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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Forget glue, how about a picture of the slaughterhouse they'll get sent to if they stop winning?
  2. I am no expert, but wasn't Big Brown racing against a bunch of stiffs? Only one other horse from the Derby (the race that presumably gets the best horses) even raced today. Do they time the race? Where does his time stand up against other winners.
  3. I think Angelina keeps trying until she hits the jackpot.
  4. It was so funny cause they didn't even need to make Kevin act different. Just watching him from that point of view was funny.
  5. Totally agree. Tonight reminded me why I like the Office. I was starting to forget with how this season went.
  6. You mean with Andy and Angela? What did Pam and Toby say to eachother? I missed it.
  7. I'd be happy with 115 catches, 1400 yards and maybe 20-25 TD's.
  8. Uhhhhhh. Move the island??? Claire and Christian??? Dead? Alive? Uhhhhhh. Sinister Black Dude and Locke?? Who is Locke's dad?? Whidmore?
  9. At the end of his interview on the Daily Show, McCain pulled out a piece of paper and said, "I want to tell you my vice president. Dwight Shrute." Seriously John? You honestly want us to believe that you have watched at least one episode of the office and know who Dwight Shrute is? It was painfully obvious that somebody just handed him that card and said "Hey, the kids will think you are sooo cool! Just say this name." The whole interview was painful. Every answer to Stewart's questions sounded like they were written and rehearsed one hundred times. Stewart :"What do you say to people who are concerned about your relationship with Bush?" McCain: "Well let me just say that Americans are in a tough place. They are worried about keeping their jobs, making payments on time. I want them to know that I am here to help them." Huh? Were you listening to the questions? I wish a human would run for president instead of these cyborg political monsters.
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I wonder how Stroud is going to like lining up next to this instead of
  11. With a post count of 1, I'm definitely going to need a link for confirmation.
  12. No doubt about that! I was so upset when they drafted him. Turns out the ability to play defense and drive to the basket ARE important skills needed to play in the NBA.
  13. I think it's just taping from the field. How are you going to stop someone from taping from a box?
  14. I hate the Pats as much as the next guy, but I just don't think this is that big of a deal. Teams can videotape other team's signals, just not from the field. So they did it directly from the field. Is that really that much different than just zooming in from the press box? They broke the rules. They should definitely be punished, but to say this is the reason the Bills can never beat them is stupid.
  15. Didn't we already know that they taped defensive signals?? Without a tape of the walkthrough, nothing else is going to happen. Goodell already punished them for taping defensive signals.
  16. Is BigBrownEuthanizedOnTheTrackAfterLosingThePreakness.com taken?
  17. I hate the Pistons and the Spurs.
  18. Nice. Big Brown Wins the Triple Crown even has a nice ring to it.
  19. His mom washed it every other day. It's weird that he wore it every day, but it wasn't getting dirty.
  20. Cincy, Joe isn't saying that he wants all people to quit smoking because they are costing society money. He is simply saying you don't need a drug to quit smoking.
  21. Doesn't look like it.
  22. Going into Walmart is a part of your DAILY routine??? I'd lose my mind if I had to go into walmart on a daily basis.
  23. Two thumbs up. One of the top 3 comic book movies to come out in the last 10 years. I'm not a huge follower of the original comics. I'm just speaking on behalf of the movies.
  24. Well I guess there's only one thing left to do... Somebody start making a cardboard cutout of Ralph.
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