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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. i really thought he was going to pick that off. Whoops.
  2. so did the other guy though. Both guys ended up on their back. wow.
  3. at least its not a knee. Hopefully it's not busted. Bell moves really fast for a tackle.
  4. we've had a lot more success running out of a spread.
  5. football intelligence out on the field is very different than being deeply interested in the game and knowing your stuff after you've retired. Every serious football fan, let alone NFL broadcaster, in the country should know who Paul Posluszny is and how to pronounce his name. Seriously he was a major college star at a huge football institution and was a top prospect in the draft just last year. If you pay attention to football you would know how to say his name at least passably. I get sick of people defending these brain dead ex-player broadcasters that, with very rare exception, get way more things wrong than right. Football lags far behind the other major sports when it comes to tv announcing and it really is mind boggling how the top league in the country, if not the world, can stand for such sub-mediocrity.
  6. the state of NFL broadcasting is a true disgrace. What they need is far fewer former players and more football geeks that actually know all the players names, even those that don't play in NE, Dallas, NY and are not named Favre.
  7. a key part of the equation, according to Begnini, is the fact of moving a team over the border. He indicated that the home market thing was fine, but the border crossing kicks up the fee according to the league bylaws. Also the Canadian and Provincial governments don't fork over the dough for stadiums like their State equivalents do.
  8. When I saw it was Tasker announcing I muted the TV and put on Murphy and Kelso. Even though the radio call was about 10 seconds late with the tv, the analysis from Kelso is about 100x better and Murphy actually knows who's on the field and who makes tackles. Tasker is among the worst of an abysmally and almost unbelievably poor group of broadcasters the NFL leans on. A simple rule to keep in mind when listening to Tasker is that every single thing he says is almost exactly wrong and the complete opposite true.
  9. I keep hearing Paul Hamilton on WGR talking about how poorly McKelvin played at corner last week. I really don't know what he's basing this on and he says it as though its obvious and then sounded surprised this morning that McKelvin thought he had played well. I was at the game and watched McKelvin very closely through the second half and I was extremely impressed at his coverage skills. He looked very smooth and I don't believe any balls were even thrown his way in the second half. The only obvious mistake I can think of in the whole game was his containment error on the touchdown to Betts in the first half - and that's about as easily correctable as they come. I came into the game as a McKelvin skeptic and came out of it extremely encouraged that this guy could be a special player in the not too distant future. Sometimes I get the feeling Hamilton kind of sees what he wants to see.
  10. I'm more concerned about him knowing the offense generally. Early in the game it was pretty obvious that he wasn't sure where he was supposed to line up - it resulted in at least one penalty and a burned time out. That's something that he's gonna have to nail down through study. I'm confident he will. The drop didn't bother me too much - as he said afterwards he had really concentrated on his cut, and it seemed he just didn't look up for the ball soon enough. I doubt he'll make that mistake again. The hot read goes back to the first issue - learning and understanding the offense, as well as the experience to recognize what the defense is doing.
  11. Spending both a lot of time in DC and in Buffalo, the last two days I've had the joy of listening to sports radio around DC and Buffalo following basically a meaningless game. In DC it is amazing how they twist every negative into an obvious positive and have basically convinced themselves that their team is a legit superbowl contender. Caller after caller calls in praising their team and pumping themselves up - Colt Brennan is a future stud, 3rd string running backs are future stars, etc. Basically Bills fans in Buffalo seem to have the exact opposite reaction. Disparage the team, the qb, call for everyone to be fired, write off the season. All this for a meaningless game that was tied at the half. I'm not sure which is more irritating.
  12. agree - Hardy looked very confused in the first quarter - a few times didn't seem to know where to line up leading to a burned time out and at least one penalty. Was glad he got the TD to give him something positive. Losman looked like he usually looks - great throws here and there, gave up a sack, threw a couple balls too hard. It seemed like Edwards barely played. Nice pass to Roscoe. Playcalling early on was very conservative. One receiver missed a hot route in the red zone. Lynch looked fine, barely was in there. Wright I worry about - I hated that fumble, and he was a fumbler last year too. Omon had one nice run. the reserve defensive lineman - Nua, Jefferson, Mace, etc. and linebackers Banks, Buggs and Costanza were totally destroyed in the 4th quarter. Teraz McCray gives a heck of an effort. Youboty played the entire game - they must really be wanting to see what he offers. Great pick - stupid lateral. He was burned a lot in the first half by mediocre receivers and seemed to be targeted by Jason Campbell and Collins. Couldn't cover James Trash. McKelvin looked very good to me. Still haven't seen anything from Schouman. Courtney Anderson had a nice reception. Poz is a beast. agree. Roscoe looks good. Steve Johnson looks polished. Jenkins had a great special teams tackle. Wendling had a couple very nice tackles on defense - which was nice to see. the o-line looked pretty good. Gave the qbs good protection at the very least. Even the reserve lineman were fairly solid.
  13. Was at the game and watched McKelvin at corner through the binocs - he looked excellent. I didn't see one occassion where the man he was guarding had any separation from him, and that included once where McKelvin lost his footing for a moment. BTW - Youboty played the entire game (thus his tackle totals) and I would not call his performance excellent at all despite his nice int. He was picked on early and often - could not cover James Thrash and wasn't even doing that well against the 3rd team receivers. Also Reggie Corner did not have that great a game either. His man kept getting open and was the most frequent target in the 2nd half.
  14. I would bet that he's going to struggle, but a struggling Favre is still an upgrade for them this year. My main reasons for thinking he'll struggle: - first time in 16 years he'll have to really learn an offense - not in football condition - weaker supporting cast - tougher conference - exponentially greater media scrutiny/pressure
  15. The Jets operation really does remind me of the Donahoe era Bills - more about hype than actual product and inevitably extremely disappointing. Favre makes them better, sure, a little bit. But it also makes it so they're not sneaking up on anybody. Their opponents will come in focused because the world is watching. Think about Favre's career though - 16 years in the same offense in small market Green Bay. This year he's coming in out of pro-football shape, having to learn a new offense with all new players and new reads (something he hasn't had to do since the Bills were in the Superbowl) and will for the first time have the most aggressive and unforgiving media machine watching and critiquing his every move. In Green Bay he could be viewed from afar and admired by the big press because his failures, or at least shortcomings, wouldn't affect them in the least cause he's off in cute Green Bay. That will not be the case in the Big Apple. That town will turn on him in a second if he gives them any opportunity to, and it will be a feeding frenzy.
  16. if anybody is interested I have 3 tickets i'm trying to sell (ended up with more tix than I intended to have). Live right in DC. They're 400 level seats right in the corner of the endzone. Message me if you're interested ASAP.
  17. I believe i read something the other day that when its not in season, a guy on IR counts against the 80 man roster limit. I may have some detail wrong, but it was something like that.
  18. Miami can't protect whoever they've got back there.
  19. in fairness they brought in a platoon of overpaid veterans with a history of underachievement.
  20. no, I really just meant we beat him in the AFC championship game and the Broncos basically weren't heard from for about 8 years in the 90s until the Bills faded from the picture. Elway wasn't the best example for "tarnished", which by that I was meaning denying glory for those that the media desire to receive it (in the form of victory, not accolade). Marino and the Dolphins are obviously the best examples.
  21. well i think the Jets run a similar offense, but Favre would have to learn all the new terminology in short order. Also it should be pointed out that Glazer was talking yesterday that before last season the Packers had Favre workout basically all offseason with special trainers to work on his timing and conditioning and that apparently the Pack thinks that that was a major reason for his better year. This year he threw the ball around with some high schoolers in Mississippi.
  22. I realize that - but I stand by my sentiments. Jets games just got a heck of a lot more interesting. Don't think for a second that our team won't be twice as focused on taking them down. The mere opportunity to tarnish the image of the egomaniac is good enough for me. And I still think it's going to be a trainwreck for the Jets.
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