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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Definately the first choice... or maybe the last one...
  2. I'd take Vick over LT and Brees any day of the week. LT is the best running back in the league hands down, and Brees is an above average quarterback, but Vick is a proven winner. Say what you want about his arm, about his defense leading them, but when he's in the game, they usually win. When he's not, they usually lose. People say his running game carries him, but he makes the running game what it is. The defense can't stack the middle because of the threat of Vick to run. Vick just wins.
  3. Haha. Hadn't thought of the question that way. Owens probably couldn't buy a pair of shoes with the league minimum.
  4. In my opinion, Owens does more harm than good. He's only quiet when everything is going good (last year). At the first sign of trouble, he's a cancer that I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.
  5. We came back from that game??? I turned it off early in the 3rd and never bothered to check the final score. Way to go Bills!
  6. I say we give Flutie the job. He just wins.
  7. I stumbled across this QB camp where Rob Johnson and his dad coach. Check out the major spin on his career that the camp makes. RJ How exactly did RJ lead the Bucs to a superbowl? I would agree with the first part though. His "style" of ignoring the pass rush certainly was "unique". This is the last camp I'd send my kid to.
  8. Great episode. GEORGE: I could be a sports caster. JERRY: Yeah, but they usually give those kind of jobs out to ex ball players.
  9. Straight from the horses mouth. Erick Santiago (Rochester, NY): Thank you for taking time in reading my question and congrats on the win Sunday. My question: How does someone become a GM for a professional sports team? What process do they go through, like school, experience, etc? Tom Donahoe: There really is no specific training to do a general manger's job. It is not something that you can study in college and most of it is really based on experience. Possibly an internship with a professional football team would give someone a good start. Being on the road as a scout and looking at personnel helps as does any business experience that you can acquire, with regard to football.
  10. No doubt about that Real T. Pound the rock!
  11. Didn't you just post a prediction for the outcome of the rest of the games in the AFC East this year...?
  12. There are no ties. I don't know what happened in previous years though.
  13. I'm with you on this one Fez. The cops could have been cautious and considerate at the same time. They didn't call his girlfriend before they came, they took his belongings without telling him, and they weren't very apologetic. On the DNA thing, there's no concern for them just having DNA for crime investigations, but you're right. Where does it end? Ever see the movie Gataca? It was a movie set in the future where you weren't allowed to hold certain jobs unless you have favorable DNA. Yeah it seems unreasonable, but in 20 years, maybe not.
  14. They're the Bills. They fail when everyone has hope. Then, just as everyone is about to give up on the season, (right now), they win a game (NE) that makes everyone believe they've got a shot again.
  15. But everyone already chalked this one up as a loss for the Bills. If they lose, everyone expected it.
  16. Haha, I know. Sounds crazy right? I bet it sounds pretty crazy to everyone else too. That's why it will happen. No one believes it can.
  17. I think the Bills will win on Sunday night! Yeah, we look awful, but the Pats look average. Everyone expects the Bills to lose. Because of that, the Bills will be able to play loose. All the pressure is on the Pats. We win Sunday and take the division lead outright!
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