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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. and don't forget the last name "Manning" - he has been anointed. There shall be no talk of his mediocrity.
  2. Hmm, ok, maybe I shouldn't have called it a "Hit Piece," and the frowny guy may be a little over the top. But I found the article overly negative, especially for an AP story.
  3. I mainly took issue with the tone. Words like "disturbing," "regressing," "sloppiness," "taking a step back," "familiar bad habits," "struggles." All of those come from the author, none from quotes from people that actually matter. The article, to me, seems to act like he's been playing like crap and that people SHOULD be calling for his head. I just find that view plainly wrong. Additionally, the article fails to mention problems with the O-line at all.
  4. It's posted on TBD. Here's the link. http://timesunion.com/AspStories/story.asp...527078&prov=tbd The reporter sounds shocked that the coaches and players aren't calling for JP's head. Really, is he watching the games or just regurgitating BS from last year? There just isn't the controversy that he assumes there should be. This guy was probably a big fan of the way Mularkey ran the qb show last year. What a dipsh**.
  5. 5. That's BS. JP played the Bears just as well as Matt Hassellbeck did the previous week (which wasn't good). And all this talk about taking "steps back" is horsesh**. What other position could you have a down week or two and then declare that there is extreme regression. It's just stupid and something the media likes to jump on. JP had a bad first half at Detroit and then seemed back on track in the 2nd half. 1. That was Gandy's worst performance as a Bill. He's a borderline starter and we need to upgrade this off-season. 2. Haven't heard anything about bad coaching. 3. Wah Wah Wah 4. I think its a combo of Leinart's arm and that he's a celebrity qb and wouldn't have wanted to spend time in Buffalo. Plus we really didn't know what we had in JP and had a defense that had just gotten over the hill. 6. "Breaking the bank" is generally a pretty stupid proposition. The good teams in this league don't get good by bringing in high priced free agents, they build a team up from the draft and smart FA moves.
  6. Think about it from a practical perspective as a host. When asked a complicated question about a team that you know very little about, the easiest answer is to point to the qb as the problem.
  7. I've been completely satisfied with Fowler at center. We could use an upgrade at RG and at a tackle spot (but we're not really desperate). Probably will need a capable starting CB, FB, and maybe another LB to throw in the mix. What can be addressed in the draft, also a little early to say
  8. You're really hung up on that 3rd down stat. But your argument seems divorced from reality. QB rating is a flawed statistic. But so is the only one that you keep repeating. Somehow though that translates into if a qb throws a short pass on 3rd and long (and completes it) that means that QB ratings are meaningless. What if that pass was the best option? What if the play is for a pass and the receiver to actually make yards following it? Somehow you've mangled making completions into a bad thing and you point to no specific instances where JP did anything like that which you are describing.
  9. You've really found yourself a statistic to keep ramming home. Congratulations. Hope you enjoy repeating it over and over again as the Bills keep winning games with JP at the helm. If stats are so important to you why don't you look around the league at other qbs stats. Also your stat doesn't tell the full story - if JP has 2nd and 15 and throws a 13 yard pass setting up a short third down run for a first down, that's just as good. How do you like these stats: http://www.nfl.com/stats/leaders/NFL/PRAT/2006/regular JP has the 12th highest passer rating in the league and is even higher when considering the qbs that have played a full 4 games. (Eli Manning, Huard, and Rivers are the ones that immediately stand out to me) His rating is higher than Palmer, Brady, Delhomme, Bledsoe and Hasselbeck. He also only has 12 career starts. Why is this settling for mediocrity?
  10. Listening to Smerlas really gets me pumped for the next Pats game. I hope JP plays huge, beats the Pats, and shuts this a**clown's pie hole.
  11. What in your experience with Mularkey made you surprised that he would call that play when the game was on the line?
  12. Keep in mind that he's 31 already. His next contract will likely be his last big one in the NFL. With that said, the dude's a player and I want him to stick around for awhile.
  13. Bravo! Its amazing how little patience and poor memory so many people have. I'm a Losman fan, but I'm not blind to his struggles. It seems like many like to be Losman hater, and be completely blind to his progress. No QB is perfect and it takes several years for them to really come into there own, and even the "best" ones make the kind of mistakes you saw Losman make this week - see Ben R., Eli Manning, Carson Palmer. Anyone that doesn't think he has come around in a big way this year is seriously clueless. Just toss in a tape of last years New Orleans or Atlanta game to see the difference. This week he showed that he is able to put up numbers and showed that he can pass in any conditions. He (and the rest of the team) just need more time to get experience and to build chemistry.
  14. It seems unlikely that JP could both stare down only his first target AND throw the ball for over 300 yards in 30 mph winds. This seems especially unlikely when you look to how he spread the ball around and checked down so often to McGahee. They even had a replay of him running through his progressions before finding Royal 15 yards down the middle. It just doesn't seem to add up.
  15. Jets - 2 forced fumbles, huge goaline stop (I don't think the boot leg was a bad call, the Jet just made a great play) Those plays right there were a 14 point swing in the Jets favor (1st forced fumble- we were in field goal range; 2nd they returned for a touchdown; and the goalline play exchanged a touchdown for a field goal. Our D didn't play bad, but it didn't create anything and as a result our O had bad field position all day. Also credit the Jets punter who had just as good a game as Moorman had last week. This is a young team and a work in progress. There was a lot of good and bad today, I think we get better from this game.
  16. McGahee played a great game, but that was a terrible mistake and it cost us 7 points.
  17. He wasn't quite that absolute. I think he said "I have some doubts about JP Losman as an NFL QB" But yeah, apparently he's not a fan. JP can shut them up right away with 1 big stat day. Think how far Holcomb's 2 big stat days in a 10 year career got him. The other way is for him to just keep doing what he's doing and keep on winning - but that could take awhile. It really does seem like some players can play like absolute crap for years and the media guys go to no end to defend them and act like they're great, while others they declare them losers from the get go and cannot do any right until the media guys have absolutely no choice but to change their public opinions.
  18. Terrible, Terrible, Terrible We all are going to react differently to this kind of event. Murder is the worst thing anyone can do. There is no need for us to turn on each other or bicker though. It diminishes the brutal reality of the circumstances and disrespects all those that have had their lives destroyed in the past 2 days. We really have no footing to proclaim how we should all feel, so long as the reality of the actions are not lost on any of us.
  19. I hate Miami more as a franchise and what they're about and especially the yearly overhype; but at this point it doesn't quite measure up to the disgust I feel when we play the Patriots- the way the media treats them, the breaks they get on the field, Belicheck, Bruschi, Brady (although he's awesome), I just want to see them all totally destroyed- and by us. Tough call. I don't know anyone that really hates the Jets.
  20. I think a nomination would need to go to the "We're Back - Deal With It America" sign from before our 4th superbowl. That one got national press and I think the maker even went on Letterman.
  21. Who the hell is Ralph? Keith Ellison my friend, Keith Ellison,
  22. didn't see any of the game, but what a showing! Hopefully its the start of big things to come.
  23. I wouldn't mind Beasley- he was, maybe still is, a good receiving fullback who could carry the ball too. Much more reliable than throwing or handing to Shelton. I really doubt we'll bother though and who would we toss for another 32 year old FB. Not gonna happen- but I like the guy regardless for whatever that's worth
  24. Well, unless in a huge upset Thomas makes the team, or we bring in somebody else, its safe to say that either Preston or Jerman will be the backup LG. If I had to guess which one, I'd probably go with Preston.
  25. But Jason Thomas isn't making the roster.
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