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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Our plan is to call a pass play everytime Willis gets in a groove, and then call a run everytime the defense expects it. It's been excecuted perfectly.
  2. Haha, can't be right all the time.
  3. Hey trust me, it took everything I had to write that post out. I am as bummed as any of you guys about the loss. If we play every game like that, we'll lose every one. BUT, we've got no where to go but up right??
  4. This is getting harder and harder to stay positive, but let's look at the situation for what it is. We're 1-3. All 3 losses against the NFC. The Pats are 2-2 and looking pretty shakey. The Jets will probably be 1-3 at the end of the day and are in just as rough shape as us. The Dolphins are 2-1. If we beat the Dolphins next week, we have a chance to be a half game back in the AFC east. The D isn't playing quite as bad as everyone says. Yes, they are doing awful on 3rd downs, but they only gave up 17 points today. Just 1 TD. I think the major ingredient lacking from these games are turnovers. If the Bills could take the ball away, it would drastically change games. Usually all it takes is a few in one game to get over the hump and then they start to come in bunches. If this D can start forcing turnovers, and Tom Clements realizes that he has a pretty good running back to give the ball to, the Bills could start to string some wins together. With the AFC east as weak as it is, we could sneak into the playoffs. Yep, you heard me right. Bills will be AFC east champs! Mock me if you want, but it's a lot more fun than talking about draft picks. Go Bills!!!
  5. You think I think 1-2 isn't that bad, but 1-3 is the end of the season? Yeah it looks grim, but I'm not looking ahead to the draft until we are mathematically out. You can do what you want Wade.
  6. Last week he called a QB sneak and we didn't get it. Everyone said he should have given it to mcgahee. You can't win with some people.
  7. Navy will be sure to point out why it should have been 37.
  8. Probably like 55-0 with and 0-119 without. Flutie just wins.
  9. That's something I'd say! Don't forget we'd still be 1-0 in the AFC.
  10. For leadership purposes. I'm sure the team still respects him even though he can't suit up.
  11. I know they won't lose today, but if for some reason we do, I think we are going to have to make a special "The Bills are the worst team in history" subforum so the doom and gloomers have a place to plan out their suicides. 2-2 doesn't sound so bad. Go BILLS!!!!!!
  12. Does any one of your players play offensive line exceptionally well? How about the qb? Is he accuruate on his deep balls? Just curious...
  13. Why do you have to come to our site and pick on us you troll?
  14. Who are you kidding? Flutie won all those games for us.
  15. We'd be a team with a young qb, below average offensive line, and an underachieving defense. Weiss wasn't much of a genius with Bledsoe under center.
  16. I'm still scratching my head on this one too. Perhaps he meant Barry has been on every opposing OFFENSE we've played against. Meaning, we make every running back look like Barry Sanders. I hope that's what he meant.
  17. We've got to make the playoffs and/or win a super bowl every year. Anything less is grounds for termination.
  18. Haha. If he does do it, he was supposed to and it doesn't mean anything. If he doesn't, he can't even beat a pathetic NO secondary. The sad truth of TBD.
  19. Healthy My favorite part: "Were not interested in good nutrition," she said. "Were teens."
  20. I doubt TD is the one making the call to take Willis out of the game. If he is, our team has much deeper problems than an underachieving D and a green QB.
  21. After we win the super bowl this year, TD can cut the whole team for all I care.
  22. Bills I made this post last year after the Bills lost their 4th game in a row to open their season. I'm not trying to say "Look at me, I somewhat called the Bills hot finish." I'm posting this so that everyone looks at the responses. Of course, it seemed a crazy idea at the time. Everyone kept saying that based on those 4 games, there is no way we could win 9 games. People had that team written off just like they are writing this years team off. Granted, we still didn't make the playoffs last year. But remember, that team started 1-5. This team has a chance to start 2-2 and be in a much better postion. We all know the defense has the talent. As long as the line gels a little bit, and JP starts to get comfortable, this team's got plenty of upside.
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