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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. it seemed like the Bills rightly determined that Leinart was a lazy spoiled bum with a flaccid arm. Whitner is a defensive leader, played hurt most of the year. He was named a team captain at the age of 23! He's still only 23! The dude could easily be pro-bowl quality with a couple more years of getting stronger and refining technique (a pass rush would be vital here).
  2. if Mays somehow falls to us it will be very tough to pass him by. He could be the best safety in the NFL early in his career. The dude is ridiculous. There shouldn't be complaints about drafting a safety if he's taken - we'd be drafting a freak of nature.
  3. i think he's some kind of exclusive rights restricted free agent, which means other teams can't even go after him if we don't want them to.
  4. I'm not sure I'd call myself a fan of Jauron, but I'm not a hater, and I appreciate a lot of what he's done. His problems, to me, are in critical game situations - playcalling (and even there his roll isn't clear, but he takes the fire when it blows up). And I think he needs to be tougher getting the players ready to play - especially practicing outside as often as possible.
  5. if we're the laughing stock, there are quite a few there with us. not sure who's doing the laughing either. most cities aren't happy with their own teams.
  6. great post. sweet relief. a few thoughts on moving forward going off your thoughts: OL - it seems like our interior line is too big and immobile. Preston/Fowler/Whittle will probably all be gone. We need to bring in "complete" lineman. Guards and centers that can both hold up the bullrush from DT's, while being quick enough to handle stunts and mobile enough to pull so we can run pitch plays and screens - getting our playmakers into space has been a major issue for years and this, I feel, is a big reason why. Walker was our best lineman this year, but he really should lose 30 to 40 pounds both for his own benefit and the team's. Dockery needs to be pushed. He should feel as though he's on a serious hot seat considering the amount of coin he's banking. We should draft at least a guard and center in the first 5 rounds. DL: I think the primary weakness was pass rush. I thought there was dramatic improvement as far as stopping the run this year. I believe we were one of the league leaders in runs for loss and batted passes. Losing Schobel was huge. Kelsay and Denney are just not pass rushers. I don't hate on them like many on the board, cause I don't think they stink. They just are substandard pass rushers but are very good against the run. Clearly we need a healthy Schobel and at least another capable pass rusher to share time - probably our first rounder (as of now I'm pro Everette Brown). We also need another "big" DT to try and do some of what Stroud does. FA or an early draft should try and address this (possibly Moala if he drops a bit http://www.draftcountdown.com/scoutingrepo.../Fili-Moala.php ). WR: I think we need to bring another capable veteran in the mix to add some stability as Hardy and Steve Johnson learn the ropes, even for just a year. When Reed went down we didn't have anyone to rely on. Evans needs to start making plays despite the extra attention he receives.
  7. we need to bring in more established veterans, especially on offense. Get more versatile in the interior offensive line - guys that are both strong enough to not get blown up, and mobile enough to pull so we can actually run pitch outs and screens. Somehow the decision making at critical junctures needs to be addressed. I have no idea how they do that unless Turk grows up as an offensive coordinator or they bring in a new one. Or maybe just let Trent make the call in the huddle (there's a thought).
  8. only way you consider trading him is if somebody is offering a monster deal - multiple first day picks
  9. i'd say we don't have enough talent when we're trying to win with Losman at QB. Otherwise I'd say we're close.
  10. pass rusher is the huge need - hard to get good ones in FA cause teams don't let them go when they have them. Haynesworth would be awesome but we just got Stroud who is no slouch - I think the only way we have a killer DT duo is if we draft a second one. Beyond DE a serious receiving tight end, the interior line to replace Preston/Whittle/Fowler and push Dockery, and a tough, crafty veteran receiver are necessary additions in my view.
  11. i'd be more on board if big FA signings actually worked.
  12. rant rant rant. people need to get over themselves and grow up a little. we're all too old to be throwing temper tantrums. Jauron makes a lot of mistakes, but more disorder is probably not what this young team needs - but we can hope that there is a real effort at improving in-game management and play calling. Heck, it was Turk's first year as a coordinator and how much of the mistakes were actually Jauron's, and not him just falling on his sword for his coaches? One more year is probably the right decision, but if we are having the same problems next year its over for this staff. We have one of the youngest teams in league, and possibly the youngest on offense. Additionally we arguably overachieved the previous two years winning with Losman and a rookie. one more year for the benefit of the doubt isn't unreasonable.
  13. really it is the heart of the problem. Think about the turnarounds in Miami and Atlanta that we cite to show that we can blow it all up - the coaches they brought in were not big coaches - but, at least in Miami's case, the choice was made by one of the best football people in the business.
  14. DE - but I will say that Mays is tempting - he is a maniac, super athlete hitting machine freak. He's bigger than Keith Ellison and Alvin Bowen and is a safety. But gotta go Defensive front 7 unless you really feel the guys left on the board aren't in the same ballpark as Mays.
  15. the Jets are not built to last at all. They brought in a bunch of older mediocrities to compete this year and maybe next.
  16. 1. overthinks playcalling in critical situations (probably the only time he gives his insights) 2. not aggressive enough on defense
  17. I agree. I actually also really like both their offensive and defensive styles. they play smart, aggressive football - and without the arrogance of the Pats. Man I'm glad the Pats are done. No Pats, no Cowboys - the ESPN execs must be crying in their leftovers.
  18. i am very happy about it. and now we have a higher pick...
  19. where do i say it was the reason we lost? in fact I explicitly stated that it didn't. just cause we deserve to lose doesn't absolve the pats from their classless behavior and the failure of the officials to do anything about it. I agree with the posts about "scrums" I regret using that word as a former rugby player myself.
  20. yeah it was stupid to be in that position but cheating is still cheating. maybe its more like belichick knows better how to take advantage of referee incompetence than anyone else. but the fact that they are the league darlings and CBS Sports has a major stake in their success.....
  21. Pats intentionally cheap shot a player away from the ball to cause a scrum and Pats defenders lying on the field and not getting up delaying the setting of the ball. It clearly should have been a delay of game penalty against them. Ultimately it didn't really matter cause we couldn't score enough and Preston shouldn't have gotten involved but that was as bad as it gets. those cheaters get away with literally anything.
  22. well if we do fire Jauron I'd be very happy if we could get Marriucci. The others don't interest me.
  23. after watching these I could live with Everrette Brown from FSU: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=ErRsfNTpFps&...re=channel_page http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=T6oJYor1SsA
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