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Everything posted by ofiba

  1. Biggest play of the game and we put Poz on the best player on the field?
  2. He also said that Fitz was due to throw an INT, so maybe Cutler thinks we should draft a QB.
  3. Pretty solid idea, but if he's anything like his uncle, he'd play in the UFL for a few years before joining the Bills.
  4. I think it's a miracle fans still care enough to generate 10 pages of comments on an 0-7 team playing a "home" game that was sold away.
  5. Not trying to be a jerk. Just trying to find a little comedy in the current state of the team. I'm sorry.
  6. First week as a Bills fan?
  7. Stupid challenge. If you don't convert this, you are going to need that timeout.
  8. Are there more Bears fans there than Bills fans?
  9. Cutler is just dying to throw a stupid INT.
  10. I wish the Bills didn't cut Byrd in the offseason. His ball hawking skills would really be helpful here.
  11. The Bills are probably just sick of going to OT.
  12. The 13th tarp is the difference in the game today. They are really getting into the Bears' heads.
  13. Is Freddy shaving points?
  14. I'm really starting to worry about our playoff chances...
  15. If the Bills want to make money, they should sell every single one of their home games to the highest bidder. Imagine the bidding war between the Jets, Pats, and Phins for all of our divisional games.
  16. http://the506.com/sports/?tag=2010-week-9
  17. Why would anyone have ill will towards a player who simply didn't perform as well as we hoped he would? The guy really did his best to give back to the community and seemed like a stand up guy.
  18. I'd stick with Mad Men. I was ready to give up after the first few episodes but it really picks up. Then I'd watch The Wire.
  19. A sack instead of the intentional grounding would have done the job too.
  20. But if Chan truly thought he had a better chance of winning with those calls, then it was smart thinking. Who cares of your percentage of losing goes up (compared to a tie) if you are increasing your chance to actually win the game.
  21. Settling for a 57 yard field goal after your kicker missed a 53 yarder just so you make sure you still get a tie if he misses it is playing for a tie.
  22. In hindsight that seems like a better idea. But imagine if we get no yards on the runs and Lindell misses the long field goal. Then the fans murder Gailey for playing for the tie with a 0-6 team.
  23. A sack would have been better than the intentional grounding. At least the clock would have continued to run.
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