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Posts posted by Fewell733

  1. uh, ok? he declined Seahawks too early in the game. Could be he's waiting for his season to be done. Or its possible he doesn't want to be a head coach. Given his fall from Chicago, it wouldn't be that surprising actually.


    Why does it feel like so many people on this board are just looking for an excuse to throw themselves into oncoming traffic?

  2. he never promised that. You just heard what you wanted to hear. He said the most important thing is a HC that is a teacher and that previous head coaching experience would be certainly preferred, but not determinative.


    most of those guys you listed are terrible or VERY retired.

  3. i said this in the Frazier freak out zone already but I'll repeat it again:


    only 3 of the 12 playoff teams this year are coached by 2nd time around head coaches - and 2 of them are perennial playoff bust coaches Wade and Norv. the third is Bellichick who has a HOF QB, and he was a bust the first time round.


    so 9 of 12 playoff teams are headed by first hire head coaches. Yet you need prior Head Coaching experience to succeed in the NFL?

  4. Cowher's not just another retread HC and you know it...Everyone knows it...Folks can say what they will about the guy, the help he had in Pittsburgh, how much was his doing...But one thing is absolutely not up for argument because it's fact...And that is Cowher's Record...149-90-1 (.623 %)...12-9 in the Playoffs...One Super Bowl Ring...6 times in the AFC Championship Game in 15 Years...10 out of 15 Years in The Playoffs...


    Re-tread? Not so much...


    I held Dick Jauron responsible for his crap Record and I want Cowher because of his stellar Record...The speculation going on about Cowher from his haters is just that...speculation...He'll have to prove to me he can't do it elsewhere...Because it's a fact the guy won and won a lot in his last gig...:wallbash:


    sorry re-tread was the only term I could think at the time to mean a non-first time head coach coaching the current team.


    my point is there isn't a lot of success with old head coaches starting again somewhere else.


    not saying I wouldn't take Cowher, I would - I'm just pointing out that most successful coaches are first time hires. So don't close the door on them just cause they're not Cowher.


    but I think a lot of people on this board are just eager to have a hissy fit meltdown

  5. I wonder how attractive a job is Seattle? Great city, but geographically it's really far from everywhere but itself. East coasters may be less inclined to uproot and move 3,000 miles away for a job when they can take an hour flight to Buffalo from where they call home. Just a thought.

  6. For those who weren't impressed last night, here's a quote from Rolando after the game:


    "I just want to go home and take another shower and go to sleep," McClain said. "That’s how weak and tired I am right now. But my team needed me. They needed me to be a leader, and I couldn’t let them see that I was sick. I couldn’t let them see that I wasn’t 100 percent. For them, I’d do anything"


    yeah. That definitely could have made him look a less explosive. Anyways, there's a long offseason to look at highlights and analyze measurables. :thumbsup:

  7. I think they can basically keep it all under wraps.


    a few points:

    1. with Fewell, officially interviewing him was something the team had promised him, and it was also a way to help him raise his profile in the league. It also fulfilled the Rooney rule, but that ended being moot anyway with Frazier.

    2. With Frazier, I think it had to be an "official" interview because his team is still alive and league rules dictate a certain procedure in these circumstances.


    also keep in mind that the Redskins didn't have any kind of official interview with Shanahan until it was basically a foregone conclusion that he was the one being hired

  8. Texas is not a running team, they're a passing team. They use the big guy to stuff the run. Cody has always been a situational player. He's not an every down guy.


    ok, that's what I figured. If he's a situational player while still in college, he's not getting picked very high. 2nd round at best. That said, we should consider him in the 2nd round, lol.

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