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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. From here "In 1947 there was a formal agreement between the trustees whereby the league was delegated the full authority ... making the Stanley Cup a competition for NHL teams," points out Gary Meagher, the NHL vice-president of public relations. He's right. You can check it in Total Hockey, 2nd Edition. Page 355. But wait...! The text goes on: "the agreement shall remain in force so long as the league continues to be the world's leading professional hockey league as determined by it's playing calibre, and in the event of dissolution or other termination of the National Hockey League, the Stanley Cup shall revert to the custody of the trustees."
  2. It's one thing to say girls (and guys) should learn to be good parents, but to not allow them to play sports as kids is crazy. Shouldn't guys not play sports too, so they can be inside training to run a business someday to support their families?
  3. How come no one has mentioned the "Bledsoe Factor"? He is responsible.
  4. I know I replied to you, but I knew you were just being extreme with it and were kidding, but I'm pretty sure the first guy who brought up it being spread during a game was serious.
  5. You guys act like he is the only person in the NFL to have herpes. It's not like this is a new thing.
  6. The should just get rid of the NBA and let college basketball play all year round. They could have the whole season one big 400 team tournament. The brackets would take a month just to fill out.
  7. No no, Ron Artest is a role model and a hero. It was the PISTONS who made Artest attack a fan (the wrong one). I'm not quite sure what BF is trying to say. Ron Artest has company because both of these guys are just misunderstood? Or is he finally admitting Artest deserves the punishment he got?
  8. I think everyone that tried it died of a heart attack.
  9. Special games?? So the first game of a 160 whatever game season is a "special game"?
  10. No, but you could argue that being an NBA star gave him the opportunity to sleep with thousands of women. If he is just a regular guy, maybe that girl with aids wouldn't interested in him.
  11. Good point. I'd say rubbing the death of thousands of Americans in our face is a little worse than making fun of the Dolphins colors.
  12. Oh, I thought you were playing the original.
  13. Weren't steroids legal and not banned by the nfl back then, so how is it cheating? I think it was wrong of people to do, but is it really "cheating"?
  14. I don't see what the problem is. They weren't illegal back then, so it wasn't cheating, right? He shouldn't have mentioned people specifically, but how does this hurt his chance in the hall?
  15. They're not showing it because they are afraid people won't pay to see it. It's all about your audience. Would you show a Miami Dolphins highlight video in downtown Buffalo? No, because you know no one would go see it.
  16. I like how he blaims the media for all the stress he's had. He always is the poor victim that everyone picks on because he is black. He makes me sick.
  17. So should I investigate people's background and political stances the second I get on the plane? Then analyze them and come up with motives? After I come up with plausible motives, I can then be aware who to be afraid of.
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