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Posts posted by Fewell733

  1. But what you're saying (and a lot of people are saying) it that Buffalo in the summer is better than, let's say, the west coast.  The women alone on the west coast blow WNY away.



    Well, all I was saying is that Buffalo is great in the summer and that there are tons of things to do involving drinking and listening to music outside. I don't necessarily maintain that it is the best place in the world in the summer but there is a tremendous and surprising amount to do.


    I haven't lived on the West Coast, but the time I have spent there I have greatly enjoyed. There is a lot to do all the time, but rarely is much of it free- and the summers aren't particularly any greater than the rest of the year. I won't comment on the women issue, but will agree that they're hot. <_<

  2. Everyone seems to forget that most people felt JP had a solid group surrounding him going into last season.  It's amazing what a shaky young QB and a suspect OL can do to the rest of teams pschy.


    The same may very well, or probably will happen to Rivers and the Bolts this year.



    Don't forget a defense that fell to pieces. Few, if any, forecasted such a dramatic collapse on that side of the ball.

  3. Kelly was even better in the USFL so he showed he could get it done from the git go.  So did Manning despite the fact that they lost almost all of their games in his rookie year.  Despite the lossed, they showed without question that they could get it done.  I agree with you that JP was not handled very well at all last year.  Still, I think he is running out of opportunities with this team. 


    Why a full year?  He started 1/2 the games last year and he was on the team for a whole year before that, presumably he learned something.  I don't buy the notion that he wasn't given a chance until now.  He was handed the starting job with no competition, no doubts, nothing after 2004.  He had the whole off season and camp to prepare to be the starter and he actually started 1/2 the games.  Again, I don't think he needs to be great or produce a ton of wins.  He does need to show that he has "game".  If we don't start seeing that by week 7 or so, I don't think we'll ever see it.



    And by what gauge will we determine whether he has "game" or not? Is it when the ESPN dolts start tossing compliments his way?


    I think he has shown that he has "game"- see KC game last year and first half vs. Miami. What he still lacks is the consistency that comes with experience.

  4. Of course they aren't -- but the point is that if you watch the players before, after and during practice (as I have), JP just strikes me as one player who doesn't mingle much with the rest of the team when compared to other players.  Perhaps it's overanalyzing, but when I read that, I found it interesting that he would point it out as well.



    Honestly I kind of think you're right. He seems to be closest with the younger players. I wouldn't blame him much if he wasn't too chummy with a lot of the veterans that sold him out last year. It was probably a really awkward year for him to interract with other players. He also kind of has a strange personality which probably doesn't translate with a lot of the jock types. Yoda comments spring to mind. Success on the field, which will only come with experience, will make all this kind of stuff even more irrelevant.

  5. Wasn't Reyes a starter for Carolina last year, and Fowlers became a starter and probably would have stayed if the vikings didn't already have a couple better starters at that position.


    The FA pickups were no more of a gamble the getting the players through the draft, except that they have previous NFL experience and will take less time to develop for the Bills because they are experienced.




    The FA pickups are far less of a gamble. A first round bust can cost you tens of millions. You know what the guys you get through FA are capable of, because they've already achieved on the pro level.

  6. Yep, JP is the only guy on the roster who at least has the potential to lead a team to the playoffs.  I was just hoping he would start dominating the QB battle early on and never look back.  I am not hearing anything like that so far from the camp reports being posted.



    What to you would be indicative of him dominating the QB battle? Holcomb is mediocre but completes the short little passes he throws. Are you hoping for a flawless performance from JP? That's just not gonna happen. Would it be easier if Holcomb played worse? Have you considered the possibility that they are both playing relatively well. Further, how bad can Holcomb look if he throws to an uncovered back on check downs?

    Also, you keep listing the same quotes over and over again. Those were from a practice 2 days ago that JP threw two consecutive low balls. The news reported he went 11 for 12 last night in 11 on 11 drills. Most of them were mid range throws.

  7. From the talk on the radio this morning, it sounded like Holcomb is doing his thing- tons of check downs, which JP has had success going down the field (passes further than 8 yards.) So it isn't exactly a direct comparison. If the coaches want a low risk, low reward offense- than Holcombe may be there man. But from what I've heard, Losman is making far more plays that would generate good offense and spreading the field more. In that way he IS wiping the floor with Holcomb.


    This is directed at those who have been able to get out to camp and have seen the two play.  I think there is universal agreement that Holcomb is and will never be anything more than a mediocre QB.  That being the case, I think we are all hoping that JP wins the starting job and does so handily.  The numbers from last year show that they both were pretty awful but that Holcomb was actually a little less awful than JP.  What I have heard from a number of you who have posted camp reports does not fill me with a sense of excitement over JP's hoped for improvement.  Mostly what I am hearing is that neither one is standing out and that JP is still struggling with accuracy.  I haven't heard anyone say that JP is outplaying Holcomb in a big way in camp.


    Honestly, if JP can't run rings around a mediocrity like Kelly Holcomb, then we have got some problems.


    So tell me, those of you who have seen them in camp, what is the deal?  Is JP wiping the floor with Holcomb?  Is it a dead heat?  Is there just a slight edge to one or the other? 


    Please, none of that "he looks confident" touchy, feely stuff. 


    Is it too early for JP to be kicking Holcomb's tail?  We are 8 practices in to camp with only 17 or so more to go before camp closes and they have had 16 days or so of OTA's as well.  Maybe we need to see how they do in a few preseason games but by now, shouldn't we be starting to see JP taking undisputed possession of the QB spot?


  8. I think I actually agree with smokin. Though I don't give the AFC North as much credit. I think the Bengals are VERY overrated- moreso than the fins. Somehow in all our awfulness we beat them up each year. Cleveland and the Ravens suck. Ravens are getting worse with each year. Cleveland is cursed, though I kind of like rooting for them.

  9. I'm interested (for the first time in a long time) in the Jets this year, because they seem to have decided to rebuild from the trenches out, which I think is the way to build a great team.  Ferguson and Mangold aren't going to get much press, but my thought is they have even less talent than the Bills, but have addressed the offensive line problem.  I'm curious to see how the experiment plays out over the year and whether the Jets or Bills headed in the right direction.



    In a lot of ways I agree, but building the lines through high draft picks is a tough way to do it. O-Lineman tend to not hit there prime until their late 20s. Usually as their rookie contracts are expiring. It is very rare that a first day o-lineman becomes a stud on the line in their first 3 or 4 years. Even the highly touted Levi Jones is far from dominant, he's just better than the mediocrity and inconsistency of his peers- M. Williams and B. McKinney.

    The Raiders are the perfect example of this as the other poster pointed out. Those young guys might turn out to be great players...in 4 more years.

  10. These ratings look pretty fair. I tend to just edit them myself as I see fit though. These don't look like they'll require much work though. Maybe make vincent a little worse and McGee a little better. Madden has had a lot of trouble with the Bills O-line the past few years getting positions wrong, including hosts of players that don't make the team while leaving off several that do- and ratings that make no sense at all.

  11. WGR sucks. No way around it.


    The morning show is such a waste of airtime and Riter and Buttdog are such a pair of fratboy idiots that I'm ashamed of the thought of someone from out of town listening and getting the impression that this is representitive of how we talk and think.


    If you really want to point the finger at who is responsible for what very well be the worst sports talk station in the northeast, look no further that the idiot program director Andy Roth.


    He is the one who took Howards nuts away and paired him with that moron White.

    He is the one who sets the tone and message of the station.


    Its sad when a 30 year season ticket holder like myself cant even stomach five minutes to find out whats happening with my favorite team.


    Hopefully another station will give them a run in the future.




    I just totally disagree. I enjoy the programming. It's not all whine and howl of the 90s (which to me was totally unlistenable). And couldn't disagree more about Schoop and the Bulldog. Calling Schoop a frat boy is hilarious- the guy is basically a stats geek. A lot of people only hate him because he doesn't respect the idiot callers that used to dictate shows back in the Coach's day. Thank God those days are gone. The negativity and bluster was obnoxious.

  12. They don't really explain much about the suit... Maybe the arrestor is where the fault lies... Who knows... Maybe it was removed...


    Again the article doesn't say much and is meant to sensationalize.


    I agree she is digging for "deep pockets"... But... If the flame arrestor was defective... Does she have a right to dig in those "deep pockets?"




    wow! reason!


    Not all lawsuits are frivolous in this country. Obviously we don't know all the facts of the case, but if she was actually seriously injured by fire and the fire was the result of some negligence or defect on behalf of Bacardi, then she deserves to be compensated. If it was one your significant others that got her face forever scarred from just going to a bar some night, I'm sure a lot of you wouldn't think the case was ridiculous.

  13. Whatever. Did you know how many riders were disqualified before the race started?


    Did you know the anti-Doping body issued a formal apology to Lance Armstrong for their accusations?




    Well, that's because he never tested positive. This is really too bad. Hopefully it will turn out to be a mistake- or who knows maybe the crazy pain of his mangled hip got some testosterone flowing (doubtful).

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