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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Did you listen to his press conference after the game? He wasn't complaining about not getting the ball. He said we should have been grinding out the clock instead of messing around in spread formations. He didn't want the ball. He wanted the win. He knows dumb playcalling just like the rest of us, and he let it be known Mularkely blew the game. Mularkey doesn't want to be called out by his player, so he tries to make Moulds out to be the bad guy. I just hope the fans don't buy it.
  2. You're right, my mistake. Still the right call by TD though.
  3. I could be wrong, but I think that was a Butler move, and a good one at that.
  4. This guy took stayed in Buffalo when he could have hit the open market for more money. He is a team player and a Buffalo Bill through thick and thin. I wish we had 53 Eric Moulds on this team and 0 Mike Mularkeys. If Eric is upset, something must be wrong. If you can put up with Rob Johnson and keep quiet, you can put up with just about anything. Here's to the most loyal Bill we've had in the past 10 years. Fight the power Eric! Edit: If this isn't proof, I don't know what is.
  5. Head Coach- Marv Offensive Coordinator- Kelly Special Teams- DeHaven
  6. Maybe a late season implosion will force the Bills to clean house. If they ended the season 8-8 and a game out of 1st in the east, we'd have to listen all off-season about how we had a rookie qb and we're looking to build on last season blah blah blah. Eventually Ralph will be forced to get rid of someone...right?
  7. You should have went Mike Mularkey or Nate Clements hunting.
  8. Trade Moulds, Milloy, Adams, Clements for the top 2 picks in the draft. Then we'd have 3 top 10 picks. Hey, it would work in Madden.
  9. I wish he would hire me. I'm a rookie head coach. I love to run gadget plays, and I am an expert and giving up 20 point leads in the 4th quarter.
  10. Much better than what? The Little Giants?
  11. I cannot explain why. We just need to excecute better. The chances are there, we just aren't capitalizing. We need to work on excecuting better. Who am I?
  12. Why is no one covering Chambers??
  13. We can't just run the clock out. We need some first downs and points.
  14. This is like the last Dolphins game all over gain.
  15. Here comes the comeback...Let's see if we can hold on like last time.
  16. They definately did it last year at the Pitt game. It sounded incredibly cheesy and it was embarassing.
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