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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. they shouldn't be, but you can't see what receivers are doing on tv unless they get the ball thrown their way.
  2. I don't know, both the penalties called against him were laughably bad.
  3. sorry, but you're out to lunch on Losman. I like the guy but he will never be a good NFL qb because he just doesn't have the decisionmaking and panics too quickly for a pro qb. He has all the physical tools. You want to blame everybody but JP for JP's career but not many qbs in the NFL get to have as many opportunities as Losman to prove themselves. Don't be shocked when he's out of the league next year. For his sake I hope I'm wrong.
  4. in my eyes those sacks were on the qb. He doesn't know how to move around a pocket or get rid of the ball. He had all day back and still got sacked cause he panics after 4 seconds if he still has the ball while good qbs make big plays when you have that much time. JP played good for JP, but what's the point of having him out there if he's not gonna toss the bomb? Edwards didn't play well either, but the problem with his game was inexplicable inaccuracy and not taking enough chances downfield.
  5. Neither qb played well. JP played worse. Edwards was more inaccurate than usual, not sure if the groin had to do with that. JP though makes way too many negative plays, panics, pulls the ball down too early on plays, takes coverage sacks. I like JP, but will be surprised if he has much of a future in the NFL, even as a backup. A team is just better off having a young guy as a backup because JP basically plays like a young guy even though he's a 5 year vet.
  6. I always liked Nate - he had flaws and made big mistakes at times (who doesn't?), but he was a great player for us. I hope we show some class and not boo him. Not only is it classless, it really doesn't even make sense.
  7. I'm not saying he's deserved what he's gotten or that his efforts last year weren't commendable, I'm just saying that, when it comes down to it, it's his ongoing knee problems that will be the reason that he's let go at the end of the year.
  8. Any football fan can tell Lynch plays like a man possessed every time out there. I don't see why he think Poz gets a bad rap though either. I'm glad both are on our team.
  9. I think probably JP's biggest problem is that he's not really a rhythm passer. Basically JP is a thrower, a guy like Trent is a passer. JP hits targets that he aims at, Trent feeds the ball to the receivers and gets it to the right spot. The difference is that things just don't look as in sync when JP's behind center - and I think is a big reason why so many of us had this anxiousness when he was in the backfield that just isn't as present when Trent's behind center. He tends to look like he's forcing things with his big arm. I hope JP is successful wherever he goes, but I think only a handful of teams will be interested because his shortcomings tend to rule him out of a lot of offensive systems.
  10. he's had that nagging injury for like 2 years.
  11. I would say that Kiwaukee and Anthony Thomas played well for us. Can't argue for the rest.
  12. almost certainly the last we'll see of McCargo as a Bill and the beginning of the Stupar era of dominance at tight end.
  13. good point, i guess Chris Brown's list wasn't so definitive after all. I'll add him
  14. I've marked who i think will or should stay, and who's as good as gone Unrestricted free agents - Angelo Crowell - gone, can't stay healthy - Kirk Chambers - keep, depth tackle, only reliable one we have had in a decade - Melvin Fowler - gone, obviously - Jabari Greer - probably gone unfortunately, McKelvin, may be too expensive to sign, will be happy if we keep - J.P. Losman - gone, obviously - Teddy Lehman - gone, can't stay healthy - Corey McIntyre - keep, he's been good - Duke Preston - keep, beat out Fowler, provides interior depth and is well-liked on the team, should be cheap - Jason Whittle - gone, can't stay healthy Restricted free agents - John DiGiorgio - keep, competent LB depth with starting experience - Keith Ellison - keep, competent LB depth with starting experience - Dustin Fox - gone, will always be available mid-season if we need him - Gibran Hamdan - keep, why not, he and Edwards are buddies - Justin Jenkins - gone, can't break into the lineup anymore - George Wilson - keep, special teams captain, good depth safety when he doesn't fall down - Fred Jackson - keep, gotta keep the two-headed beast together as long as possible
  15. I doubt it. The Pats offense is predominantly a lot of dink and dunk to Welker and whatever back they've got in there, which JP would struggle with. He be good at the bombs and lobs to Moss which is how the Pats get in the endzone.
  16. as bad as their qb play is, their defense is, rather amazingly, much worse. Their secondary is just terrible. None of them seem to know how to tackle, keep containment, or even take proper angles to the ball. And actually looking at their roster, those guys are veterans. It's truly pathetic. as for QB, going after Cassel would only be a good move if his value isn't as inflated as it seems likely to be. He might be a very good pro qb, but he may not be considering the Pats unmatched receiving talent and ingenious offensive system (both by how its designed and in playcalling). much I think depends on what college qbs come out this year.
  17. without Schobel our d-ends are either very inexperienced (Ellis, Bryan) or just not explosive athletes who can create much pass rush (Kelsay, Denney). without Crowell, DiGiorgio, and even Bowen - our linebacking corps is thin on talent and experience. And Ellison has been playing banged up for 3 weeks apparently with a bum ankle. without Whitner, Youboty and Greer our secondary is thin and inexperienced, with only 3 healthy corners (2 of which are rookies) and newly added Dustin Fox. see a trend? It'll be hard to be an elite defense if our best defensive players aren't on the field - Schobel, Whitner, Crowell, and Youbody (as nickel corner); and the depth behind them is thinned out by injury as well.
  18. hopefully the hawks do something here and make this game worth watching as I wait for some turkey
  19. the system is made by the talent. No one seems to even run an offense that resembles NE's. It's basically a West Coast approach, but spread. The primary reason they can get away with it is because of Randy Moss forcing defenses to constantly guard heavily against the deep ball, giving Welker, the best slot receiver in the league, all kinds of space to basically operate as the running game. NE also has impeccable play calling. put Cassel on a team without Moss and Welker and the system has to be different.
  20. the announcers didn't point it out of course. You can see it on the first replay, I think, if you follow Marvin and Jammer from the LOS, as they cross over the middle of the field a TE or WR from the Colts bumps into Jammer (or stands in his way). I only saw it once, I don't have the technology to make my tv rewind.
  21. on the Harrison catch Jammer got picked by a Colts TE
  22. I am honestly getting to the point where I seem to know exactly how things are going to play out. I was sure he was missing that kick, but I was also sure that Leodis was going to be taking that KR back for a touchdown to answer the Browns touchdown. The schizophrenia of being a Bills fan has become predictable after 20 years.
  23. I agree. He is as good as they get when he's not talking out of his a** about stuff he doesn't really know about, or about anything to do with Boston teams. He's probably the best basketball writer on the planet.
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