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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. The problem is, the debate wasn't how to prevent and avoid terrorist attacks. The debate was is it wrong to be weary of Arab people on a plane.
  2. I think the real question is, "How many acts of terrorism would have occured in the past 30 years had KRC been president all along?"
  3. Oh come on. We're talking about commercial airlines that people board and fly, not these tiny things people take for flying lessons. If you have ever bought a ticket and been a passanger in one of those things, then you can count it.
  4. They key here is US airplane hijacking. That is what we are talking about. I'm not arguing that muslims are the only terrorists, or even that they should be treated differently by airlines. All I am saying is it's not racist or insane for someone to keep an eye out for any arabs on a plane. Stojan never said he punches out all muslims as soon as they walk on board. I'd assume he treats them just like everyone else if they act natural. He simply said that he knows where they are because he thinks they are most likely to hijack a plane. Based on the last and ONLY hijacking and crashing of a US plane, I'd say he's right.
  5. None of those were in the US. ANd none of them were in planes. The topic is terrorism on US planes.
  6. Can you name a non muslim terrorist that has taken over and crashed a plane on American soil? That's what this discussion is about. People talking over an American planes. Of course people are going to be worried about muslims taking it over and killing them if they are the only ones that have done it before.
  7. I'm assuming he is referring to attacks on US soil, since no one is quite worried about an attack in Israel when they are flying from Buffalo to Chicago.
  8. Man, I thought I finally found a post about sewing thread, and I come in and get this. Try to be a little more descriptive on what kind of thread you are talking about.
  9. Yeah, Red eye looks like it could be good. I wasn't a big fan of the Grudge. It had its moments, but overall was average.
  10. Jordan won zero in the NBA without Phil. Kobe won zero without Shaq. Jordan won zero without Pippen. Yeah, with that logic, everyone is lousy because you have to win championships and with different people to prove you are good.
  11. I agree with the original poster. The first ring wasn't the greatest movie ever, but I thought it was scary and good. The second one was neither. Classic example of milking a movie for all it's worth. They knew they could put anything out and the fans of the ring would go see it. They sure tricked me...don't make the same mistake.
  12. I first read that as your "ex sister". I was going to ask for an explanation on how you get an ex sister.
  13. Oh really? It was the first time I saw the commercial so I thought it was new. My fault.
  14. What if you add in pats of the football?
  15. The commercial is of him swishing full court shots like they are regular jump shots. He even fades away for the last one. It is pretty cool looking and looks very real. Kind of reminds me of the Vick commercial where he throws the football out of the stadium.
  16. Did you seriously do that? You could count buttons on your coat and shirt.
  17. Huh? How is going from the Jets to the Giants "coming home"?? They play in the same stadium!
  18. See how can people be upset with TD? He fulfilled dlux's offseason wish 2 years ago.
  19. Haha finally. I thought you couldn't possibly be considering there was another Lawyer calling up Law.
  20. "I'm excited about another team being excited about me. I've gotten calls from guys all over the league saying, `Ty, you've got to come here and play. We can win with you.' Lawyer called and said, `You've got to sign here so we can be reunited and do this thing all over again.' " Page 2, first paragraph.
  21. Was that the only change they made to their roster? How about the qb change to a second year qb? Do you think that had anything to do with their record? I'm sure that an unhappy Dillon on the bench was the extra edge they needed each game to get those extra wins. Dillon barely even got any carry's in 2004.
  22. He's gotta move on. We can't let him and the whole team go through the offseason thinking he is gone, and then bring him back. That will create trouble in the locker room. We need an entire team tight knit and not worrying about personal playing time. Look what the Bengals did with Dillon. He is a great talent, but his head just wasn't there. He may be more valuable than a 2nd rounder, but it was a deal that had to be done so the Bengals could move on with the right mentality.
  23. Haha, we may hold the record for biggest family registered on TBD.
  24. Poor Mav and Scorsese can't catch a break for best director.
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