees and a field goal would only get it down to 50 seconds or so. Too much time. Gotta try for the TD.
  15. You can't waive a false start. The play is dead.
  16. Put 5 guys on Welker and 6 on Gronkowski?
  17. Who else thought a Raider caught that ball...?
  18. http://www.ehow.com/facts_4778957_nfl-rules-face-guarding.html This link suggests it was done back in 2000 or so.
  19. Out doing yard work.
  20. Faceguarding hasn't been a penalty in years. Doesn't matter where you are looking, only the contact you make.
  21. Fred Jackson is awesome.
  22. Sucked life out of the team.
  23. If I was a mod I would just post once and close the thread and win! Is that against the rules?
  24. "So this is what getting to the QB feels like"
  25. http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/08/06/afghanistan.nato.helicopter.crash/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Not that it really matters, but it was guys from SEAL team 6 but not the same men who did the Bin Laden mission.
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