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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Could you explain what happened? I fell asleep before I got to the end of the clip.
  2. Only a baboon would click on that link.
  3. Sorry to hear that dude. I dread the day I lose my pooch.
  4. That makes sense.....NOT. Let's win it... BUFFALO BILLS style.
  5. Brian Leonard won't let anyone down.
  6. The other day I put Charles Woodson in at QB on NCAA 2007 using the 1997 Wolverines. He was a much better passer than I thought he would have been and created huge mismatches. I say we try it.
  7. ofiba


    Gangs, can't live with em, can't live without em. That's the saying right?
  8. Haha, yeah. I suppose that is a tad overused isn't it. Fair enough. You win this round.
  9. Almost makes you want to smash his thoughts with a baseball bat doesn't it?
  10. ofiba

    My son

    Lighten up dude. He is just proud of his son. He even acknowledged it was a lamp.
  11. ofiba

    My son

    Maybe he's a Look At Me Person. Just wanted the attention of a unique name for his kid.
  12. I liked Ellen. I didn't think she was hilarious or the best host ever, but I laughed at a number of things she said and did. Jerry Seinfeld was also funny with the little bit he did.
  13. Flying in his private jet to up the CO2 levels. Oh you mean to stop global warming??
  14. ofiba

    My son

    If he's not there for our pick, we should trade down.
  15. Yikes. That is a scary thought. Willis is actually dumber than we thought he was?
  16. Come on, reading the NHL.com play by play for 1 game can give you all the info you need about how a goalie is playing.
  17. Does that look anything like starting him and being confident?
  18. Throw in a Chris Neil jersey for the bonfire and we have a deal.
  19. I wonder if it'll have a Jordan like affect on him. Poor guy.
  20. Sorry dude, I've watched some episodes. I just didn't think it was all that funny. I also think all the hype surrounding it put me off to it. It's not as fun to like something EVERYONE loves. And just so you know I don't have the same sense of humor as Fox, Arrested Development is one of my all time favorite shows.
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