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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. yep he wants a raise. Pay the man. http://www.buffalonews.com/258/story/352324.html
  2. I think we have to have 4 rbs on the roster like we had last year. So Omon makes it, imo. Bell seems almost certainly destined for the practice squad. The Bills have been pretty clear they view him as a long term project. Felton making the roster would be a surprise - he'd have to beat out Whittle or Preston - possible, but he apparently has a lot of work to do as a pass blocker. Pretty sure we'll keep 3 qbs. I think your defensive side is pretty spot on. I do doubt Blake Costanza makes the team though, and I kind of think the Bills will give Youboty the benefit of the doubt this year.
  3. and we played them during the season that year, in NY.
  4. http://www.patriots.com/news/index.cfm?ac=...519&pcid=47 CBS is doing some kind of "super-regional retail and entertainment destination" at Gillette Stadium "There is no greater franchise right now in the NFL than the New England Patriots, and there is no better or higher rated broadcaster than CBS Sports, which has become network television's #1 supplier of big ticket events like the NFL," said Leslie Moonves, President and Chief Executive Officer, CBS Corporation. "The CBS Scene Restaurant and Bar represents a terrific opportunity to bring these forces together to launch a first-of-its-kind dining and entertainment destination at what promises to be one of Northeast's most popular attractions. We're very pleased to be partnering with The Kraft Group in bringing this project to life, and creating a venue like nothing else out there."
  5. agreed. It's bad news. In all seriousness, the internet may be the last best hope.
  6. they don't need to pay the refs. The NFL pays them, and the NFL wants the Pats to win. They love their marquee franchises and give them the benefit of the doubt when the decision reached can be plausibly justified. Also I agree with Ryan that 2007 was "clean" - no taping or whatever. The difference this year was though that the Pats roster was absolutely stacked on offense with Moss, Stallworth, Welker(and it helps that the Pats don't get called for holding). The championships they actually won though were eked out - which, to me, casts those seasons under serious scrutiny (since most of the key games came down to a play or two where an unfair advantage could easily change the outcome. It's very possible that they never would have made it to those other Superbowls.
  7. Other - our conference is stacked and we're in a division with the best team in the league. the math isn't favorable from the start.
  8. power football only works with balance. It takes a very weak defense to not be able to stop the run consistently when they know its coming. Fairchild's big problem was that everybody in the stadium knew what was coming.
  9. Pucillo is a lot better than he once was. He was a coach favorite in Washington and played decent for the Browns for awhile. Probably better than Preston at this point.
  10. I caught it, though not on ESPN. Not happy especially with how Goodell handled the investigation - says the league has a clear conflict of interest on the issue and thinks an impartial investigation should be done. Felt like Goodell was bootstrapping the punishment without first analyzing the data (like looking at what was actually done and investigating its effects on outcomes). Walsh also indicated that at least one offensive player, unnamed, was aware of the taping and involved in catching the signs from the defensive coaches to relay them to Brady. Which, imo, is a pretty big deal.
  11. Goodell definitely didn't seem consistent on a number of points. Maybe he should have had a league atty present for the press conference. he could have used one.
  12. several things remain very fishy - 1. the claim that the videos weren't used in the same game (despite evidence that would seem to show the opposite), 2. the fact that the Pats acted internally as though they knew the taping was illegal, 3. and what exactly did Goodell know when he handed down the punishment in the fall. 4. the Rams walk through situation is still questionable since Walsh was on the field during it - this is the one thingwhere I could see the league conspiring to make go away - also they kept saying that no tape exists, but not sure they ever said that there was never a tape, or taping done (though they may have) also - Goodell is trying to close the door on the accusations of illegal audio interference and mic use because Walsh said they didn't do it - however why would Walsh know if they were doing that? He was basically a video intern. It would, on its face, go far beyond his duties.
  13. it especially doesn't make sense since at the very Jets game where they were caught, the tape was to be given to the coaches (or whatever they are) at the half. Also they taped games against non-division opponents where they wouldn't be playing them again that year - taping the AFC championship game against the Steelers for instance. Schlereth called Goodell out on it right after the press conference. Also they remain unconvincing about exactly what the league knew when he handed out the fine back in October. There is a lot of non-playing time in the NFL that could be used to analyze and organize data gathered from tapes. Long halftimes, and an ever growing amount of commercial breaks. This is even more true in the playoffs and especially the Superbowl.
  14. I was happily surprised at how critical of the Pats* ESPN has been today. Schlereth and Cris Carter were really going after them, and then after the press conference quickly pointed out the numerous inconsistencies in Goodell's story. Goodell didn't come off well I didn't think. Basically seemed like a Patriots* PR person - "nothing to see here..."
  15. ever since Thurman went in as a Dolphin and Kelly went in as a Houston Gambler, I don't think we can afford to take anything for granted. I am so sick of Buffalo being disrespected this way - it makes me so madddddd!!!!!! this thread deserves only nonsensical responses
  16. he should probably not hang around his felon father anymore, and ditch the gun. No charges thank God. Bills should have a sit down with him.
  17. bingo - PFW doesn't really practice journalism. Why are we worried about this article, it's totally irrelevant. Might as well have been a fan posting on the internet forecasting doom and gloom and saying that he knows a guy that knows a guy.
  18. those numbers would be extraordinary for a rookie. I'd be happy with over 500 yards and 5 or 6 touchdowns BUT also Evans numbers getting significantly better in the process. In fact Evans' production must be the best yardstick to judge his play as a rookie.
  19. we have to keep 4 rbs - both Wright and Omon will make the roster - Omon basically just replaces Anthony Thomas. I think Bell and Felton will both probably be Practice Squad guys and we only keep 8 lineman on the active roster (which is what I think we did last year) and then have guys we can call up if need be. Viti and Barnes are going to have a battle for the FB spot. I wonder if we keep 2. if one gets injured we'd have to scrap big chunks of the offensive playbook - wouldn't we want the insurance of a 2nd guy?
  20. nice post - this past year was the one that they were trying to show the world that they didn't need to cheat to win a title (never mind that their team this year was far better offensively than any of their others) - oops. Funny they probably would have won the SB if they had known where the blitzes were coming from in advance.
  21. seriously, Chris Henry makes Pacman Jones look like a boyscout. I can't see how the league can't suspend him for at least a season.
  22. way less predictable than Fairchild. I would call it much stupider though. I guess it was no accident that our first games against the Pats were close and our second invariably a blowout. Regardless of our lousy coaching, blowouts are rare. in some ways its comforting that during this span we weren't really good enough to get jobbed out of something we deserved.
  23. even if the walkthrough tape existed, the nfl would never let it see the light of day. whether it be under the table cash to make it go away or something else. it would damage the league too much.
  24. there's good cops and not so good cops just like any profession has good actors and bad actors. From what I've seen Benson's treatment looks like the act of some bad cops. Looking at the pictures taken on the boat - relaxed, good times with friends (and his mother) plus many witnesses that said the cops were out of line - doesn't look good for the Austin police. it's just a fact that cops are a much bigger part of life in urban black neighborhoods. It's not always just targeting, its that a lot of illegal activity goes on in poor areas, especially gang violence, drug crimes, or even petty conman stuff like selling fake jewelry etc., that the cops like to stay on top of. Plus its an easy arrest - more likely to be able to arrest the guy for some prior and not have to deal with lawyers that will cause them headaches. If you ever want to be horrified at what police are capable of just read what cops down south did anytime pre-Civil Rights movement - just shocking stuff.
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