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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Needed to take more time off the clock to get this tie.
  2. Having his receiver held didn't help.
  3. That's what the Chiefs get for calling that cheeseball timeout.
  4. And jumping ability.
  5. Let's just get the tie and get out of here.
  6. Chiefs are going to have those 20 yards we got with the punt back in two plays. Stupid.
  7. Kick the field goal. Can't win the game with a punt.
  8. Maybe Spiller can just end it here.
  9. I don't feel so great about the Bills chances to hold on D here.
  10. Vrabel was out of bounds!!!! challenge!!!
  11. Everyone always argues against the 15 yard penalty for PI because defenders would tackle receivers any time they get beat deep. They have the rule in college, right? Does that happen often?
  12. The worst part of this video is the acting.
  13. I thought RJ was going to come down from the booth and take care of the retaliation himself.
  14. Good idea, except you shouldn't have cut eye holes in the bag.
  15. He hasn't been out there long enough to realize how hopeless it is.
  16. and convinced the other team that Kelsay could cover him.
  17. There should be more outrage about Big Ben coming back to play in a couple weeks than Vick. At least Vick served some time for his heinous crime.
  18. Did anyone just see the false start call against the Packers? Julius peppers jumped offside, then quickly got back onside and the Packers pulled the old "I'm going to move because I know the penalty will go against them". To my surprise, the refs actually called it on the Packers and said something about "delayed reaction". If they do have the ability to judge that the offense is only jumping early because they are trying to get the penalty on the D, then where was that call yesterday when Wes Welker jerked his body about 5 seconds after Maybin got back onsides?
  19. I'm having Ben Coates flashbacks.
  20. Put Trent back in!!!!
  21. Too much time and scoring left to be chasing that point.
  22. If you skipped every Bills game for the past 9 years and only read Belichick interviews, you would think the Bills were one of the greatest teams of all time. He's a master at creating anti-bulletin board material.
  23. Worse than showboating before you get into the endzone? This seemed more like bad luck than a stupid play.
  24. Sunny is great, but I think the League isn't very good at all. I had high hopes for it, but it fell short IMO.
  25. I took that part a little differently. I thought up until that point she looked at Don as someone pretty pathetic. As soon as she saw Betty, she instantly thought more highly of him. It sort of reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George carried around a picture of a beautiful girl and told girls she was his ex-girlfriend so they would be more attracted to him. I could be wrong though.
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