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Posts posted by Fewell733

  1. I admit that yesterday was the only game I've ever paid close attention to McClain. He just didn't stand out to me athletically as much as I was expecting him to. Part of that may be what he does on that defense, but it kind of looked like he was the 2nd or 3rd best player on that defense last night. Everytime I saw him come in on a read blitz, he got nowhere, just disapeared into the line.


    He also looks a lot smaller than 6'4, 258 lbs. You can't tell me that he looks as big as Aaron Schobel out there.


    I understand that he doesn't have to be a Patrick Willis athlete to be a great player and worthy of a high pick, but I kind of disagree about his field generalship being enough to justify picking him at #9 when we have no left tackle.


    Also what's the deal with "Mount Cody"? Why wasn't he ever on the field except as a fullback?

  2. The reason why he doesn't get to show off is because Saban doesn't let him just free lance and let him do what he wants. McClain's job for that defense is to put everyone in the right position and clean up everything there. If you didn't notice in the game he doesn't blitz very much he drops a lot into coverage. He almost had a leaping INT last night. If I had to say that the guy has a weakness it would be his blitzing. At times , I thought he looked very lazy coming in for a blitz. I dont know if he was waiting for something to set up or not but I thought he could have done a better job then that. He is good at run stuffing and dropping into coverage. He leads his defense and isn't required to be Mr. Everything.


    don't get me wrong, I thought he looked very good. I am just not sure that he looked like a top-10 pick for a linebacker - cause they are rare (unless he runs some crazy times in the combine)

  3. I don't think McClain is worth passing on a top left tackle. I just wasn't THAT impressed watching him last night. And for a linebacker to be picked in the top 10 he needs to be RIDICULOUS.


    being a field general on defense is great, but it doesn't warrant such a high pick unless it's backed by crazy athleticism. Willis ran a sub 4.4 40 and played like he was that fast at Ole Miss. I didn't see close to that kind of speed from McClain.

  4. he looked good but I don't know. He didn't look #9 overall good for a linebacker. I didn't see the freakish athleticism I was led to believe that I would see.


    Did Cody even play on defense last night? The only time I saw him on the field was playing fullback.

  5. I think this is a really good analysis. I watched Bryan Bulaga in the bowl game and wasn't overly impressed. Derrick Morgan made him look pretty foolish at times. While Morgan is a really good DE, so are the opponents he will face in the NFL. However, I hadn't watched Bulaga prior to that game. Maybe others have seen him more often and can comment on his pass blocking skills.


    I could not have had a more different impression from watching the bowl game. I thought Bulaga looked ridiculously impressive.

  6. I think Bulaga is going to go a lot higher than these early draft boards have had him going. He'll be picked before Trent Williams and probably before the Rutgers guy too. I think there is a very strong chance he'll be the 2nd tackle taken and maybe even the first. I will be shocked if he makes it out of the first half of the first round.


    until McClain runs a sub 4.4, I think the Patrick Willis comparisons should wait.

  7. I like them both. I gotta go with Bulaga though. He looked dominant in the games I saw him. He reminded me A LOT of Jake Long. But the reason I go Bulaga is that a Left Tackle is just a lot more valuable than a linebacker. Good linebackers will be available in round 2. Good left tackles? Not likely.

  8. PFT points out an important point - this is the only stretch of days, for possibly a couple of weeks, that he can be interviewed since the Vikings are still alive in the playoffs. The only reason we can interview him this week at all is because the Vikings earned the bye.

  9. since its your first post I'll reply. just some advice - you've got to just pick one thing to talk about in a thread or people won't read it. And avoid giant blocks of type, too.


    I agree with a lot of what you say - I think way too many Bills fans automatically believe that we have the worst roster in the league by far and I don't think that's even close to true. Well not that close anyway. A lot of people actually thought that we'd get crushed by Indy backups because Polian was just that good a personnel man. Don't expect them to ever eat crow though.

  10. Maybin should already be trying to bulk up. Honestly as uneventful a rookie campaign as it was, I never some him screw up contain on the field. He showed some football ability and awareness in his limited time out there, and solid effort/enthusiasm (which showing both makes him better than someone like Vernon Gholston, a true bust). However he needs to gain at least 15 lbs no matter what, and make that his new normal weight. He looked like an anorexic out there.

  11. DC is a high profile, national exposure team that has demonstrated it will give you the resources you want (even if that usually doesn't end up working out). It's also warmer.


    however - DC's newish stadium is basically universally reviled and there is already talk of tearing it down.

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