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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. I don't understand the contest. What do we have to do? Do we have to wrestle for it?
  2. In Wayne, or a different location? And how recent?
  3. Reminds me of a Little Caesars in my town that had kids working there always giving away pizza. It closed down.
  4. It's like 5 or 6 for the weekend, weekdays 8-10. I agree your idea of waiting until they finish their appetizers makes plenty of sense if you don't mind waiting 10 minutes (or up to 20 depending on how busy the restaurant is and what you ordered) after you finish your appetizer to eat your meal. A lot of people don't mind, a lot of others do and get very impatient. That's why it is smart of you to let your server know your preference. Just to give you an idea of the type of dining I am refering to, I work at John Harvard's Brewhouse in Wayne, PA. It's certainly classier than a Applebees or TGI Fridays, but not a fine dining establishment.
  5. Hardee's in Franklin, TN. They make a mean burger.
  6. If you are equidistant between crest and colgate, what would you walk to?
  7. And what shall I tell the people that the restaraunt forces me pay to run my food out for me if I'm too busy? "Take a break guys, I am managing my tables just fine tonight"? What should I do when, just as your food is almost ready to be served, I get sat with 2 more tables than are in a "major hurry"? Also, it is important to note that it is the collective job of everyone in the restaurant to run food out to tables. Restaurants see (even if you can't) that it is unreasonable to expect a server to be able to run out all of his food for his tables as soon as it's ready to be run. It isn't unreasonable though, that at any given time, at least one server or food runner can run out the food that just finished. Therefore, while your particular meal was given to someone unfamiliar to you, it is equally as likely that your server ran some food out for that person sometime during the night. So while you may feel like your server isn't doing as much work as he should, he probably is, it just might not be in your direct line of sight. This system of food running is much more efficient than "run your own food or it gets cold", as it splits up the work evenly, and ensures that everyone gets their food as hot as possible. Ideally that's what you want to happen, and I'm sure most servers try to do that when you place your orders, but it's not exactly as cut and dry as "Hold dinner, fire check". You act as though all the server has to do is a push a "fire check" button and your medium well steak is ready to be served. Stuff actually has to get cooked. And it all takes a certain amount of time, depending on what it is, and how busy it is. Some people get impatient if they finish their appetizer and their food is not out. Some people go crazy if they are still finishing up their appetizer and their dinner comes out. Some people are in a hurry. Some people eat fast. Some people eat slow. Everyone wants their meal served differently. It is smart of you to let your server know that you are in no hurry and would like to make sure you are not rushed in your meal. That little bit takes away the server's that you are going to chew him out if you finish your last nacho and your salmon isn't out yet (yes people are that crazy). That way he can overestimate the amount of time everything is going to take. I'm not trying to justify when mistakes happen. You are 100 percent justified in expecting each course to be served seperately. I just don't think it is as easy as you make it sound. I'm sure a lot of the time servers are lazy and just ring everything at once, but don't act like there is some exact science to getting the meal timed perfectly (which by the way is different for everyone).
  8. My restaurant pays me 2.83 an hour to do my job.
  9. No, I was just saying it was funny how the system works. They should both tip me 10.
  10. Interesting point. I work as a server, and I agree with your statement. Consider this. Table 1 is a table of 2 people. They both order waters and burgers. I refill their water 2 times. Table 2 is also a table of 2 people. They both order glasses of wine and each get a steak. I get them 2 more glasses of wine each. For table 1, the bill is about 15 bucks and I am lucky to receive 3 dollars. Table 2, the bill is at least 50 dollars and a tip of 10 dollars is not out of the question. Both tables required the same amount of work, yet one is worth more than 3 times in tip? Just because they ordered more expensive stuff? Doesn't really make much sense. And I wanted to comment on someone else saying that they hate when someone besides their server seats them and brings their food. The people bringing out the food and seating you receive a cut of the server's tips and are paid by the restaurant. If your food is ready to be run out, but your server is busy getting you a refill, would you rather the food sit and get cold, or would you rather have someone who is being paid by the restaurant AND the server bring it out to you piping hot?
  11. So if there was some wacky deal where you got 20 pizzas for 5 bucks you would tip the guy on the 5 dollars?? Tip on the original price.
  12. Nearly paid big dividends?????? What does that even mean? Does that mean the Bills nearly defeated the Cowboys in superbowl 27? Or Willis nearly rushed for 5,000 yards this year? How does starting a player who ended up being one of the biggest disappointments in Bills history even come close to qualifying as "nearly paying big dividends"???
  13. And what about the sleep you miss out on when you are showering at night...? I prefer to shower in the morning. It wakes me up.
  14. No. Although, I bet it was Moorman's idea.
  15. Wrong site. I think you meant to post that here.
  16. Belichick is running fake punts so Moorman gets killed!! That evil genius!
  17. Wow, I figured he'd get another shot but I never thought it would be with the Cowboys. Wade Phillips and TO? I'm surprised I haven't read the "Will he wear a headset?" post yet.
  18. I'd rather have Thurman back.
  19. Didn't he get your beer while it was still free? I'm just sayin...
  20. Bingo! You think the huge rushing game had anything to do with the fact that the defense had to respect (fear) Peyton's arm? So basically he accounted for 247 yards passing (without the raining conditions would've been more) and helped really open up the rushing game. Addai and Rhodes ran hard, but without Peyton, this is a much different game. Remember, it's "Most VALUABLE Player", not "Player With the Best Stats". Peyton had good stats, kept his offense on the field with big third down conversions, and opened up the rushing game for his teammates. MVP, you bet.
  21. Cooper and Peyton wore paper bags over their heads to one of their dad's Saint's games? Now THAT'S funny.
  22. Oh no. Here comes the TBD banner jinx. Watch for Thurman to trip walking up to the podium. Or perhaps misplace his speech.
  23. Funny quote, but honestly, Craft has a point. If the Bills are so strapped for cash, shouldn't they do anything it takes?
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