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Band of Merriman

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Everything posted by Band of Merriman

  1. I'd like to see the NFL incorporate some of how they do it in college football. Give each team 1 possession starting at the 35 or 40 yard line. Continue until you have a winner. You could always trick it up like the NHL. Kick off from the 35 and remove a player from each side of the ball (10 each side). If no winner after 15 minutes, go to a Kick-Out. Each kicker takes a shot from the 20. Move back at 5 yard incriments until you have a winner.
  2. If you're going to adjust the divisions you need to go ahead and incorporate the 18 game regular season schedule?
  3. Here's the quote from a previous poster: Per Rotoworld, Pisa wants to be paid big bucks: Free agent LB Pisa Tinoisamoa is searching for "starter's money" as he makes the rounds on the market, according to Saints beat writer Jeff Duncan. Duncan says the Saints would be interested, but Tinoisamoa's asking price is too high. They'll likely enter camp with Dan Morgan pushing Scott Shanle on the weak side. Tinoisamoa would fit better in a Tampa 2-style scheme. Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune
  4. It was quoted in previous threads that he was looking for starter $$. That's what turned the Saints off.
  5. As a situational player he could really be an impactful player, provided that he still he hasn't lost his running abilities. The problem (aside from his criminal act) is that he's not going to come in as a situational player, let alone a back up QB. Vick is going to be looking for starter money. You need look no further than at his bankruptcy petition where he expected to earn somewhere in the $10MM range. The money alone is unrealistic for a player that's been out of the league for 2 years.
  6. What are your thoughts? I think any thing can happen.To be perfectily honest I did not think that T.O. would ever sign with Buffalo or they would sign him but they did. The Bills signing Vick I think is highly unlikely but I would'nt rule it out.Just because you can never say never. I can see where Skip is comeing from saying this because of the economic stand point because Vick will draw fans into the stadium.I just don't he would be a good fit in Buffalo because the fans of the BILLS would not except somebody that would be involved in ant type of animal cruleity. The arguement doesn't make any sense. From an economic standpoint Vick can't increase attendance for a team that's already pretty muched max'd out it's attendance. If anything the signing of Vick has a greater chance of alienating fans due to the heiness acts Vick perpetrated. If you recall when Vick went through Bankruptcy proceedinds his proposal was based on expected earnings in the $10MM range. That's starter money. That tells me that Vick's expecting to be the starter where ever he lands. For the cost alone, that won't be in Buffalo.
  7. To start with, I think Skip is one of the worst "journalists" our there. He is a glorified shock jock. He spews titilating commentary designed strictly to be contraversial. When he's on ESPN I'm not. That's how much I dislike his brand of journalism. As was mentioned by another poster, the Bills don't need Vick to sell tickets. Our season ticket sales are approaching their highest levels ever and we've been pretty much selling out one of the games highest capacity stadiums on a regular basis. With TO here we're going to get all the media attention we need. Our FO has been known for pursuing high character guys. Bringing in TO, who most consider a questionable character guy, is one thing. Bringing in a 2nd questionable character guy, like Vick, would signal a major shift in the philosophy of our FO. I don't see this happening. I don't condone what Vick did, but I don't agree with your points. He didn't scam the Falcons and unlike Madoff his offense had nothing to do with his profession. I don't have a problem with Vick getting a 2nd chance to play pro ball. He performed on the football field. His crime had nothing to do with his profession. I truly like the Bill's off season moves and the direction the offense is taking. I wouldn't want to see Vick here. He's going to be looking to start where ever he goes. IMO bringing vick in here would have the potential to hurt the team by undermining Edwards.
  8. No, not really. In order to form an opinion you have to spend some time listening to the show. What would be funny is if you knew a lot about him, but hadn't spent any time listening to him. We have 3 sports talk stations here in Dallas. I've spent time listening to all of them. Of the 3, ESPN is the station that offers a National perspective. Cowherd consistently made comments that were so idiotic that I actually found myself yelling at the radio in frustration. After the 3rd or 4th time, seriously, I said to myself that's enough of listening to this fool. This is basically the same way I deal with the posts I read from AFCFAN1!!
  9. Looking past how ridiculous it is to be viewing a 2010 mock draft. Gresham is an absolute stud and it looks like he'll be an excellent pro TE. Did anyone else notice they have Oklahoma players going 1,7,8,9 and then Gresham at 14? 4 in the top 10?? 2010 bodes well for Oklahoma.
  10. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=txbi...t&type=lgns Hopefully he'll be able to get the suspension reduced by a game or 2.
  11. I live in Dallas and I agree with the majority of posters, Cowhead is unlistenable (if that's a word). He reminds me of a slightly tamer version of Skip Bayless (another douche). Skip would always throw out statements for "shock value" and then try to agrue for the contrary side of the arguement. I absolutely refuse to listen to him.
  12. I too had given up on him. I know teams can miss on a draft pick, but it was shocking to me that we traded up for this guy just to see him fail so miserably. Hopefully he's healthy and he can live up to his potential and be a contributer to our DLine.
  13. Yeah, but in Lubbock he was always throwing with the wind. At the Ralph it's more of a swirling wind, which makes it more difficult.
  14. I do hope they bring him in, but only on the Bills terms and for at least a 2 year deal. I think having additional veteran on the line would be benifical. Let's face it. We jetisoned a lot of experience from our line. Here's hoping we're replacing it with greater talent and ability.
  15. You are correct. I just read this article this morning. I think he'd be an interesting guy to have in. I would have some reservations if the concerns about his arm strength are factual. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_...?urn=nfl,161298
  16. I have no problem retiring a players number. It should be kept to those truly transcendent players. I can't imagine any player basing their decision to play for an organization on the availability of a number.
  17. Cleveland signed him as an UDFA. http://www.cleveland.com/livingston/index....vel_with_b.html
  18. To me famous means that if someone saw a persons picture they'd be able to identify them. Outside of people in Buffalo, how many people could pick AC out of a lineup. Most people have no clue who he is. 1 OJ 2 TO 3 Kemp 4 Flutie 5 Kelly 6 Levy 7 Maguire 8 Bruce 9 Jim Haslett 10 Thurman
  19. He's really being brought in to run the Bills version of the "Wildcat"!!
  20. My only real knock against ESPN is their requirement for you to become an "Insider" in order to access certain content. I really like some of the things they offer that you don't find on other sites. A good example would be their podcasts.
  21. Everybody shhh. The ESPN shill is in the room.
  22. I'm with you. This draft reminded me of our '06 draft. I was hoping we'd take Leinhart and we took Whitner. At this point it appears the FO made the right choice with that pick. As our pick was approaching this year I was hoping we'd have a shot at Monroe or Orakpo. Hopefully the FO made the right call this year with Maybin. I would really have preferred Orakpo.
  23. When the Peters trade was announced I rememeber reading it in several threads as well as in a couple of articles. I was stunned that the FO thought the extra pick next year was more valuable than the better draft position this year. Just like most rumors it's never been confirmed, so you can't really know for certain.
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