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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Says Mr. Larry got busted with a 16 oz bottle of Gaterade at the gate.
  2. It was actually an article by Boomer Esiason. It may have already been discussed on here.
  3. I wasn't claiming that he thought we lost him this year. I was saying that he can't claim our D is going to take a hit without Winfield if we already showed last year the secondary can play just as well without him.
  4. This guy claims the Jets should try to exploit the Bills weak secondary. He also claimed they brought in Vinny because of his ability to throw down field. He claims the loss of Antoine Winfield really hurts our D. Maybe he doesn't realize the Bills lost him last year, and then went on to be the second ranked D in the league. I know the Bills aren't the best team of all time, but wouldn't you say the Bills secondary is one of the stronger points of its? Oh well. Weak secondary
  5. The only reason it seems harder than we expect it to is because none of us were in that specific class the whole year to be familiar with it. Get a copy of a current 8th grade final and I bet we'd have the same problem thinking of specific answers to questions we haven't been asked in quite some time.
  6. As long as Dr. Jason Peters clears him to play, I'm ok with him being activated.
  7. I didn't say that was the only reason. I just thought there were way too many variables for that to be the smart call on that particular play.
  8. Exactly. If he tried that play and it failed....I think the people at the Ralph would have murdered him.
  9. 10 yards isn't worth the risk of losing the ball running back into your endzone and perhaps giving up a touchdown. Plus, 6 points is a much better margin than 4. If they scored the touchdown, there is always a chance they miss the extra point. Bottom line, if MM takes an intentional saftey, and we lose, he gets fired. If he did what he did, and we lose, he doesn't.
  10. No one wanted him last year. He looked awful on our team.
  11. I'm not a doctor, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn express last night. On a fuzzy TV, my diagnosis is 4-6 weeks.
  12. Yeah, after reading all these gloomy posts on here, I thought it would do us some good to think about fond memories of the Bills.
  13. I can pinpoint a moment about 5-7 years ago, that epitomizes what the Bills mean to me. It was after the Bills super bowl run, and the team slowly began to get worse. Back in these days, my family hadn't yet sprung for NFL sunday ticket, so each Sunday we waited and hoped that the Bills would be shown in our viewing area. On this specific Sunday, we were out of luck. Some other game was going to be on. Disappointed once again, we prepared ourselves of another Sunday of frequent update checking. Then, an idea came to my Dad. He had just got a TV tuner for has laptop and he must have been eager to use it because he cooked up the hairbrained scheme to drive an hour to Binghamton to get into the Bills viewing area. In the Bills area we would be free to watch the game as we pleased. Dying to see the Bills game, I agreed. That day, my Dad and I huddled in our Honda Civic glaring at a fuzzy computer screen not as a couple of losers that could have just drove 10 minutes to a sports bar, but as Bills fans. It didn't matter who we played (Bears), or if we won (we did), what mattered is that Bills fandom runs through our blood, and it's something that can't be denied. We don't watch the Bills games because they are a great team, we watch them because we are compelled to. We grew up with them. We've watched in excitement while they've demolished teams. We've watched in shame as they were killed. Why do you think so many of you are here today after nearly 10 years of mediocrity. Because you have no other choice. So whine and complain and threaten to sell your season tickets, but in the end, you know where you'll be next season. You'll be sitting in front of you TV screen cheering for the Bills, yelling at the refs after the inevitable bad call, and celebrating with your buds after each touchdown. See you guys in Buffalo for our eventual super bowl celebration.
  14. Everyone who is giving up on the season should just leave and spend time with your family. Come back in the offseason if you think this season is hopeless. I'll be here watching the Bills roll through the playoffs on the back of Willis Mcgahee.
  15. It's TD's fault that his the defense can't stop anyone on third down? TD brought plenty of good players to the Bills. It's up to the coaches and the players to win.
  16. TD tried to go after Corey Simon. He was overweight and wanted too much money. It's not like there are pro-bowl tackles just sitting at home and TD refuses to sign them. It's hard to sign an all-pro at every position. Sooner or later you have to count on your players to play together and step up, ala the Patriots. TD can't go out there and make them gel. That's up to the coach and the players.
  17. I've never heard anyone say anything bad about....ummmm....uhhhhh... ..
  18. Jennings might be out for the year, and Pat Williams is on the worst rushing defense in the league. What a fool TD is......
  19. Would this be the first death penalty for a crime other than murder in recent US history?
  20. That should be TBD required reading.
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