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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Yeah. You've got to make people show respect. Whenever I meet someone for the first time, I always shake their hand. If they don't put their hand out to shake, I dislocate their arm, knock them on the floor, grab their hand and give it a firm shake. It always feels good to get respected with a handshake, voluntary or not. I guess I am just old school.
  2. BINGO! Take off you own hat. Teach your kids and young relatives to show respect and remove their hat, but what good goes it do to rip off someone else's hat for them? If you hold a gun to someone's head and force them to sing the National Anthem, does that make them more respectful and patriotic? If someone has already decided he's keeping his hat on for the anthem, the lack of respect has already been shown. Guilting them into removing their hat doesn't change that.
  3. check out this wacky 10 page play supposedly written by the killer.
  4. Great example, I was just about to post that until I read yours. Single murders happen all over cities every day. No one attempts to put the entire city or town on lockdown. It's just not reasonable.
  5. Haha, I wasn't seriously suggesting Westbrook should get to keep the money. I brought up the school thing as a joke. It seems like whenver I (or anyone else) tried to tell a teacher I think they gave me a few extra points by accident, they said "don't worry about it".
  6. I think it should be like in school. If a teacher makes a mistake grading your paper and gives you extra points, you should get to keep them no matter what.
  7. I would say that the kidnapping of children is their only way to keep their society running. They can't give birth, so they have to kidnap children and raise them as their own instead of procreating.
  8. Who wants to see a boring movie? Go on ebay and buy them all tickets to the Sabres playoff game on Saturday night. It might set you back about 10,000 bucks, but it'll be an experience they'll never forget.
  9. Nobody said he was Chinese. Just disabled.
  10. An open invitation to anyone on TBD? You are a brave man.
  11. BUT BUT... he floats and doesn't get back on D. :wallbash:
  12. He looked like Max. Flying all over the ice, faking guys out of their skates, creating scoring chances out of nothing. I am so glad to have him back.
  13. Great episode. After watching every episode of this show, I tend to trust Sayid over anyone. He is rarely wrong. Sayid doesn't trust Juliet, therefore, neither do I. I think that she is a plant. The Others left her behind on purpose to get info on the castaways. Also, how about Sawyer being a father?? (unless I am remembering way wrong and he wasn't the guy that conned the girl from this episode) I wonder if that'll come into play in future eps.
  14. , that was a little harsh, no?
  15. Dude, this interview is bogus. Typing LOL is unacceptable in any context. If you think something is funny online, give the classic haha (add an extra ha for each level higher of how funny you think it is).
  16. Yeah. It's not like a super bowl ring that you have to earn. It's just a big clunky ring that looks ridiculous. Why anyone would pay more than 5 bucks for one is beyond me. I'd rather buy a throwback Sabres jersey.
  17. If this is the first time you've heard your uncles song, you've got to climb out from under that rock.
  18. I can't get enough of him. He is like TBD's Samuel "Screech" Powers. You feel like you should make fun of him and tell him to get lost, but after a while, his antics really grow on you.
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