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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. huge. I think the lack of vets at receiver is a big detriment, and is made especially bad since we can't run the ball.
  2. agreed. as the weeks go on the playcalling is looking more and more predictable and, like Fairchild, we seem unwilling to make changes, audible, or commit to the run. I was especially irritated about how obvious it was when we were either running or passing. When we run the Pats have 8 guys in the box, and when we pass they either have two safeties deep or bring a blitz. First, why not run out of the spread more and pass out of the bunch more as well as use the draw and play action like every good offense does? Second, why can't we audible out of a run when there are 8 guys in the box? even in Madden do you run into the teeth of a defense you know is stacked against you or do you audible out and make them adjust? This is the 3rd straight year of this kind of garbage. Trent is a smart guy, so as of now I'm either guessing Turk doesn't let him audible, or the receivers are too inexperienced to trust that they won't run the wrong route or line up wrong and cause a penalty or turnover. If Turk doesn't straighten it out he'll be out of here. We should probably be running a WCO anyways with the guys we have, so bring in some Seattle or Philly assistant who's been around successful offenses.
  3. agreed. Trent's had a couple bad turnovers, but we've moved the ball very well through the air, without the benefit of a running game. In the NFL it takes a good quarterback to do that. Trent is a good QB in the NFL and only in his 2nd season. JP was in and out of the lineup for years before last year's jags game. That game he had time to throw, and a running game and still threw it into triple coverage when the game was on the line.
  4. he definitely does do a lot of tiptoeing, but it's been pretty effective even if occasionally he seems to get blown up at the 20. His style is very different from McGee, but the results have been good.
  5. Jackson should get more playing time. The combo seems very much like the Julius Jones/Marion Barber backfield Dallas had a couple years ago and it might be a more effective offense right now with Jackson being the "starter."
  6. ?? we could cut any of them if we wanted to. NFL doesn't have guaranteed contracts like the NBA. Sure we'd swallow the signing bonuses, but that's pretty manageable. Also we've clearly missed Butler the past two weeks and Walker is solid, if unspectacular. Preston and Fowler are both UFA's at season's end. Peters' contract is extremely reasonable as it stands now. So basically you're talking about Dockery's contract.
  7. good point. That was interference.
  8. it looks like teams have figured out how to take Evans out of the game. Reed's injury compounds this problem. Need to adjust
  9. some of my thoughts on the game: 1) Whittle was beat all over the field. 2) Our O-line looks big, soft and slow. Walker should lose 30 pounds. Peters and Dockery could be in better shape as well. 3) I think we need to do some serious self-scouting on the offensive side of the ball. Every gap is filled in the running game. This leads me to think that the defense has a pretty good idea of what's coming. Also why do we not run anything to the outside? Too much shotgun. Evans hasn't been open in two weeks. 4) McKelvin needs to get a lot stronger before he'll be a good player in this league. Will probably take an offseason in a pro program to make that happen. he looks like a waif out there. 5) Still don't understand why Jauron didn't challenge the ball spot on the 4th down run (and then challenged a clear reception moments later) 6) that out of bounds kickoff rule is stupid. 7) picks happen in this league. i know roscoe slipped on the first one, but not sure it would've made a difference. The 2nd one doesn't bother me much. When your down by two scores with a minute to play you need to take some gambles and hope for the best. I'm positive he wouldn't throw that if the situation was different. 8) Mitchell looked slow out there. 9) Kelsay and Denney are really good at almost making big plays. 10) Was very frustrating seeming the defense get run over in the 4th. Reminded me of last year a bit. 11) We miss Schobel a lot more than too many of the people on this board realize. 12) Derek Fine might be a good player. Did more today than Schouman really has in two seasons.
  10. not sure what the difference is between a position player and any other player. In no particular order: Evans Edwards Lynch Reed Stroud Whitner Schobel McGee Walker Peters
  11. as long as he can hold onto the ball, I have no objection
  12. after the first drive of the second half we seemed to stop trying to run the ball. That was frustrating.
  13. if he tries to injure edwards, Brad Butler should do what he did to Kiwanuka back in college.
  14. Manning's accuracy on medium to deeper passes is way off from where it normally is. I would bet his knee isn't close to 100%.
  15. nobody on the team can do what Reed does because what he brings is experience and veteran savvy. Hardy and Parrish bring other strengths, but they can't replicate Reed's feel for coverages and nose for the first down marker.
  16. offensive lineman often aren't that good till their late 20s, by that time their rookie contract has expired. The Bills seem to think that if you do your homework in FA and target guys that you really think can play well at the pro-level you can build an offensive line and let others pay for players growing pains. Our line is young, yet Walker and Walker are just entering their prime years.
  17. the broncos play like a stupid football team.
  18. anybody that's ever heard Schobel speak should know that you can't necessarily take a word of what he says at face value.
  19. big DT - the 6'4/6'5 300+ type, no fattys TE - as always - an athletic pass catcher would be nice big LB - after Poz and Mitchell, all our lbers are tiny Center - I'd rather pick up a veteran FA as well then rely on a rookie to start right away.
  20. 4 to 5 starters Whitner, Simpson, Williams, Butler, and now Ellison
  21. Kitna is an awful quarterback and totally delusional about his own skills. He is inaccurate, makes terrible decisions with the football, takes bad sacks, fumbles when sacked, and is as arrogant as they come. No team is better with him on it.
  22. Chris Brown's blog points to a Scouts Inc. arm that claims the Bills have offered a 3rd for Gonzalez. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2008/10/13/n...e-for-gonzalez/ the fact in itself that Brown is even talking about it is meaningful, imo Gonzalez seems like he would be a perfect weapon for Edwards.
  23. I'd hate to give up Jackson. Since it's all wild speculation, maybe an even bigger deal is in the works. Maybe Jackson and Peters for Gonzalez and a 1st.
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