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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. do people realize that we allowed the fewest sacks in franchise history last year? The offensive line is not really the problem - it's lack of targets to keep defenses honest (and it didn't help that our play calling was so painfully predictable)
  2. yep. His biggest problem was staying on the field. It seemed like every year he was ending up on IR before the bye week.
  3. if he can be a true difference maker in the slot, he'd still be worth it. But we'd still have a big need for an outside receiver, but the need for size wouldn't be as crucial.
  4. this is very significant - it seems like the strength of his game is in that kind of mold - I struggle picturing him being a great receiver on the outside - but I do see him being a very good receiver to have on your team and out on the field. I think the team that drafts him in the 2nd will probably be planning on using him in a slot type roll - like Anthony Gonzalez last year with the Colts. I'd like him, but I think we still need a true outside target that at least proved he could do it in college at the very least. We've also kind of got a glut of slot receivers, but at least Nelson has the size that we really lack. I wonder how Josh Reed's health is too, he had pretty serious surgery this offseason. That could make Nelson a more likely target in the draft.
  5. I think we only start considering drafting a TE in round 3 - but it may not be until round 4 since we don't really have any sense of these guys true value and what we've addressed at that point. If a guy we like is still happens to be available, I think we probably take him. The odds of that are probably pretty low since there are probably only 2 or 3 guys we really like in the TE class, so I'm not betting anything since I don't know who's on the board still in the 3rd. It'll be at least a little clearer after the first day of the draft, rounds 1 and 2.
  6. Ryan is a fine player - great competitor, good enough arm, but careless with the football. He wouldn't be considered a top-10 pick if it wasn't for the constant demand for qbs and the willingness of teams to reach for them. So in answer - good lord no.
  7. I'm pretty sure we'd have a different of opinion of him if came to the team. He'd be OUR spoiled receiver.
  8. I think we're not drafting a TE till round 3, and we're only drafting one there if one of the guys we really like is still on the board. there are really only about 4 decent TE's in this whole draft - I think signing a few pass catching types was to reduce that need and we'll only strike if the right guy is there in a good value spot
  9. there's a difference between having an opportunity to win the job and there being kind of an "open competition" for the starting job - Edwards is the starter, if JP lights it up and Edwards is struggling, then JP gets his shot. The alternative doesn't make any sense.
  10. I don't get the sense we're drafting him at 11. Modrak's comments on him seemed more like damning with feint praise. Didn't praise his hands, said he has great TIMED speed, and seemed to attribute a lot of his production to bubble-screen type plays
  11. good move on his part. He's looked like a shell of his old self for two years now. Really didn't even look like a pro athlete last year. Looked and played like a broken down old man with a gut. Tremendous career though.
  12. To me it sounds like we're not gonna go receiver at 11. Devin Thomas - got some muted praise - great TIMED speed, great run after the catch, used a lot in bubble screens in college, but also said he was more than just a one year wonder Malcolm Kelly- 40 time didn't seem to phase them too much - it was only a little worse than they expected - but his outburst raised questions they weren't expecting, but it might not be determinative - was compared to Michael Irvin as a player Hardy - was praised for his skills as a big receiver, but his character issues weren't addressed Jordy Nelson - great Catcher, medium range receiver with deceptive speed, emphasized how he was a slot guy in college and would have to make the transition to the outside in the pros We seem to like a few of the corners a lot - specifically McKelvin, DRC, and possibly Jenkins (he alluded to McKelvin as being a grade A player and likely top-10 pick, but also basically said there are a few guys that are just about as good and you could like them just as well). Tight End Fred Davis - great athlete, can split the seam of the defense, ok blocker Bennett - all around guy, wasn't too specific Dustin Keller - H-back in the NFL - guess we're not really considering him alluded a little on how TE has been addressed to some extent in FA - Courtney Anderson, Teyo Johnson - both have good receiving potential (my words not his) Apparently DE wasn't addressed at the meeting for some reason. links on the homepage and some video on BB.com
  13. it was the shot at Bills fans that got me upset. I could care less if he thinks its a boring matchup. It's so totally uninformed that it's embarrassing. What serious NFL fan or journalist that has been around the game for any length of time doesn't know that the Bills have a rabid and disturbingly loyal fan base? To compare us to Arizona fans? Ridiculous
  14. such comments demand consequences - I'll be sending him an angry email
  15. some conflicting reports now about the time - an Oklahoma paper reports he ran a between 4.46 and a 4.61 - http://newsok.com/article/3230822/1208371488
  16. I really blame the agent for this whole garbage. The kid is what, 21 years old? I think he got caught up in the media baloney - which to the scouts really doesn't matter - and ends up looking ridiculous because he thinks what people say on ESPN actually matters. The agent should have kept his expectations grounded and made the focus the strengths of his game rather than this whole sideshow about tenths of seconds on a track.
  17. loaded for bear? what? I agree with that thing about the focus on the player rather than the placement - I'd say that's exactly the draft philosophy that we've used with great success in the past two drafts.
  18. 11-5 isn't too much of a stretch looking at the schedule and seeing the teams we should beat - but obviously there is no easy, or guaranteed victories for us - or really any team.
  19. would have been news a long time ago if they were changing them.
  20. I probably wouldn't take him till the supp. 4th or the 5th. Honestly I will be surprised if we draft him just because I think our decision makers think you can get decent fullbacks off the street at any time. That said I think it would be exciting to have a guy like him on the team and he'd add a real aggressive dynamic to the offense that's been missing (with the big exception of Lynch).
  21. sure - we'd still need some competent big targets for the middle of the field and the redzone though
  22. the Detroit media seems to think that LB is a strong possibility for them in the first - there was a whole article on whether they would go with Keith Rivers or Jerod Mayo. Connor seems to be really free falling a bit. A lot of people seem to think he'll not be picked in the first round. He might still be there for us in the 2nd. Not sure we'd want to go in that direction though.
  23. he had Adams as a sophmore - Adams was a top 10 pick last year - so no help this year where he had a sack and a half less than Harvey his injury is a sports hernia - not like a destroyed knee or chronic joint issues. regardless - if half this board wants us to go DE in the first - they should at least be talking about all the realistic options and not just stay fixated on one guy, Harvey
  24. my bad - I was going off of tackle stats which apparently weren't accurate from 2006. my main point is he is never talked about and is nearly just as viable a prospect as Harvey but overlooked because he's been injured this offseason. Personally I don't think we're going DE in round 1, but Harvey isn't the only option out there if we do.
  25. Harvey had a sack and a half more than he did. big whoop. And according to the article he has a lot of pass rushing moves, as opposed to some of the other DE prospects - Gholston specifically. he doesn't have a ton of sacks in three years because he was playing behind Gaines Adams and this was his first opportunity for a lot of playing time.
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