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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. No way the Saints give him to us for just the second round pick. Plus, he's rumored to be on the next Madden cover. No way he's worth it.
  2. "Yeah, the guy in the 26 hundred dollar suit is going to hold the elevator for a guy who doesn't make that in a month. Come ON!"
  3. What if someone accuses your millionaire (or soon to be millionaire) brother of sexual harassment in an attempt to extort him, when he just mooned someone else in the room? Sorry man, it goes both ways. Only about 3 people really know what happened in that room. If I had to put money on it, it would be closer to the trainer's story than to Manning's, but we don't know for sure. She had a lot to gain by saying it was much worse than it was, and Peyton had a lot to lose and may have felt compelled to downplay it.
  4. Well if you believe the report in the link I gave, all the woman described it as was mooning.
  5. You mean this story? He mooned a female trainer while he was in college. Somebody lock him up.
  6. It was supposed to go to Anna Nicole, but who knows now.
  7. Pacman has been in trouble since he entered the NFL. Every week he's in the headlines for someone else. I can't even imagine what TBD would be like if he was on the Bills.
  8. Hmmm... Bobber... BobFreakinVilla... BobberFreakinVilla?
  9. Sharks. Those suckers really ruin the ocean experience.
  10. I think we finally found a way to get Wade to wear a headset. Just make sure this song is playing in it.
  11. There is actually a rich history and tradition behind Valentine's Day. Just because Hallmark is smart enough to market it to make some money, doesn't mean they created the holiday. I suppose you never celebrate Fathers Day either, since it was created in about 100 years ago. I'm not saying it greatest and most important day of the year, but why get upset that some people like to use the day to celebrate with their love with their significant other?
  12. It's called hoarding and it's a form of OCD. Here is a good article.
  13. Everyone hates coins. I'd rather they make .05, .10, and .25 dollar bills.
  14. Just as I suspected. Dwight K. Shrute.
  15. I was about to but you didn't even give me time. It was fixed before I knew it.
  16. Must be an inside job. Everyone is a suspect.
  17. Wow, you really act quick. Good work SDS.
  18. When I try to access Twobillsdrive.com I immediately redirected to some kind of other site, presumably spyware. Happening to anyone else?
  19. You want a good goal. Watch this video starting at the 1:25 mark. Please excuse the terrible quality and text over the video. It's the best I could find of the goal.
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