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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Are you talking about Boondock Saints or Transformers here?
  2. It's certainly closer to terrible than it is to worthy of a sequel.
  3. Concept is good in theory, just thought the movie is overrated. It's not terrible, but it is SOOO over hyped by everyone.
  4. Boondock Saints is one of the most overrated movies of ALLLLLL TIME!
  5. You can't be serious. He could have turned it down if he didn't want to be governor. I highly doubt that they had to beg him for days to take the job. "You know, the last thing I ever wanted to do is be governor, but if I must, I must. I just hope no one scrutinizes my life."
  6. I don't know why you are giving us prizes. Only on TBD do you get to join a pool for free for a chance to win prizes from a guy who spends his a good portion of his days running a Bills/Sabres website for you.
  7. That girl better start recording some music and strike while the iron is hot.
  8. I don't even like baseball, but you know the Red Sox hat would be the one he'd hate signing the most.
  9. You forgot to ask him to sign a Red Sox hat.
  10. Did it say Jeter and ARod are playing on the Hokies team or against it? 20 bucks says Petite throws the first pitch high and inside to send a message.
  11. I don't know. Between this and pulling poor Billy Crystal out of the game before he got his rhythm, I just don't see how anyone continues to support them. I really don't.
  12. Come on. How can you possibly spin this to being a GOOD thing? If I was mourning the loss of my friends, the last thing that would make me happy would be running back a kick against the Buffalo Bills special teams unit. Sounds like a money grab for Hank to me.
  13. The poor school is getting over a tragedy, and the Yankees want to beat up on their baseball team to warm up for the season? Doesn't get any more classless than that.
  14. The winner gets to make his post count WHATEVER he wants.
  15. I was joking. I like that you called me out on the war in Iraq pet peeve but "people who eat their own boogers" was fine with you. I guess it could be someone's pet peeve. See my real pet peeve a few posts up.
  16. Trying to watch a TV show or movie and somebody comes in and wants to be filled in DURING the show/movie. A few times when I was watching Lost, someone I know would come into the room and try to catch up on 2 seasons while I am watching the episode. "Who is that?" "When did she die?" "They are off the island???" AHHHHHH watch it yourself!
  17. http://www.jumptheshark.com/forum/Jumped/36 Is there anyone that has seen EVERY episode of Lost and doesn't like it? From what I can see. Some people try to casually watch the show like it's House or something and get mad when they can't keep up.
  18. Not worth it IMO. Can you imagine taking it to a data recovery guy? "So what did you lose? Company data? Bank information?" "Worse. Fantasy baseball draft."
  19. It looks like an interesting flick to rent, but I don't think it's worth spending 10 bucks on. It could be, but I'm not taking that chance.
  20. Nothing bothered me about your post. I was just wondering what was keeping you here if the Netherlands was so great. Obviously you can like things about other places but still want to live in the USA though. Disregard my post.
  21. Mine is either the war in Iraq or people who eat their own boogers. How about you?
  22. Looks like somebody's wife is sick of her husband spending his nights on TBD.
  23. I think it has to do with the black lady. The casket was small. I think it was that lady's kid. They've got 2 and half seasons to tie all that together.
  24. A week ago? The week of April 20th 2007? Nothing happened.
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