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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Has the market gotten that much bigger since the Raiders were there 15 or so years ago?
  2. Come on. He may be a loser, but the judge dropped all charges. The girl did not go up to his room to wish him good luck in his career. She went up there to have sex with him.
  3. Why is LA even getting a team?????????? Haven't they already had the Rams AND the Raiders??? They couldn't keep either of them!!!!!!!
  4. So is it fixed??? When can we get back on??
  5. I am really good friends with this one "girl" and want it to be more than that and want it to last forever. She started taking visits up to Toronto once a year to "keep herself romantically viable". Apparently I am small market boyfriend. I have a sick feeling that she is going to move up there for good.
  6. Man, you non handicapped folks REALLY have it tough.
  7. Probably for the same reason goalies don't force themselves to vomit in the crease before they leave for an extra attacker to make the pucks stop in the puddle of puke instead of going into the net.
  8. Next time use the search feature. We discussed your daughter going to law school 2 days ago.
  9. Check this one out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psS69Iwnx4o...feature=related
  10. I wonder if his spell check automatically has the term "bra bras" in it, or does he have to add it manually? http://www.yardbarker.com/users/marshawnlynch/
  11. Sounds like you are the one wasting your time. Why doesn't your friend do it himself?
  12. Yeah that never gets old to me either. I am a big fan of Andy.
  13. I disagree. Jan's character is NOT funny. She killed tonight's ep. The last scene with Jim and Pam in the car was better than the whole rest of the ep combined.
  14. Pretty weak episode IMO. Had it's moments, but not what I was hoping for.
  15. Bring your laptop out of the wind and snow. I bet you'll do better indoors.
  16. I wonder if the hardcore protestors are playing this game NON STOP and just keep running the torch into the protestors.
  17. This game is the best. Am I supporting China by avoiding the protestors?
  18. Have you ever eaten 334 chicken wings?
  19. My personal favorite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EomV8GsjU74
  20. Yeah, by about a mile. I'm not even a fan of either team and I was going nuts when they put it up as a 3 at first. It was plain as day to me live, I can't believe they ruled it a 3 to begin with.
  21. Kind of takes the sting away doesn't it? As a fan of the Orlando Magic, I blame Penny Hardaway. He was present at this game, and in game 1 of the NBA finals when his Magic choked away the game by missing free throws.
  22. Don't give up as a fan so soon. Maybe give the Dolphins or Patriots a try...
  23. Wow. I really feel bad for Memphis. I feel like I'm watching a Bills game.
  24. Callipari said on PTI that if he was going to rank his 25 most important qualities in a player, free throw shooting would be #26. Think he still thinks that way?
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