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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. Very true. It really adds to the drama as well. Bad games aren't ones with no score, they're the ones where neither side even really is able to create chances. You could have an incredible game go 0-0 with high action at both ends.
  2. Admittedly I know hardly anything about the guy the Knicks drafted- but this whole draft seemed pretty weak. The guy apparently is a high energy defender who they compared to Artest (doubt he has that kind of offensive skill) and Rodman. If he turns into anything like them (on the court) then it will have been a great pick for a team that plays with such little enthusiasm. Isiah certainly has no track record to trust though and as a Knicks fan, I can't wait till he's gone. I like who the Bills drafted. Whitner, I believe, will be a better player than Huff - way more aggressive and actually plays faster, and McCargo, well, I'm eager to see what he can do.
  3. live and learn I guess
  4. Well, I'm rooting for the upset. I think the French have a decent chance to pull it off because of their very strong defense and increasingly confident attack - Ribery is a challenge with his speed and handling and finally got a goal last game - he's very dangerous on the wing and creates a lot of opportunities. But yeah, Brazil is considered the best in the world for a good reason. I can't wait. As for the nice distraction before football season, I totally agree. Its way too early for me to care about baseball and there just isn't anything else usually. Its been since '98 since I really was into the WC like this year. '02 was just too goofy with the crazy time differences - though the US run was great to follow, but I felt like I never got to watch the games until maybe the last two.
  5. Absolutely right. I can't wait to see France v. Brazil - it should be an amazing game regardless of outcome.
  6. From the little I've read on the issue, I think it has to do with a lack of consciousness about the problem. Here race issues have been a huge deal for, well, 200 years. It is pretty surprising how much of the French roster is black- Henry has caribbean parents, Vieira was born in Senegal and moved to france at like 8. But yeah, its French team that would be, in a traditional view, made up of first and second generation immigrants from their old colonies in Africa and the Caribbean. Even Zidane himself has Algerian heritage.
  7. 3/4ths of the French side is black. The Spanish coach was fined a couple years back for calling Henry a "black ****" to a Spanish striker to motivate him. After this Spanish fans have become notorious for making monkey sounds whenever a black opposing player touches the ball. Disgusting. http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Soccer/WorldCup/...1658063-ap.html
  8. Is this based on anything at all or is it just a feeling you have in your gut. Truthiness, if you will.
  9. How come you didn't mention Whitner or McCargo?
  10. The US team has no one to blame but themselves. One good effort out of 3 is not adequate. There are other very tough groups. Though there were also easy groups. Trying to put the blame anywhere but on themselves accomplishes nothing- as we Buffalo fans surely must have learned by now. It sucks that we're out, but we weren't playing well enough to get overly excited.
  11. I'm sorry, but Bledsoe ahead of Moon is ludicrous.
  12. US did not deserve to advance. We were clearly the worst of the group. Everybody beat the Czechs, we lost 3-0. Ghana could have easily beat the Czecks 6-0 if it weren't for their ridiculous goal tender. If we had bothered to show up in the first game, this all might have been a different tournament for us. We showed little heart or passion- which there is no excuse for. Perhaps we need some fresh faces. Sad that this is the best this country can offer. Youth soccer is huge now, so hopefully in 5 to 10 years we'll be able to field a more competitive side. One that can both create and capitalize offensively. Just pathetic.
  13. Very true.
  14. I'd say you're seeing in that comment what you want to see in it. I think though that you are partially right. I think the players didn't like that Mularkey would say stuff, then do the opposite. It led to a team in disarray. At least if you have faith in your coach, even if you aren't succeeding, you know what you're trying to do and are confident that they've got at least got an idea what the football team is supposed to be doing. Mularkey failed dismally with that in the treatment of the quarterback position, the offensive philosophy in general, use of Willis, and perhaps not getting involved enough in the defense (not schematically mind you, but intervening a bit as the head coach since it was in such obvious deterioration as the year progressed.) Whether this leads to many wins under Jauron this year is not too likely, but it is about building a team and chemistry. Mularkey seemed intent on destroying the confidence of his players and their confidence in each other.
  15. I agree. Its nice to have somebody actually writing articles about the team with more than just a peripheral impression of what's going on in Buffalo. ESPN gets all kinds of details wrong about the Bills all the time, mainly because they only just barely follow what's happening- and only a few of them actually even watch games. Its just an echo chamber over there with the same 10 opinions bouncing around and regurgitated every few weeks. I don't understand the hate for the guy from some of these people.
  16. where does it say she was sleeping? Is it illegal to be lying on the beach with your eyes closed, ya know, sun bathing?
  17. seriously, if you're lying on the beach, you're not expecting to suddenly get your head run over, even if there is a police beach suv in the area- which is far from uncommon. That sucks. The patrol has to be a little more careful I would say. Duh.
  18. http://www.nfl.com/draft/profiles/courtney_watson Take a look at his draft profile. He was apparently very high character in college. The DWI may have just been an aberration. He may really benefit from getting out of New Orleans. I'm encouraged that he could be a very solid contributor to us and, who knows, one day replace Fletcher.
  19. I don't want to dwell on that. That stuff happens. I don't think we should make it some sort of tag line or symbol. These Sabres are better than that garbage. They went out and played as hard as they could and they came up a bit short, in part because of a ridiculous string of injuries. We are better off just thinking of it that way instead of some silly monicker and issue to whine about. I'm tired of whining about crap like this. I think that's what these Sabres did. No more excuses. What happened, happened, let's get'em next year when we're healthier and smarter. I know we can, and we will.
  20. I am serious. And stop calling me shirley.
  21. I would also call this post a bit over the top. Theisman should be a bigger man and not get himself in a hissy fit over something that does not effect him in any way.
  22. Well, I guess its not really any of his business. But mostly, for me, its that he goes way waaaay over the top.
  23. The Lips are amazing. If you ever get the chance you must see them live. It's the most incredible experience. Surreal, inspiring and overwhelming all at the same time. Definitely get The Soft Bulletin - my fave is the riff on "Spoonfull Weighs a Ton" - with a good bass, its sweet. I also like Yoshimi, a little different but a number of great tracks.
  24. wow, he's certainly riding high on his horse today. Too bad he's a complete imbecile. Ricky obviously has a lot of issues, but he is not like some evil guy like so many of the dirtbags that play football. He certainly betrayed the trust of his teammates, but he genuinely didn't want to play football anymore. Is that wrong? There is such a thing as free will in this country (and the one to our north). Then he was forced back into football because he was financially trapped by the Felons.
  25. I think the worst move was the entire 2002 draft class. 10 picks, zero starters.
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