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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. You've obviously never been to a Nashville Predators game. One of the intermission's entertainment was a country music band. At a hockey game. Country music.
  2. Come on, it was a joke based on exaggeration. Lighten up.
  3. Since when did they play Italian soccer games at the Palace at Auburn Hills?
  4. Brett Favre is still very good. He tends to force a lot of balls, but that's only because he's always playing catch up with this terrible team. Give Favre a halfway decent supporting cast and it's a much different story. Nobody can win on their own.
  5. I'm still getting over the loss of Gabe Northern.
  6. Not the best example...Big Ben was pretty awful in that game.
  7. ofiba


    sphincter says what?
  8. Yeah, but then McGee's wouldn't. At least not according to his CB play last year.
  9. Hmmm... You mean like Rex Grossman not committing that many game changing errors in the playoffs when his regular season is littered with them? That kind of uncharacteristic thing?
  10. Was it the defense that shutdown the Bills, or was it Belichick and refusal to give Thurman the ball that shut them down?
  11. Please watch that replay again. If Caldwell catches that pass, it's a 10 yard gain tops, unless he breaks about 3 tackles. Your hero Brady took about 10 minutes to realize no one was covering him, and then even after he did, threw a duck that fluttered out to Caldwell.
  12. Interesting data, but I don't think it really proves who is "better". Your argument seems to imply that throwing short passes to a variety of different receivers takes little skill and anyone can do it. You act as though ANYONE can throw short passes, so the only way to gauge who is a great QB is how they throw the ball downfield. If this is the case, why doesn't everyone just switch to a short passing offense and sign any bloke off the street. Look what happened to the Bills when they switched to the west coast, or Atlanta. The fact is, it takes real talent to run a quick thinking, spread the ball around, short passing game offense. For whatever reason, Brady has the ability to get rid of the ball quickly and give it to the right guy to make a play. Montana made a Hall of Fame career out of it. This data only shows that Manning is a better downfield passer than Brady, not that he is an overall better qb. (I think he is, but this data doesn't convince me)
  13. Titans Rams was a 1 week break, while Pats Panthers was a 2 week break. I really don't think it matters how long the break is. Sure the fans want to see the action right away, but as far as the excitement in the game, it doesn't really matter. People always complain about the Super Bowls always being blowouts, but I just don't understand it. First of all, there have been some very good games in recent years. Second of all, generally, NFL football games are not down to the wire finishes. I may really look at the data eventually, but I would like to see what the average point difference in the Superbowls are compared with the average point difference in all the regular season games. When there are 15 games on a week, you are bound to get about 2 or 3 really great finishes, which gives the false idea that every game is a great finish, except for the Super Bowl, when in fact, the Super bowl only really has about a 3/15 chance of being a great finish.
  14. I like E.L. Fudge. Call me when they start selling those door to door.
  15. In the last 16 Super Bowls, 11 of them had a 2 week wait, and 5 had only 1 week. For the one week breaks, the point differences were 27, 3, 7, 17, and 1. For the two week breaks, they were 11, 3, 3, 27, 15, 7, 14, 10, 23, 35, 13. Making the average point differential for 1 week break games 11, and for 2 week break games 14.7. Both about a 2 score game. The one week fans will say "You conveniently left out the 17th super bowl (49er 55-10 drubbing)" which would skew my two week differential a little higher. The two week fans will counter, "but look at recent history, the last 3 games of 2 week break have an average of 5.67 points between them, while the last 3 one week games have an average of 12.3 points. Conclusion: You can manipulate numbers to say whatever you want, and I wasted my time trying to figure out some sort of correlation. Please feel free to extend my research to the rest of the super bowls, perhaps that would be more telling than my 16 SB snapshot. EDITED: I had the numbers mixed up a little in my hasty data collection so I made the necessary corrections. Still about the same result though.
  16. I really don't mind it, and I'm sure the players and coaches prefer the extra week. There is so much extra stuff that goes into the super bowl with travel and getting tickets to all of their friends and families. I'm sure Peyton loves that he's got two weeks to watch film on the Bears D, and I'm definately sure that Rex is happy he gets an extra week to play connect 4 with his little bro while the Colts film plays in the background.
  17. Uhhhhh... They should trade Maroney, tag and trade Samuel, and trade their 3rd and 4th for a first rounder and end up with 14 first round draft picks that will not be busts. Then they should go into the create a player mode and make a running back with 99 speed and 99 break tackle...wait, what's that? This ISN'T madden?
  18. Yeah, I've got to side with Complainian Tomlinson on this one. BB is a jerk. (I stole Complainian from another board. Too funny not to repeat.)
  19. Yeah, obviously. The Pats are just THAT good. Great mind control by Brady to force Wayne to trip.
  20. Not just between, it was holding the other arm down.
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