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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. seriously? there is not a LT in the league I'd take over Peters. McFadden hasn't played an NFL down. End of story.
  2. I always imagined how excited Russert would be on the air when the Bills would finally win a Superbowl. he was a key part of the whole glorious package that sustains us all as Bills fans - that dream of eventual SB championship. He was our greatest advocate for his devotion and enthusiasm for the team and one of the only true outlets so the country and world understands what being a Buffalo Bills fan, or a Buffalonian period is about. He was the model for an ideal Buffalonian (or American) - tough, smart, kind, fair, family man, extremely hard-working, totally unpretentious and without tolerance for the usual BS that politicians use on everybody else. RIP Tim
  3. at this point there aren't even charges filed. The fact that the lady wasn't seriously hurt (have there been any details as to her injuries?) does not really make this a high priority for the city police.
  4. Kelly and company were notorious in engaging in bad behavior when they were here. That doesn't mean you got to hear about it on the news though. You have to understand that they're not just going to hold a presser about it in the middle of an investigation - it's a legal process, not a PR game.
  5. it was a tremendous game. Any sports fan should have loved it, even if they only watched through regulation. I admit I fell asleep on the couch during the second OT.
  6. I change them to reflect reality. Sometimes that even involves making a player on the Bills worse (Troy Vincent was rated in like the high 90s a year or two ago). Usually its to adjust younger players that are solid starters who are underrated and not high profile on the national scene yet (and rated in the low or mid-70s while bum street free agents that were good 8 years ago are rated in the mid-80s).
  7. Madden himself definitely doesn't rate the players, though he can put in his two cents if he wants to. If you look at a lot of the other player ratings on the Bills they actually look pretty good - McGee a 93 is very generous, I would have him about 87/88. Edwards, in my book, should be maybe only 2 or 3 points higher anyway since his body of work is still pretty small.
  8. the problem is that Madden overrates first rounders, especially top 10 guys. They stay overrated through the years too. As recently as the 2007 game Mike Williams was still rated in the mid-80s.
  9. amazingly though he still looked better than the qb that ended up winning the superbowl
  10. I just object to people who haven't played a down (or more than a handful) being ranked higher than him - who played very well as a rookie. Don't think that I actually get worked up or anything about it though.
  11. 79 isn't a fair rating. Behind Chris Redman, Todd Collins, Jason Campbell, Matt Ryan, Brady Quinn, Jamarcus Russell, etc. Thankfully they let you just edit everything and set things right. here's another site that has most of the rankings, but in a very awkward format Lynch is a 90 Peters is a 97 Evans is a 91 McGee is a 93!! McKelvin and Greer are an 82 Whitner is a 92 Crowell is a 90 http://www.pastapadre.com/2645/madden-09-p...tings?nggpage=2
  12. is it still a hit and run if the driver is unaware of hitting anyone? Seeing as the lady wasn't really hurt that doesn't seem very unlikely. Was she jaywalking? Was Lynch even driving? Way too many unanswerables at this point to draw any conclusions. Thank God the lady wasn't seriously injured.
  13. good call - that movie is very underrated.
  14. Nacho Libre - weird and not for everybody, but I found it totally hilarious
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/americas/05/...ibes/index.html gotta love the aiming of the bows and arrows at the plane. edit - here's some actual analysis from the BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7427417.stm
  16. haven't seen them - are those the ones that are like the fake rowhouse things? I've seen them being built along the thruways. No price is shocking to me anymore. The market is totally crazy. No way I'd spend significant dough on a place where you don't even get any land.
  17. yeah the taxes are high, but your buying a mansion for 500k. Around here (DC) that gets you a tiny 2 bedroom condo in a high rise, or a small rowhouse in a questionable neighborhood - that house would be several million around here.
  18. there are a lot of great moments in Temple of Doom. Better moments than Indy 4 has to offer. But Kate Capshaw is so irritating for the first hour that it's basically unwatchable whenever she's on screen and talking. Also Short Run, who I thought was awesome when I was a kid, now seems incredibly annoying. The story is way better though than Indy 4. Interestingly though both suffer from multiple over the top stunts involving cliffs, which border on ridiculous. they're both seriously flawed movies.
  19. I don't really think they get that many calls. They bother me when they don't seem to try. When they're actually focused they are probably the best team in the league. They've basically adopted Rasheed Wallace's personality - as good as it gets, but puts forth full effort about half the time.
  20. no idea, I always thought of him as a ninja if that helps...
  21. back when I was an 8 year old I didn't like Temple of Doom cause it was too gross, but I rewatched it this week and realized its just not very good. It has a lot of awesome moments, but they're overshadowed by Kate Capshaw's terrible terrible acting, Short Run reminded me of Jar Jar Binks this time, and just some bad editing throughout - the bridge at the end fluctuates from being about 70 feet high, to apparently hundreds of feet high. It really should have been amazing.
  22. whatever you do, don't go in with very high expectations - cause it won't live up to them. I went in assuming the absolute worst, like Star Wars prequels worst, and therefore wasn't too disappointed. There is some terrible dialogue early and some stupid CGI later (CGI should be limited as much as possible imo, it looks crappy). I watched the first three over the last week or so - this one clearly isn't near the level of Crusade or Raiders, but I think its probably a little better than Temple of Doom (which isn't necessarily saying that much - the movie was shoddily made, and if you disagree I suggest watching it again, its a poorly made film). I didn't mind LaBeouf's (whatever his name is) character at all and thought actually he was one of the better characters in the movie. I liked Karen Allen's return. Mac was pointless. The villain Russians weren't quite menacing enough. The story is more than a little silly. There's some great scenes though, which I won't ruin for anyone that hasn't seen it yet. It's enjoyable, just don't go in with really high expectations.
  23. as Spector has pointed out - the league has a huge conflict of interest in this matter and that's why an independent investigation should happen because the league isn't going to police itself honestly when its integrity is at issue. the easy solution is to ban the man at the controls, for life. 8+ years of knowingly cheating while racking up 3 Superbowls demands more than even a 1 year suspension, let alone a wrist slap that they've gotten. Also its actually not fair to the franchise itself that it should solely suffer for the actions of its coach - which taking away draft picks does (not that I don't like it).
  24. Brown's comments show that the players on the Pats are basically fooled into thinking that their rule breaking is common place. Tucker and the reaction from the NFL Live set with several former players who had never seen it done on teams they played for certainly shoots down that fallacy. This is actually a pretty significant advantage. Imagine if Poz had been able to practice the last 5 weeks of the season - he'd be a better player and our linebacking corps would have been less worn down by the end of the year. It's basically inflating your roster/practice squad size. It could make the difference in a game or two a year - especially late in the year games.
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