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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Didn't Spiked Lemonade get banned for the same type of crusade?
  2. Not to nit-pick, but Favre only won 1 super bowl.
  3. JP and Favre? oh nevermind... you said UNlikely.
  4. You don't get it. EVERY SCHOOL has a few players succeed, and a whole bunch that fail. Finding players that come out of Miami that fail means nothing, until you can show us a school that only produces NFL stars.
  5. So let me get this straight. To qualify to be a good draft pick you have to 1. win a super bowl 2. have a good season in every one you play in 3. never get injured 4. never have any bad press about you 5. never get tried for a crime, even if you are acquitted, 6. can't play good in contract years because that means you are selfish, 7. never drop a ball... Anything I missed? I would LOVE for you to break down a school that produces good players. Players you would not consider good draft picks. 1. Bruce Smith- too many DUI's. 2. Thurman- alcoholic 3. Lawrence Taylor- drug addict I'm not saying you should praise players for off the field struggles, but if you think for 1 second, knowing what they know now, any team would pass on a guy like Ray Lewis or Lawrence Taylor, then you're crazy.
  6. Yeah, I'm sure the Ravens are really kicking themselves for drafting Ray Lewis. What an embarrassing moment that was when he led them to a Super Bowl with no offense.
  7. What is this, "School of Rock?" "For Blondie, Blondie. For Lawrence, Yes. That's the name of the band. Listen to the keyboard solo on "Roundabout". It will blow the classical music out your butt. OK, for you, Rush, 2112. Neil Peart, one of the great drummers of all time. Study up."
  8. For all of you out of towners who don't have Center Ice. Comcast airs hockey games on their website and tonight they have the Sabres game. I think you have to have a Comcast account to login though. I'm not so sure how great the video quality is, but who cares. Check it out.
  9. I just hope it's not as uneventful as last week's episode.
  10. I trust Marv as an evaluator of talent over TD. As for as sly trading ability, I've got to give TD the edge on that one.
  11. Does anyone know when exactly Itunes puts the newest episode up for sale? I know it says "next day", but does that mean 12 am tonight, or tomorrow during the day sometime. I figure it would be tomorrow sometime, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I'm pumped about tonight's episode, should be a good one.
  12. Got to agree with you on this one. I don't know what everyone else is hearing.
  13. You can say that again. The young Carolina teams guts to battle back and Redick's late game heroics...snooze fest if you ask me.
  14. Why, what was wrong with it? It's blatant lameness or the unnecessary mention of Rob Johnson?
  15. It was sarcasm my man. Well, maybe not sarcasm, but I definately didn't mean to sound like that much of a dope.
  16. Officiating?? I thought the game was tomorrow! I guess I missed it.
  17. The white line is the plane. As soon as the white starts, that is the goaline. You enter that zone, you score.
  18. Is today Buffalo torture day on TBD? Should I type in "No Goal" too?
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