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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. Pappachino's in the village of Orchard Park is very good and pretty convenient to the stadium.
  2. 3 ints from the giants in 40 mph sleet while trying to come from behind. And as was pointed out 4 tds from dolphins game. Generally he didn't throw many tds or ints. Either way the stat at issue was yards.
  3. I live in DC, actually only about a mile and a half from the new stadium. there are major TV station issues because of the Orioles owner - I don't really know or care about the specifics. The channel they're on is lousy, looks almost grainy. Also, obviously, the team is not good. People like the Nats though - they just aren't going to waste 3 hours watching them lose on television. The way to watch them lose is to go to their gorgeous new stadium and enjoy the awesome concessions.
  4. http://rotoworld.com/content/HeadLines.asp...L&hl=117840 through 2012 - seems like we're making sure the players we like don't get away. Shows a lot of confidence in the guy.
  5. agree about Conlan. I don't recall a single memorable play for his entire pro career. then again i was pretty young at the time, but I do remember his contemporaries making plays.
  6. unenforceable. also its pretty rare for there to be long periods of standing - and when it seems called for no one will listen to a PA announcer edit - as Dr. Chicago points out it doesn't seem to cover normal stadium behavior, just a way to get out fans that are drunk a**holes.
  7. well according to Chris Brown, the coach's didn't think he had the lateral agility to block linebackers on the edges. I guess that's the kind of thing you either have or don't.
  8. Must not have even been close. I always struggled to see how he'd fit on the 52 man roster unless he was good enough to be the only true fullback on the team - tall task for a rookie FA.
  9. typical of ESPN Patsie worship to say how Harrison is overwhelmingly deemed the dirtiest by the coaches, and then spend most of the article defending him.
  10. http://buffalobills.com/blog/index.jsp?post_id=3602 I know Toronto is the main concern at this point but I tend to think the NFL doesn't prefer to have a lot of franchises moving around in a short amount of time.
  11. Scott is probably the top SS backup ahead of Wendling. Our defensive depth is outstanding - it would great to stay healthy this year though. Agree about the offensive line - Chambers is serviceable at best, and he seems to be our only backup tackle option other than a few long term projects. I'm glad we re-signed Whittle.
  12. true, hyped by draft maniacs that tend to value center prospects a lot more than pro-clubs do, not so much hyped in the mainstream.
  13. it's not so much Fowler's size that's the issue: Fowler - 6'3, 310 Bentley - 6'2 - 313 (that's when he was playing football, which is going on, what, about 2 years) Datish - 6'4 - 302 guys that can't stay healthy don't do a team much good. And it seems like a preposterous proposition that Datish would be any kind of an upgrade. He was a 6th round draft choice and its unclear that he's actually ever played in an NFL game. basically Bentley might be worth a gamble, Datish is just another guy, despite his draft hype - teams didn't buy in to it for a reason.
  14. anyone remember in the early 90s when they tried to replace the Shout song cause some college had claimed the rights to it. I think that lasted 1 week - they played "Rock around the Clock" instead I think. I've never heard such booing after a Bills touchdown at Rich.
  15. it might be more serious, but the cops don't have close to the evidence to get him on a hit and run (with a DUI you've been pulled over and breathalized, that's the evidence), but, if he was actually charged with a hit and run the penalty is contingent on the damage (not seriously injured and first offense means its a minor misdeameanor) and to even get him on that they'd have to show intent (like he knew he hit her and then drove off) which they can't show and there is apparently evidence going against it - thus the plea deal to a much lessor offense. the league isn't going to go out of its way to punish a player for a plea deal to a traffic violation - the banned substance comparison goes to a competitive issue in the league, that's why the league comes down harder on that stuff because it can affect outcomes of games (in theory).
  16. you'd think that the laws of physics would make a guy with that much mass have at least a moderately strong arm, but no, he's just a fat guy. I say bring him aboard for sheer entertainment value.
  17. great read. There were few more glorious moments in football than seeing the Pats destroyed last year. It still makes me smile.
  18. simple reality is that the seriousness of crimes is basically directly correlative with damage done. She wasn't seriously hurt. You want to make a moral judgment - fine (assuming he knew he hit her, which is very possible). But you have to understand that's a separate argument.
  19. no way the league will punish someone for exercising their rights under the Constitution per the advice of their attorneys. You realize you just described your 4th and 5th Amendment Rights as obstruction of justice right?
  20. the law and the NFL just aren't as emotionally fragile as many fans are. I agree I'd be very angry if the girl was a loved one, but she wasn't injured and she's going to get paid from a civil suit. That really doesn't have anything to do with the league. I question how you can question Lynch's heart on the field. He might be the guttiest runner in the league.
  21. I'd be pretty surprised with any suspension. It would set the bar too high for first time infractions - especially with traffic type infractions. Though it sounds serious, the "crime" is extremely small potatoes and if he wasn't a celebrity it wouldn't have been investigated more than superficially since there was no significant injury to any party. If it happened again, or some other thing, then 4 games. Hargrove got 4 games right and he had some kind of prior thing going on - and he assaulted a cop. That's far far more serious.
  22. pretty sure that neither is totally the case - otherwise people would be leaping into traffic all the time because the driver would always be at fault and it would be easy money for those desperate enough.
  23. especially since they'll be about 600 bucks worth of having several doctors tell her to take it easy for a day or two.
  24. its gone on long enough. It's gotta be in the running for the longest and most publicized investigation of a Class B misdemeanor in BPD history
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