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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. AD, that was figured out 5 years ago. Get with the times. What else did you recently figure out, that Quite Frankly with Stephen A. Smith is a bad show?
  2. I think SDS's point is that this doesn't show who has a better tailgate since the voters haven't been to both. It just shows who knows how to clear their cache faster. That being said, keep voting!!
  3. Ding Ding Ding...The round is over fellas. Put the gloves down.
  4. TD told Reich to hold the laces out on Norwood's kick.
  5. You basically just defined "bandwagon fan".
  6. I think he was talking about brain science.
  7. We're shouldn't be worried about 1-3, about JP, about the o-line, or about TD. We should concerned with one thing and one thing only. Burying the Dolphins into the turf. Let's hope Moulds is getting everyone fired up for the game, since he's probably one of the few that truly understands the rivalry. Squish the Fish!!!
  8. only 26 posts... Looks like you may have some experience in this field. T-Bone, is that you?
  9. Growing up during the glory days, I just expected the Bills to be in the playoffs every year. I remember being shocked at the 7-9 season after the super bowl run. I could not believe it. I even took those exciting Flutie days for granted. Love him or hate him, you can't deny that he made watching the Bills a lot of fun.
  10. Can he stop other teams offenses on 3rd and long? Can he block? He had a bunch of time to throw the ball tonight. But yeah, there's no doubt he'd help this team out immediately.
  11. Haha. I'll never turn to the dark side.
  12. He'll be back right in the thick of our playoff run. I'll remember to remind him he's no longer welcome here.
  13. I don't care if we win the super bowl in 1 year or 15 years, either way I'm going to be proud I didn't jump ship at the first sign of a rough spot. It's the bad years that are going to make the celebration that much sweeter. That being said, the jury is still out on whether or not this is a bad year. We could sneak into the playoffs by winning our division at 9-7. After we're in, all bets are off. GO BILLS!!!!
  14. Never you traitor!! Get out and don't come crawling back when the Bills win the super bowl. Only a coward would quit on his team now.
  15. Can he bring his old offensive line with him?
  16. Good call Real T. They just wanted to get on the plane and leave.
  17. Why would we run with WM when we can put JP in positions he's not ready for yet?
  18. You're right, I don't have a team to root for. I will admit, I was interested in the Yanks Sox series last year, but the 160 odd game regular season games are too much for me though.
  19. Bravo Bravo! Great post. You want to split a cab in Detroit with me on the way to the big game?
  20. Everyone thought the same thing last year after week 4. Then we won 9 out of 12 and missed the playoffs by a game.
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