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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. he seems like a good fit at the SAM spot in the Cover 2 - big and can cover. Definitely worth consideration in the 2nd day judging by that profile. Good find.
  2. Royal is probably average for a TE receiver. He's not really a threat. However the last few years we haven't even been utilizing our TE because our tackles have needed so much help in protecting the QB. Hopefully this year will be different with our new and improved O-line.
  3. Yes, I acknowledge that they are in fact different people. In my opinion the comparison needs to be talked about just as you compare any players coming out of the same program that have similar physical attributes and styles. It seems that their likelihood of success would be most reasonably forecast through such comparisons. I've seen him already declared as Marshall Faulk on this board - yet its J.J. Arrington that Lynch has the most in common with coming into the NFL.
  4. serious question. Very similar style runners, same offense. Arrington is a little faster, Lynch a little bigger. Arrington has done nothing in the NFL at all. What makes Lynch different?
  5. I can't think of any linebackers that are able to make plays when the o-lineman reach them clean. Urlacher - nope; Lewis - nope; Fletcher - certainly not Linebackers aren't superheroes, they need protection from those big lineman or they get blown up virtually every time.
  6. If Peterson is there and we don't take him... my television might be flying out the front window
  7. its not about "interest" its a list of the people we are known to have expressly spoken to
  8. Branch had an excellent combine and was a force in college. I'm not going to put much stock in the pro-day, especially the useless Krumrie test which really landed us some stud DT's while he was here I think that test might be the only reason Krumrie still gets hired by anyone. He's all bark and no results. I do, however, respect Mayock's opinion. The guy really knows his stuff.
  9. yeah, where are these "rumors" coming from?
  10. of course we have no 5th rounder this year...
  11. Vilma would be a great addition. He is a class guy and is in that mold of highly athletic linebackers that we are looking for. He doesn't fit the Jets defense anymore. His talents are wasted as an ILB in a 3-4.
  12. The reason for it is that he played some guard at the end of last season and McNally stated that they were interested in seeing him play inside. here's the quote: "There's no question he's going to be pushing for a starting job," McNally said. And McNally doesn't limit Butler's shot at a starting position to just offensive tackle. "I think he'll be very competitive at guard and tackle," said McNally of Butler. "He can bend enough to play inside. He's 6'6" and around 300 pounds. He's pretty quick and a decent athlete. You like to have big guards because if guards are shorter it's tougher for them to pass block because they don't have a lot of range. He's a contender at guard or tackle." here's the link since I went and found the article - http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=4619
  13. True - I agree, RG is really the only spot that is truly up for grabs- though he has Walker playing guard and Pennington still starting at tackle
  14. My O-line Prediction: LT - Jason Peters LG - Dockery C - Fowler RG - Brad Butler (the big surprise) RT - Langston Walker
  15. the Browns would be nuts not to take him, unless they want to grab a QB cause Charlie Frye stinks. Jamal Lewis is totally done and is not the answer for any team as a starter.
  16. Ricky's not a bad guy. However I don't think he actually wants to play football. Love of football seems to be the biggest character trait that Marv and co. have traditionally looked for in a player. With Ricky, that's a huge question mark.
  17. I thought that the knock on Branch was that he gets worn down as the game goes on, not that he was lazy. The guy is a beast. Michigan had one of the top defenses in the nation, especially the run d, and he was there most dominating lineman. Great player. I hope he's there at 12 for us.
  18. From comments following last years draft, one or two the players that we drafted (I think McCargo at the very least) commented that they hadn't talked to the Bills at all. In response to this Marv or Modrak was asked about this and they indicated that they don't always talk to who they are interested in if they think they know enough about a player (maybe through college coaching contacts?) but will talk to them if they don't know much. At the very least though this shows what positions they are spending more time mulling over.
  19. only problem I have with it is the 1st pick - Sears is a good player but more worth 2nd rounder than 12th overall; plus, as has been noted, guard and tackle aren't our needs anymore.
  20. I agree. It looks strange and sloppy. Isn't there some stupid rule that all the colors you use in your main jersey are the only colors you can use in all your other ones? I thought I heard that was the explanation for the Bills insane use of different shades of blue in our jerseys.
  21. it's a worthless article. Only mentions that we've lost these guys in FA and only time will tell if we should have let them go. Offers absolutely no insight at all while saying that maybe Marv isn't up to the job. It's a little surprising that this guy gets paid to write such nothingness.
  22. There is nothing insightful about ESPN's analysis. All they did was look at which teams have lost the most players that they have heard of and who signed big contracts. Clements, Fletcher, and McGahee fit that bill. There ends the analysis. Just judging by this they are right. I don't think any other teams have lost 3 "name" guys that ESPN would talk about. However it can't be disputed that these loses have left us with some big question marks. But that's about it. The moves were all the right thing to do for the team...except maybe Fletcher.
  23. Ditto. He was a total non-factor for the Bears. They took him out on important downs, both short yardage and passing situations. When he was in he looked pedestrian. Reminded me of Tim Anderson. Just cause he was on the Bears doesn't mean that he is any good.
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