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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. I think Walker can hold his own most of the time. But I think they're going to have to protect him with a TE a good chunk of time depending on matchups, etc and especially in the first half of the year. He didn't seem thrilled about the switch but I trust that he's doing everything he can to pull it off on the left side. I hope he comes in a little lighter this year. 20 lbs less seems pretty achievable considering his size.
  2. I meant inadequate health insurance. my bad.
  3. pretty sure illegal aliens are not tabulated into the figure. there are also about that same number of under-insured - people that have insurance but it isn't actually adequate for what they need ( I know I fall into the latter category as someone who relies on terrible student health insurance) 50 to 100 million people without adequate healthcare is not a small minority. the price of a tv is not comparable to the yearly price of health insurance. I agree though that the number one priority is that we need to lower insurance costs and a way to insure all americans that want coverage. I don't think we're seeing a major overhaul like a Canadian system anytime in the foreseeable future. I'd be curious to see projections of just how much societal and economic damage is accrued by so many uninsured. How many people don't get treatment cause of cost and how much does that end up disrupting society when their condition gets worse as a result?
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/11/opinion/...istof.html?_r=1 "the bottom line is that America’s health care system spends nearly twice as much per person as Canada’s. Yet our infant mortality rate is 40 percent higher than Canada’s, and American mothers are 57 percent more likely to die in childbirth than Canadian ones."
  5. http://www.denverpost.com/opinion/ci_12523427
  6. I simply don't believe either the 1 hour number or the 12 hour number. The 4 months to see a specialist seems believable, but its not particularly out of line to what private insurance gets you for specialists depending on your area and the specialist. that said, for better or worse, we certainly aren't going to be having Canadian style health care here anytime in the foreseeable future. A handful of members of Congress want one, but its not being pursued with any hope of actually getting it.
  7. the things you cite don't seem particularly shocking. ER waits in the US are very long as well. I've waited well over 4 months to see specialists myself here. I've never met a Canadian, and I've met a lot, who would trade what they have for what we have. That doesn't mean they think their system is perfect by any stretch. this is clearly the wrong forum, but... What's shocking to me is the 50 million people who have no health insurance and the fact that over 25% of all bankruptcies in the US are due to health care expenses. Further the inability of people to get adequate health insurance because insurance companies deem them to have "preexisting conditions" is completely unconscionable and, in my opinion, a national disgrace. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIQvhG3SBDI
  8. Mighty Taco is a great, terrible, "Mexican" fast food joint.
  9. this is the 2nd questionable Bills story from Fox Sports in as many days. Whoever is doing their writing is extrapolating things commonly known and already reported in a way to make it seem like new news and a notable story to follow. First Whitner being possibly "benched" - they see someone said that Bryan Scott may be the starting SS, but fail to realize (or report at least) that such a scenario would see Whitner playing FS. And if Byrd can step in at free, Donte would play strong. No matter what, Donte is going to be starting at safety. For Maybin - Fewell has said from the start that they wouldn't limit ways to get him on the field. Playing some linebacker situationally because of his athleticism is a lot different than being "moved to linebacker" because he can't play end. My best guess is that Fox Sports is desperate for copy during the offseason and are playing it loose with their journalistic standards (if there even are any in sports reporting).
  10. I've seen a lot of job postings looking for people with science backgrounds in the federal government's various agencies.
  11. the Elmwood strip - Jim's Steakout Hot Blue Sub at 2 in the morning. I miss family, Bills games, the costs of living are as good as anywhere. When I go back these days its hard to enjoy the city as much as I once did since I don't have a place in the heart of it anymore. Staying with family out in the burbs just isn't the same. I hope to move back someday, hopefully within the next decade. I don't miss the 7 months of terrible weather each year. I don't miss the rampant fatalism. Also people need to eat more vegetables in buffalo. I swear I gain 10 lbs if I'm home for any longer than a weekend.
  12. I thought the same thing until I read that the chocolate was boiling at the time
  13. equating what he did to murder is ridiculous and undermines this thread
  14. wow, security at stadiums really must have sucked in the 70s.
  15. my order: 1. A New Hope 2. Empire Strikes Back (I actually think its a better made movie than the first, but I enjoy the first more) 3. Return of the Jedi 4. Revenge of the Sith 5. Phantom Menace 6. Attack of the Clones i basically hated all 3 sequels. They lost me at midichlorians. Revenge of the Sith was the best of them - but the Vader suit scene at the end was embarrassingly bad. Phantom Menace was lousy but had the best light sabre fight out of any of the movies - too bad the kid can't act and some add wizard thought Jar Jar Binks was a good idea. Attack of the Clones is actually one of my least favorite movies of all time. those films cover quite the spectrum.
  16. the uniforms from the 90s were looking pretty dated come the late 90s - the blue seemed faded or something. However the new uniforms were a complete disaster. A product of trying to cram 5 or 6 different colors into the primary uniform to make them all official colors or something. A disaster of micromanagement is my assumption. Plus the copying of already dated uniform trends (the titans shoulder blocks on the away jerseys). Anyways they clearly need to come up with either new uniforms that are really just modifications of the throwbacks, or just go with the throwbacks with red helmets.
  17. Great Game. Brazil was just the better team over 90 minutes. That goal in the 46th minute was the killer. I think it tore all the confidence earned out of our side through the first half.
  18. I agree, I can't think of another, more dominant defensive tackle that I've ever seen play.
  19. keep in mind though that strongside is the weakside and the weakside is the strongside in our scheme compared with all the others that I've heard.
  20. that McGee play sums up the entire experience of being a Buffalo Bills fan - for both its greatness and heartbreak.
  21. haven't seen it, no plans to see it anytime soon, but I will say that JarJar Binks was a pretty racist character even though he was an alien from Naboo.
  22. the wrap on him is that he's a freak athlete but not a football player. I'm not surprised that he'd look amazing in what is basically non-contact drills without pads. He's certainly got all the potential in the world.
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