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Posts posted by Fewell733

  1. The three-week cycling season is now over.  Everyone can go back to not caring until next July.


    BTW, did anyone see Landis' parents?  They are devout Menonites and they don't own a TV, so they had to go to a neighbor's house to watch the Tour.  And they didn't see their son cross the finish line in what was probably the most important and exciting moment of his life, because they were on their way back from church.  Yikes.  They seem like genuine, nice people who love their son dearly, but sometimes the God-squad is scary.




    Yeah, they seemed like nice people, but just completely nuts. And I really do mean that in the nicest possible way.

  2. thats the point though, when you draft for a need you end up reaching



    The real point is that there is no such thing as reaching. You take the player that you believe will best help your team. That is the whole point of the draft. I still haven't heard what exactly wouldn't be considered a reach. A 2nd rd caliber tackle like W. Justice? Brodrick Bunkley, so far only a one year wonder and workout warrior? Is it that you wanted a DT in the first round? What is it that you people wanted at #8?

  3. and finally, because the only better player at that position was already taken.




    From watching videos of the two, I really don't think Huff is better. He had all the hype, but he seemed to do a lot of floating and shoulder tackled. Whitner seemed to play much faster and tackle way better. Seemed way more intense too.

  4. I'd venture to guess that on the open market most league GM's would pay FAR more money for Schobel than Willis McGahee.



    I think it's a bit too apples and oranges. Willis gets harsh treatment on this board. Some of it deserved, a lot of it not. We are so quick to acknowledge the inferiority of last year's o-line and the incompetence of the coaching and wrongheadedness of trying to make Willis a bigger stronger runner having him gain 10 or 15 lbs. Yet still he had 1250 yards in a terrible offensive season.


    Schobel is tremendous and very consistent. I can honestly say though that I haven't a clue who would make more in the open market. Wouldn't be at all surprised if he got more than Willis.

  5. By Coors.  Check earlier in this thread for much better examples of Belgian Witbiers.



    Yeah, noticed after writing. Never said it was the best. It's widely available though, relatively cheap and quite refreshing (regardless of who it's made by). But I guess this thread went the route of the beer snobs. I would say if he's enjoying Sam Adams White Ale, he'll enjoy Blue Moon, and not break the bank doing it.

  6. I normally drink whatever's American, Cold, and wet. And I will probably never change those ways. But every once in a while, I like to have something different. I go to Coles on Elmwood sometimes and they have all sorts of different beers.


    Anyway, one pretty mainstream beer I like is Sam Adams White Ale. My question for you beer snobs is, if I like that, what are some similar types that someone like myself might enjoy? (and where I could get them)




    Blue Moon! Belgian recipe (Belgian Whit), made in Colorado, served almost everywhere around Buffalo now. They'll even drop a slice of orange in which makes it especially good. Great for hot summer evenings.

  7. An opposite approach to the other thread about the best bills, lets have some fun with this one and go with "Worst Bills of the last 15 years".


    There were a lot of guys worse than Mike WIlliams, Antowain Smith, Reed, Early, Shaw, Gardner, Williams, Fina, Lacina, Newman, Irvin, and Dehaven!


    Fina and Lacina were outmanned playing on a bad line. Irvin was pretty good, and Gardner wasn't bad, especially considering we didnt use a fullback. Williams wasn't worthy of a 1st round pick, but wasnt as bad as he was made out to be.


    Newman was a good 3-4 pass rusher. Dehaven is respected as one of the better ST coaches in the league.


    Shaw is a very good 3rd or 4th WR.


    Even Collins- he was given one year behind a bad line. He did show flashes- remember the indy game- down by 3, with no time outs.


    Where is JD Williams, James Patton, Matt Rodgers, Kurt Schultz (always considered him overrated)




    Couldn't disagree more about Schultz comment. Huge hitter and could cover. I think he had like 6 ints one year. Those defenses in the Wilson era were tremendous.

    And to defend Williams is quite something. I agree, he wasn't really as bad on the field as many here proclaim, but his play and motivation compared to the money and expectations- makes him a must for the list

  8. I am so sick and tired of hearing this crap about Peter's run blocking being sub par.  If anyone watches film of the second half of last year's season, check out how terrible Chris V. was.  Either he's getting too old or he was injured more than we knew last year because he absolutely sucked.  Check out the Cincy game where he gets completely turned around on the goaline on back to back plays (literally, he was facing the wrong way when both plays ended). 


    A lot of people claim that as soon as MW's left the lineup and Peters took over at RT, Willis's production dropped off significantly....maybe so, but I blaim this on Chris V.'s performance in the last eight games of last year. 


    If you have the opportunity to go back and watch the games....do it, and watch Peters because he sure as hell can Run Block.  Lets not forget that he's still developing but if you want to see what he's capable off watch the second Jets game and then come tell me his Run Blocking skills are below average.



    I totally agree. If you watch closely on almost every running play you see Peters hitting guys on the second level. I really believe it was the interior of the line that caused the running game to suffer.

  9. The fact that Italy were GIVEN the victory in their match against Australia by the Ref in the last seconds & they go on to win the whole thing makes a joke out of the game.

    This world cup was THE worst refereed event I have ever seen.  ;)

    I can't wait till real football starts.



    Somehow we all manage to forget the ridiculously poor officiating that stains the NFL week in and week out. I too tend to forget the frustration and fury towards the refs each summer, and come back as fresh, enthused and naive as the previous. Last year's playoffs were perhaps the clearest example. The World Cup officiating was awful though. But it was, at least, consistently awful. Does that make it better? :flirt:

  10. How do we know the additions of Fowler and Reyes will make any difference?


    How do we know the additions of new TE's will make any difference?


    How do we know the additions of new DT's will make any difference?


    How do we know the additions of new coaches will make any difference?

    They may or may not.


    Until something positive and tangible proves the Bills are better than 5-11, then it's best to wait before jumping to conclusions.


    The team will look different than last year, but the record may not be different.


    Time will tell.


    It looks to me like there are way too many hurdles to jump this year.  A team with so many question marks ....



    The Pats article was simply oblivious to the moves on the O-Line. It wasn't that they knowingly disregarded them, they seemed to not even realize that they happened. Tutan Reyes has been a starting guard for 2 seasons, and on a playoff team who is actually considered the favorite for the superbowl. He WILL be an upgrade over fat Bennie, who doesn't belong in the NFL. We'll have to wait and see about Fowler, but I've hated Teague for years, so just having anyone else in there gives me encouragement.


    On the defensive side we really don't know how the new system will work, but it would be hard pressed to turn out a worse effort than last year. Milloy, it turned out, was a major liability and Sam Adams barely saw the field as it was.

  11. disagree. gms only say that sort of thing when their own expectations are pretty low and they're trying to manage fans' expectations.  it's one thing for jerry sullivan -- or you or i -- to say the bills are in rebuilding mode, but it's entirely different if the public face (and head cheerleader) for the team says it. donohoe never said it, even in  his first year in buffalo. indeed, if memory serves, he said before the season that the bills should compete for the playoffs.



    Marv's not your typical GM.

  12. Ribery made himself a multi-millionaire at this WC. They were saying he may go to Arsenal. He's an amazing story- thrown through a windshield at the age of two in a horrific car accident. Somehow survived- though now has horselike mug and nasty 14 inch long scars on the side of his face.

  13. ribery was one of the stars of the tournament....I was very impressed with his play....he was all over the place, making great tackles, great passes, and some great shots.


    And I love watching Henry play....he definitely should have taken a few more shots, cause there were a few times when he had an opening, but the Italian defenders closed on it in a hurry. He should have just let loose.


    I think Barthez should have had at least one save, though.....that guy sucks.



    Well, that was the end of Barthez on the national team. He was actually a surprise selection over Coupet - who was widely thought of as better. Barthez can't really be blamed for the loss, but he didn't do anything to help win it.

  14. It was probably one of the worst games the Azzurri played in this whole tournament.  Even the defence was off most of the time.



    I would agree, a lot of chances got through- but no goals in those last 80 minutes while France had the pressure on, is still damn impressive. That save off the Zidane header was ridiculous. Couldn't believe when Ribery hit it just wide though. Henry looked so dangerous with the ball - I just wished he had shot a little more rather than try and make the perfect pass.

  15. I don't really understand these sentiments.  They scored their only goal on a dive.  Italy controlled the first half and had a goal negated on an offsides, which was probably the right call, but still somewhat arbitrary as it didn't have much to do with the play (the other guy headed it in). 

    France obviously controlled the 2nd half and OT.  If it were a football game, they probably would've had 60 more yards of total offense, but it's hard to say they "deserved" to win more than France IMO.

    I agree the officiating was awful - though it was much better in the quarter/semi's than it was in the 1st round.



    I wouldn't call the goal as being a dive- the defender was why he fell down going full speed, contact was minimal though. Then later when there was a clear foul in the box nothing was called. So it kind of evened out.

    All I was saying was that it didn't seem like it was really the better team (that day) that won. I don't fully understand what was hard to understand about that since france controlled the game for the last 85 minutes. Congrats to Italy though, tremendous defense and came through in the clutch of pks.

    I wasn't saying the officiating was awful, just kind of ludicrously inconsistent- as it has been most of the tournement. Obviously the red on Zidane was the right call though. But when Zidane was brutally fouled on the header where he hurt his shoulder, I couldn't believe that there was no call.

  16. Maybe they need to give them a brief intermission or something, cause they really seemed dragging by the second overtime. I'd rather see the game end on the field, too, but scoring a goal is challenging enough when you've got legs....almost impossible when you're down to rubber.


    France had a few chances, but the Italians are just a tough bunch on defense....and the couple times when france did have a really clean shot on goal, Buffon was there.



    All very true. Tight match.

  17. Question for you, AJ (or any of the other 4 soccer nuts  :devil: ).  Do you know if the guy who missed the kick for France would have been in the shootout had Zidane been available?



    Trezeguit (sp?) is a great striker. But hasn't seen the field much this tournament which may have made him a little rusty. If Henry, Zidane, Ribery, and or Viera were still in though, he might not have gotten the call.

  18. Great match. PKs are a terrible way to end things though. France did outplay them and it is stupid for such a tournament to end like that. Italy played well. Hard to say they really deserved to win though. France had consistent offensive pressure- Henry played great despite the concussion, Malouda played the best I've seen all tournament from him. Zidane didn't play very well at all imo.

    Strange officiating- not biased, just kind of all over the place as it had been most tournament.

    Shocked Zidane lost his head like that - probably a mix of exhaustion, frustration, and whatever that guy said to him. Crappy, but memorable, way to end a great career.

  19. Peyton Manning is the most overrated player of all time IMO. The guy is a major choke artist who's never won anything- disapears when it matters most- and both he and the adoring media thinks he's God's greatest gift to mankind. He's the anti-Brady (except for the media adulation).

    Vick is also overrated- but most people have caught on to this. McNabb is not overrated. Culpepper is a major question mark. Half a season of mediocrity without Moss raises major doubts- but too early to know for sure what kind of player he can be without him.

  20. Nope, it's in Berlin.  To which all the Frenchmen and Italians of the world are saying "Berlin?  Hmmm...never been there before."



    I think that may have been a WWII jab? Maybe I'm wrong, but first off the French were there in 1918 after winning WWI with the rest of the Allies, and second, the Italians were allied with Germany in WWII. On the losing side, mind you.

    Also, all the teams dive a little- even the Germans - they just don't writhe on the ground for 20 seconds like the Argentinians, Portueguese, and Italians.

  21. The escapades of Thomas and the Knicks takes the Bills out of the national news as a laughing stock organization.  Draft a 2nd round prospect with the 20th pick??


    Make a big deal about getting Larry Brown then dump him after one season??


    THis makes Ralph and Marv look quite a bit better.



    I hate this kind of reasoning. The second you start caring about what people who don't matter think, the closer you are to failure. It's a loser's mentality.

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