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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Actually, the hold was questionable IMO. They laces look either in or to the side.
  2. Aren't the Eagles trying to trade TO? Not the smartest move from a marketing standpoint...
  3. Hmm...Maybe if this were Madden. You seem to be ignoring the fact that recievers also have to run routes and block. He may be dangerous on an occasional reverse or wide reciever screen, but to think he can become a stud wide reciever is ridiculous.
  4. At least Sean Taylor has actually played in some real games...but yeah. Pick your poison pretty much.
  5. Cocky young QB, retread HC... the list goes on.
  6. Also, Locke may not want to leave the island in fear of losing the ability to walk that he gained when the plane crashed. He seems to be more concerned with exploring and living in the hatch than actually finding a way off the island.
  7. Remember that Locke used to have major anger issues. He was Mr. Calm and happy up until recently. Perhaps some things will set him off and he'll be back to his old (flashback) self.
  8. I heard Kelly the Dog liked it... sorry man, that settles it.
  9. Sounds a little bit like us last year. We all know how that turned out.
  10. Please tell me Kelly, was the Jauron hire a good one, and is it at all funny?
  11. I just thought Kelly the Dog didn't think it was funny enough.
  12. I think the wall should be like a sitcom. Kelly writes the funny script for us, and we just post according to how he thinks our conversations should go. I hope I don't get typecast as a "tard".
  13. Maybe we should have threads be marked like the FDA does with drugs. Kelly can mark all the ones he approves of so we know which ones to avoid.
  14. So what's the verdict? Am I a goner, or do I have one more chance to try and make you laugh?
  15. Is this post funny because you said it, or not funny because it was inspired by devnull's post? Kelly help me decide!
  16. Was this post submitted for review first or did you just go out on a limb and post it? You better hope he thinks it's good enough to be on the board...
  17. Maybe we should all have to submit our posts to Kelly to be reviewed before appearing on the wall. What if someone posts something that Kelly doesn't laugh at??? We can't have that. In fact, I am going to put my membership up for review. If the Dog doesn't think I am contributing in the way he wants, I see no reason for me to continue posting. I've got my fingers crossed...
  18. That was actually John Voight's car. Jon still should have a way to get to practice.
  19. Can't you just go think about the 3 super bowls your team won, and let us celebrate this game? This is all we've got!
  20. Well of course. I was simply making the point that there is a good chance more people were happy about the Pats losing tonight, than the Bills last win. Not a knock on the fans, just on the state of the Bills.
  21. When we celebrate Patriot's losses more than we celebrate Bills wins... We need to get back to the playoffs...and coach Herman Boone is just the man to do it.
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