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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. We have a lot more talent than you give us credit for. A defense without real talent can't keep you in games. We have a major deficiency in rushing the passer, but there is more to a defense than that alone or we'd be getting torched each week. the problem is the offense and, personally, I believe the problem has a lot more to do with inexperience and coaching than just talent.
  2. I am reluctant to pass the harshest judgment on Turk when he has to rely on JP Losman to deliver two weeks in a row, BUT... its clear that there is a massive gulf between the performance of our offense and defense. Minus the Chiefs game, the offense has appeared unprepared coming into the game for almost two months. Our offensive game plans have generally been disastrous. Our blocking schemes seem unprepared for the defenses we're facing, and we make things worse with poor play calling (and even worse play calling inside the red zone when it matters most). they say that a defense is dependent mostly on pure talent to be effective, but offense is a reflection of coaching and preparation. This is especially the case when you have an offensive line that gives a qb time to throw, as ours has done for the most part. We don't seem to know how to attack a defense. That's Turk's job. Teams with worse talent routinely perform better on offense by understanding the vulnerabilities of a defense. While I think it's important to limit disruption and starting from scratch, I'm now convinced the Fairchild/Schonert offensive system is not worth preserving. At the very least, we need a new coordinator and a new system that can get the ball in the hands of our play makers.
  3. people constantly misunderstand what Levy meant by character. He meant the character necessary to be as good a football play as you could be: competitive fire, dependability, does their homework, preparation. Joey Porter has that kind of character, the Mike Williams of the world don't.
  4. holy crap it happened again!!!
  5. the QB went airborn and got hammered, ball popped out and Newton was off to the races. amazing!
  6. just a heads up. tied 7-7 in the 2nd quarter.
  7. also few teams are tied to only strict style. Tomlin, for instance, is a cover-2 coach in Pittsburgh and Baltimore and San Fran change up their fronts quite a bit between 3 and 4 down lineman.
  8. have you watched the Lions? It's not even close.
  9. new head coaches in and out every two years is no path towards building a consistently competitive team. We are a VERY young team on offense and its our coordinators first year calling plays. It's not time yet to pull the plug while your trying to build toward something. If we were a veteran team I'd be much more willing to call for his head, even despite my screen name.
  10. Jim's Steakout - 3:30 am, Chicken finger sub, hot, with bleu cheese
  11. it's probably way too early for a center unless there is a freak of nature out there. but it's also too early to actually know where basically anybody is gonna be picked. Year after year we talk about guys during the season that are sure 1st rounders and they end up barely being drafted. It's not crazy to think that Mack could end up being a 4th or 5th rounder (where most centers that are drafted end up being drafted).
  12. 1st round corner doesn't make sense. we do need one more CB assuming Greer leaves but can do that in FA. I've mainly seen TE or DE.
  13. Mularkey wasn't exactly lighting it up in Miami.
  14. I agree that he's got an issue right now, I just believe that it's correctable.
  15. sometimes I really wonder if a lot of people on here watch any other games but the Bills. Quarterback play in this league is not good. Edwards is probably better than half of the starting qbs in the league. And even the good ones can, and do, play like garbage for weeks at a time. the negativity on this site can be overwhelming after losses. I know we're all disappointed, but it's out of control lately. We're a young, inexperienced team with a major playcalling problem. I know we want playoffs but we're two years from a total rebuild. We may need a new O-coordinator with a whole new system. I think the line has finally come together. Our RB tandem is just about as good as anybodies in the league. Our defense is another pass rusher and some LB and CB depth away from being consistently VERY good.
  16. the only qbs who are even arguably better than Edwards on that list at this point are McNabb and Hasselbeck and they're both old and past their prime.
  17. Justin Jenkins I guess. just carry 6 receivers rather than 4 plus 2 special teamers like we do now. you think our current receiving corps is the perfect blend of vet leadership and youth?
  18. Evans is the #1. I just mean another old vet like Reed in the mix. after Evans and Reed there's only Parrish, who's not really a receiver, and a couple of rookies.
  19. I think you hit on a lot of the same points I'm thinking. I think our problems are actually pretty clear as far as personnel goes: Defense - our defense is fairly solid, especially against the run, but without Schobel we have no pass rushers and need to bring linebackers to get pressure. Otherwise we have issues of depth at cornerback and at linebacker. needs - rush end, linebacker, corner (less of a need with a healthy Youboty) Offense - the biggest problem, in my opinion, is inexperience. Reed is the only savvy veteran on this side of the ball. We need to bring in a veteran receiver who can be counted on. Center and interior line depth is the other clear need. Also we're perennially looking for a special receiving TE, we should look harder. FBs are pretty much all journeymen these days, McIntyre's ok, but he's certainly not a reliable receiver as we saw today. needs - center, veteran receiver, receiving TE a more complicated problem is whether or coaches are preparing the team properly. I have some doubts on the offensive side of the ball, but again this is Turk's first year as a coordinator. In the NFL continuity has the highest correlation to success, which is why I'm cautious to call for radical, pull the plug type change.
  20. not that there is anything wrong with that. even if Garcia is gay that wouldn't make him any less tough or have any less heart (as for the marriage...).
  21. it's certainly possible. However he's been pretty good about waiting in the pocket still, but maybe he's giving up on the deep routes too quickly. I think he even admitted that he was going through his progressions too quickly a couple weeks ago. It may still be a problem.
  22. why exactly? didn't he play for us in the 60s?
  23. maybe the combined bad playoff kharma of Schottenheimer and the Bills will cancel each other out. I've always liked him, though the reason he loses at the end of the year is because he wears his players out.
  24. one important thing to remember about today's game is that Edwards by him own admission couldn't push off on his throws because of the groin. That however would not explain past weeks if this has been happening all season, or at least the last few weeks. We clearly have to take more shots cause we can't rely on 18 play scoring drives. As for Hardy it seems like we pretty much only use him as a decoy, which is stupid. It's still kind of astounding to me that the NFL hasn't figured out a way where you can actually watch what's going on down the field on tv.
  25. i'd feel better about him if he didn't fumble inside the 10. He may be spending too much time at the Robert Royal school of ball security.
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