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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. I think they put an electric fence on the line of scrimmage and the collar on JP. He does not want to scramble past that line at all.
  2. TERRIBLE blitz pickup by willis. Just terrible.
  3. This is brutal. We should've taken control of this game in the first quarter.
  4. We dominate the whole game and now with 2 plays it's tied.
  5. I wonder why the commentators aren't commenting on the wind...
  6. A little PI for Evans before the pass was caught. They didn't call it this week.
  7. Huge stop by the D. That could've been a real game swinging drive after the fumble, but the D held. Now we've got to go up 14.
  8. A Bills Backers bar is located in Franklin, TN at the Embassy Suites. It is about 20 minutes from where you are, but I was there once and they are a great group of fans. You might want to double check that they still meet there before you go, but I'm pretty sure they do. here it is
  9. Yeah, and I'm afraid someone is going to snatch up Coy Wire when he hits free agency...
  10. This is looking like last year all over again. I'm scared.
  11. So he cheated on his wife and then killed her???? WOW.
  12. The one receiving the lateral should have known the great Reggie was planning on unexpectedly hurling the ball towards him. Reggie makes no mistakes, only touchdowns.
  13. "Willis, dancing with the best running back in the league doesn't make you the best running back in the league."
  14. Maybe she draws up his gameplans for him, and SHE is the genius, not him.
  15. You say "4th quarter, Bills need to score for the win." Then you show a touchdown in the 3rd quarter...?
  16. When I was in high school I had a job at Arby's. Late at night a women burst into the door and made a mad dash for the bathroom. I thought it was no big deal and that the lady probably just had to relieve herself in a hurry. She was in the bathroom for a pretty long time and then left in a hurry. A little bit after she left, I noticed a strange yet familiar odor. After a quick inspection of the lobby of the restaurant, I discovered a trail of diarrhea from the door she entered lasting all the way into the bathroom. It turns out she wasn't in a hurry to go relieve herself, the disaster had probably already occured and she picked the one place on the road that I was responsible to clean to dribble her mess all over the place. The rest of the story I don't enjoy reliving. I spent the next hour or so cleaning another human's pooh off of the floor and bathroom. My suspicion that the deed was done before she even entered the restaurant was cemented with crucial evidence. She had left a crumpled up pair of heavily soiled underwear in the bathroom. I don't blame her though. With the bad luck those undies obviously bring, combined with the fact that they required hours of intense and detailed cleaning before anyone would even dream of wearing them again, her only option was to rid herself of them and move on with her life.
  17. No fair catch, add a 5 yard buffer between returner and coverage team.
  18. Bump, it's on right now. There's about 10 minutes left.
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