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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. I'm talking businessmen, lawyers, politicians - a great number of them go out to nice restaurants and fancy bars and drive home buzzed on a pretty routine basis. If someone steps in front of their car one night, they don't want to send that guy to jail for a year when he's an "upstanding and important member of the community." I'm not talking specific people, but state legislatures don't like to put their buddies and donors behind bars. No lobbying is necessary. think of the 30 year sentencing discrepancy between crack and cocaine. There wasn't a cocaine lobby behind the difference, but there was a huge difference (often it was probation vs. large mandatory sentences). What was the difference? The people that used. Politicians don't want to put their donors or their donor's kids behind bars for very long.
  2. in some of the pictures of the players moving in, it looked like Langston Walker was a little slimmer. Did he look like he'd lost any weight when you saw him on the field? http://www.buffalobills.com/media-lounge/p...56-fac4bf29c1eb
  3. NYC has mandatory sentences for carrying concealed unregistered firearms in public. And it's longer than a year. NYC has harsh penalties for such things, and for good reason. as for the the disparate sentencing - it's not the judicial system, it's legislatures that pass the laws. Too many rich, powerful people regularly drink and drive for there to be the political will to ramp up sentencing for such crimes (and I'm not talking about the Dante Stallworth's of the world).
  4. wow that seems really illegal. Not cool man.
  5. I have to believe that the 4 game suspension is designed to provide further disincentive for any team to sign him. In a sense that 4 game suspension might as well be a year suspension. Because of that, I think the union should seriously get involved.
  6. with Mack and Ziggy Hood signing, it seems like there should be some decent parameters for Wood, as well
  7. seems like he's an inside linebacker. Our need is on the outside. on the inside we've already got Poz, DiGi, and Pat Thomas (who started at MLB for KC last year). also, doesn't 6'4 seems really tall for a linebacker?
  8. nice. I think this would have been a surprising twist for the young audience: NSFW due to language http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1904237
  9. this video has gone viral as of today. I think it's pretty awesome.
  10. his rating, 91, seems completely reasonable (and in the top 10 in the league at receiver). I might understand his complaining if he had any case at all that he got shortchanged, but he doesn't.
  11. bullseye they need to establish a slotted system like the NBA has - make contract negotiations much more painless and get rookie contract dollar figures under control. The current system often makes a high pick a punishment when it was intended to be a benefit to a struggling franchise.
  12. Hold out? Isn't it just that we don't have him under contract yet? Did we consider McKelvin a hold out last year?
  13. but of course they never seemed to have followed this policy prior. PFT has been all over ESPN's shady-ness on this issue.
  14. I wish him success. I'll be watching.
  15. is there a single greater statistical predictor of marital outcomes than whether your parents remained married? Serious question.
  16. under a 4.6 is a ridiculously good time for a 6'3 220 lb receiver - even more so seeing as this was before the the time when prospects go to special trainers to train specifically to perform well in combine drills.
  17. they are running a mini-series documentary called "Black in America" and I'm sure this is just there sad attempt at a cross promotion.
  18. that seems to be directly refuted by the example I cited with McKelvin. Unless you don't think McKelvin is any good.
  19. I, like Sal, agree that I find the Bills over protection of skill player rookies frustrating. We watched as an injured McGee cost us a division loss against Miami last year cause they wouldn't trust the rookie McKelvin (who then basically shined when finally given an opportunity a couple weeks later). I don't find this surprising though. Turk knows that our O-line is going to need help from the TE's in blocking this year with 5 players playing 5 different positions and likely 2 rookies among them.
  20. Corner has a very good shot at it and I think he probably has the inside track for the position. According to Chris Brown he also has come in this year looking like he's gotten bigger and stronger. He mentioned him as one of the few guys that had notably bulked up (also mentioned Derek Schouman and Steve Johnson) Youboty hasn't proved that he can stay on the field.
  21. within the city, here's a mix of urban beauty and decay: the parkway system - Bidwell, Lincoln, Chapin and Delaware Park Lake area elmwood avenue allentown area the old first ward the lower west side really you can't go wrong in Buffalo - pretty much every block is visually interesting
  22. On "It" Factor - I think it's only valid if you're describing what you're seeing from the player on the field as that "it" factor. I think it's really just a shorthand way of describing things that are less quantifiable to the average fan - field and pocket awareness, getting rid of the ball, finding the open man, not doing too many stupid things. If the "it" factor is something in the guy's personality that is independent of his performance I think its worth far less as might be the case with Sanchez. Cover-2 and the Wildcat - recall that it was run against us with great success when they picked on an injured McGee over and over again. This goes to coaching... Scheme v. Talent - I think he's right. The best teams make the best us of their talent. However the best teams generally also have some of the best talent. And its exceptional if you are able to win without very good quarterback play. NE is the common example for this under Belichick. NE has the luxury of having arguably the best QB, the most dangerous WR, and the best slot receiver in the league. He makes good use of not great or over the hill linebackers and guys in the secondary - but there are half a dozen former 1st and 2nd round picks on that defense that anchor it. Without guys like Seymour, Warren, and Wilfork - I don't think Belichick looks so good. as was seen in our loss to Miami, our coaching was unwilling to trust the rookie and went with an injured McGee and we got picked apart - that game was an example of bad coaching, imo.
  23. I'd trust Langston over a rookie this year regardless. I guess we could have taken Oher, but there was a reason he didn't go till 12 picks later. I guess we could have taken Eben Britton in the 2nd, but is he a better player than Demetrius Bell right now? Bell certainly has greater upside as an athlete and the Bills have a better sense of his progress than we do.
  24. yeah, a little late for such a move and I doubt they'd trade him anyway since Favre might not exactly be lighting it up, or healthy this year if he plays.
  25. our experience with NE in such circumstances has us outplaying them yet still managing to lose, likely in heartbreaking fashion. Then in the second matchup we are blown out of the water. Thankfully past performance doesn't necessarily guarantee future results... I've heard it said that the offseason goal for the Bills is too win that MNF game. Personally, I don't think they should have so much emotionally invested in a single regular season game, even if it is on such a grand stage.
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