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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. Greer has a pretty funny show that he posts to youtube, mainly comedy sketches. here's Greer with musical guest safety Bryan Scott on the piano:
  2. I agree totally. It wouldn't be a stretch at all to argue that he's been our best receiver, not the most dangerous, but the best of the lot.
  3. from the further out shots the Ravens uniforms look exactly like the Jags. How similar are NFL uniforms allowed to look?
  4. that does suck, it seemed like Barnes was really popular and was real funny. I was a little worried though when on both his catches a week ago the ball ended up coming out. It went out of bounds both times but that's not a real encouraging sight for a coaching staff. It was clear they liked McIntyre a lot, he was an RFA and we took a real long look.
  5. I picked a great week to start him in FF...
  6. I think the old blue is good, but I don't mind the navy either. They need to, at the very least, simplify the navy jerseys and helmets to something more like the throwbacks and totally redesign the road uni's.
  7. there's also a huge difference between the NFL and the NHL. An NHL team struggles to even make a profit, with the NFL its just a question of how much profit you want to have.
  8. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-3-161...-football-.html ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. -- My locker-room conversation with Buffalo Bills third quarterback Gibran Hamdan started out as a quick blog item and turned into something much more. I wanted to ask Hamdan about Cam Cameron, his head coach at Indiana University who brought Hamdan to Miami Dolphins camp last year. Cameron was fired after the season and became the Baltimore Ravens' offensive coordinator. I asked Hamdan if he could detect anything foul about what would turn into a 1-15 Dolphins campaign. We talked about the leadership in place with such respected captains as quarterback Trent Green, linebacker Zach Thomas and defensive end Jason Taylor. What I discovered was Hamdan is a raconteur. Hamdan, an NFL Europa MVP who also has played for the Washington Redskins and Seattle Seahawks, delivered one of the more passionate and insightful interviews I've recently been a part of. So here's our talk when the subject turned from last year's Dolphins to this year's Bills. What happened in Miami last year was surprising because of the leadership of guys like Zach Thomas, Jason Taylor and Trent Green ... GH: Overall team chemistry is very important, and you can have the leadership at the top, but you've also got to think who's the 52nd and 53rd guy on your roster, the 49th. What do they bring to the table? I think that's something we do well here in Buffalo. Everybody has a role. Everybody looks at themselves in the mirror each week and says 'This is how I can help the team win this week.' If you get a team that can believe in that, and you have a head coach that exudes the importance of that, I think you're better off. Obviously, there are certain guys making the plays on Sunday, and we have some very talented ones here. But I would say everybody in the locker room feels they've done something to help the team win, no matter how minimal or maximal it is on Sunday. Related to that all-for-one mentality, the Bills seems to be a team with no elite talent, but no weaknesses. Would you agree with that? GH: Now, see, I wouldn't say that. I wouldn't say that. There is elite talent here. I think where we are located geographically, the coverage that we get, leads people to believe a certain thing about our team. I've been on a lot of teams. There are elite players here. Maybe not big names. Maybe not guys that the average fan, looking at a fantasy-football sheet, would say 'Oh, yeah.' But that's not how you build a team. I think if you look at the successful teams over the years, namely the ones in our division, New England, or a San Diego or an Indianapolis, you don't necessarily go down the roster and say 'first-round pick, first-round pick, first-round pick, eight-year Pro Bowler, six-year Pro Bowler' ... You look at how teams are built, and the teams that are having success are the teams that are doing a good job of bringing players in that fit a system, that can jell into a cohesive unit and know their roles. So you can say all you want about not being an elite player, but I'll take a guy who plays his role excellent on each and every play than a guy who maybe is an elite player but isn't playing at a high level because he's maybe upset about his role on the team or where he's situated. I think I misspoke when I said 'no elite talent,' but thanks for setting me straight. What I meant is that the Bills aren't loaded up in any one area of dominance that bails out another area on a weekly basis. There's total balance. GH: Our game [sunday] was a perfect example of that. Defense keeps us in the game the whole way through. Then the offense comes around and makes a couple plays. That's the way you've got to win in this league nowadays. It really is. You can't just one-side your way through a season. Sure, there are anomalies. Sometimes an offense can be just unstoppable. But the NFL isn't fantasy football as much as people like to look at it that way. We have that conversation every week. You can't look at us like fantasy football. It's all about 'Who's going to perform up to their abilities so we can win?' If you have a lot of guys that know their role on the team, know how to perform that role and do it consistently every week, it doesn't matter what kind of talent you bring in here because that team will win. That's what we've built here as a team.
  9. for all the reasons I can't stand the guy, I will admit that he is probably the best basketball writer out there. Football - he doesn't know squat and is just a cheerleader for Boston and whatever the "hot" big market teams are of the moment.
  10. according to Wikipedia he was born in Buffalo and moved to Indy at age 9
  11. I also hold out some hope that what Ralph says and does are too different things in this matter. As Schumer indirectly pointed out, publicly saying that things were getting could be counterproductive to keeping the Bills here.
  12. and Chief Justice Roberts, Roger Goodell (close enough), Wolf Blitzer, Ani DiFranco, Harvey and Bob Weinstein and a few hundred others that would bear mentioning above Vincent Gallo.
  13. right mainly cause they have to play us twice (7-9) and we have to play them twice (16-0) ignoring that, Jax beat Indy. So the only significant difference is we play Cleveland and they play Pitt - one game but I guess I see where Bill's coming from - the poor Pats have to play the Bills twice while we get to take on those light weight Pats
  14. makes a lot of sense. Delaware North has stuck with Buffalo when it would have been easy to leave.
  15. that's funny that he calls are schedule so easy since it is almost the identical schedule that the Pats have. I wonder if he insults Buffalo each week (even when crediting us he will always take a backhanded swipe) to annoy Greg Easterbrook and Nick Bakay. They are two of his major peers, and arguably competitors, for humor infused sports commentary and both are from Buffalo.
  16. he basically admits that he's totally uneducated on the subject of the Bills but will continue to talk out of his a** anyway.
  17. just blitz the sh** out of Trent Green and get him to start having flashbacks; keep it steady on offense and special teams and we win. One thing about Jauron's team is that I can't really recall him losing many, if any, games we should have won. (knocking on wood right now)
  18. that's right! I think it was the Derrick Dockery show? It seemed like it was mostly about Jabari Greer though. looks like there's some new stuff this year, pretty funny stuff from Jabari:
  19. they seem to have really improved this year. I think it's because they are having the writers who focus in on each division. like Tim Graham for the AFC East, churn it out. It makes a big difference when you have people that are actually paying attention to every team.
  20. Chris Brown said that Barnes said the foot felt better today, but they're still waiting on the MRI I guess. He felt well enough to be joking around on 68 Seconds with Langston Walker.
  21. hmm, well we ran the last minute and a half off intentionally so they couldn't get it back. Why would they want no time when the other team is already in fieldgoal range? The more plays the other team has in that area the worse for that team since they could have some kind of big mistake and blow the chance at the kick.
  22. I was shocked he didn't start calling timeouts once we got even in extreme field goal range. We would have played it differently and still been able to run most of it out, but I've never seen a coach just sit there and not give himself a chance to get the ball back at all. He did attempt to call a timeout just before the kick, but was too late and the ref wouldn't give it to him since he tried to call it basically as the ball was snapped (BTW that now discouraged practice of the very last second timeout led me to not enjoy the moment of last kick nearly as much as i should have at the game since I thought he might have to do it again)
  23. yeah, not a good day for the special teams. I'd take Lindell over Janikowski though.
  24. he took the blame for the long TD after the game - being inches out of position can cost you. I trust Poz to learn from every one of his mistakes.
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