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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. If there was less time they probably would've run around a little bit, but with 8 seconds it was too risky.
  2. I agree 100 percent. It doesn't seem like the Ralph without the red end zones.
  3. Yes revunue sharing is all taken from a general fund, but that is completely independent of the salary cap. Teams get a certain percentage of the shared revenue, and they can do whatever they want with it. The team allows them to spend so much of it on player salaries. It's not as if they lose out on 20 million dollars of money since they decided to stay 20 mil under the cap. They simply have 20 million dollars to spend on hot dogs or whatever else they want.
  4. The Bills aren't given the money for the salary cap by the league. That's just how much of their own money they are allowed to spend on players. Yeah Ralph (or more specifically, the Buffalo Bills) gets to keep any money that isn't spent on player salaries, but he isn't pocketing any extra money that he never had.
  5. Lovie probably wants to see if he has a real NFL quarterback on his roster.
  6. At least we got the heartbreak out of the way this week. No sense in keeping our hopes alive just to be dashed later. Right?
  7. The wind was CRAZY strong. I agree with the decision to go for it.
  8. Nah you are missing the spirit of the plan. You don't give them large contracts. You give them small contracts that all end at the same time. That way they all have the incentive to play lights out football!
  9. With all this talk about players playing their best during contract years, I came up with a brilliant idea. What if we signed every player on our roster to a deal that ended at the same time. That way, one year, every single one of our guys would be in a contract year. Can you imagine? JP with 6,000 yards passing, Clements has 31 interceptions, and Mr. "Me First" Willis would most certainly finish with at least 3,000 yards rushing and 50 tds. All of our guys would be going all out every week to make sure their contract for the next year is HUGE. That way, we'd easily have the best team in the league and win the super bowl. Sure we wouldn't be able to re-sign most of them and would have to field a "Major League" type team for a few years, but who cares. We'd be champs! Someone send this to Marv quick. He's got a lot of renegotiating to do.
  10. I would've just held out my hand, made a fist a few times, and said "Can you do this?". If she could I would've told her she's fine and to line up for the next play.
  11. Lots more people bought Sabres tickets and merchandise this year as opposed to last year, and therefore have less money to spend on the Bills? Just a guess, but would certainly make sense.
  12. I hope Dick Jauron asked Saban how much the tape costs.
  13. What do they toast to? The joys of being able to win in franchise mode in Madden even if you can't find jobs in the NFL?
  14. I don't know if you can call drafting a QB in the top 5 to replace Brees "sticking" with him. They only reason Rivers didn't start the year is because he held out in training camp. Brees got to start again and the rest is history.
  15. WOW, they should just add wings and a propeller and have the entire stadium fly to wherever Dallas is playing.
  16. He should never run on 3rd and long.... Unless it's in overtime with the game on the line.
  17. No doubt. I'm all for supporting the Bills, but that's pretty unclassy to sport a Bills uni when a Jet's front office guy was kind enough to get you on the field. Just wear a regular shirt and rip Pennington's arm out of his socket instead.
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