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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. well on Twitter sunday night, TO said his toe was sore. could be related.
  2. it's good so long as the players are learning the schemes and the reads and not JUST being brutalized by the coaching staff.
  3. first, why do we keep acting like Jauron is who decides who is out there. The D-Coordinator is Perry Fewell. second, Fewell was just interviewed by the Buffalo News last week about Ellison and why he likes him in the defense and why it will be hard for a rookie to supplant him. Here's a summation: Ellison knows where he's supposed to be and doesn't make the big mistake that a player with little experience does. Fewell acknowledged that the others may provide greater big play ability because of their athleticism, but the nature of our defense is designed to ensure that we don't give up quick and easy points. so, until Harris or Bowen have shown that they've mastered the defense, they're not going start over Ellison.
  4. i like the play by play thing but I do question whether he knows what he's talking about a bit. He seems to consider pass blocking by the tackles to be holding every time (no calls, no obvious holds = good nfl pass blocking).
  5. see that's what I thought too, but then I read after the game that Schouman wasn't playing. I guess I should probably trust my own eyes rather than Chris Brown's blog.
  6. at least one of those was a tight end whiffing on his block. Fine I believe.
  7. why change two positions when you can change one by just inserting Chambers and leaving Butler at right tackle?
  8. he might not be strong enough yet but it's dumb to jump to conclusions after one series with the starters in the preseason. worst case scenario you put Chambers in there at LG.
  9. Walker looks to me like he's at least 20 pounds lighter from last year. However, i don't know where that actually puts him on the scales. But it's good regardless.
  10. from what I'd seen and heard Fitzpatrick has been looking better as of late.
  11. I think I forgot that I didn't include Youboty. But I'll stick with it and assume he once again gets injured and we keep Florence instead since he's under contract for a couple years. I think we're bound to keep one of the rookie corners and I'm guessing it'll be Lankster at this point. As for Stupar I just kind of feel like we might want 4 tight ends, especially when one of them is a rookie. Also, I was impressed by Stupar when he was working long after practice running routes with some of the quarterbacks.
  12. QB 1. Edwards 2. Fitzpatrick 3. Hamdan O-Line 4. Walker 5. Levitre 6. Hangartner 7. Wood 8. Butler 9. Chambers 10. Bell 11. McKinney Tight End 12. Schouman 13. Fine 14. Nelson 15. Stupar Full Back 16. McIntyre Running Back 17. Lynch 18. Jackson 19. Rhodes 20. Hall Wide Receiver 21. Owens 22. Evans 23. Reed 24. Parrish 25. Johnson 26. Hardy Defensive End 27. Schobel 28. Maybin 29. Kelsay 30. Denney 31. Ellis Defensive Tackle 32. Stroud 33. Williams 34. McCargo 35. Johnson Linebacker 36. Posluszny 37. Mitchell 38. Ellison 39. Harris 40. Thomas 41. Buggs Corner Back 42. McGee 43. McKelvin 44. Corner 45. Florence 46. Lankster Safety 47. Whitner 48. Scott 49. Byrd 50. Wilson Special Teams 51. Moorman 52. Lindell 53. Neil Practice Squad - Alvin Bowen, Marcus Smith, Marvin Phillip, Cary Harris, Ashlee Palmer, Lydell Sargeant Gunners missing - Jenkins, Wendling, Corto, Fox
  13. or if not truly stupid, at least not really able to read. Though I would assume there's a correlation there. Or some players may be hiding dyslexia, who knows.
  14. well i think its pretty obvious - if he doesn't have time to throw, it's the offensive line's fault, if he does and still struggles he'll take the blame.
  15. Why would you hope he doesn't make their roster? just cause he stunk for the Bills years ago? Just be happy that the guy may have gotten his life in order.
  16. the wood signing is extremely impotent Levitre equals wood equals a good camp
  17. superstar punt returner, limited as a receiver and makes more dough than is justified. Trade him if you can, if you can't you still get a superstar punt returner
  18. Drayton Florence may not make the 53 man roster.
  19. funny, Chris Brown in his chat just was talking about how Nelson has been doing well
  20. even more than the race part is the money part, imo. rich people (who get politicians elected) drink and drive, but generally don't carry concealed unlicensed firearms into night clubs. However the crimes are significantly different, if Plaxico had accidentally shot and killed someone it would be a closer analogy. The best example is definitely the coke/crack one - rich people do coke, poor people do crack. And most poor people that do crack are poor black people. the disparate impact on race though is severe because such a high percentage of African Americans are poorer, which makes it pretty suspect. Further, it makes economic progress that much harder when youthful crimes of poverty land a person in jail for large chunks of their productive life (While crimes of the rich youth get them probation). It not only affects the convicted, but their family. It's a vicious cycle and dumb politics made it a lot worse over the past 30 years. Politics is how we have more people imprisoned then any other country on earth. Thankfully a lot of progress has been made in the last few years to eliminate some of the ridiculous sentencing disparities - Rockefeller drug laws most notably. Also Jim Webb's courageous efforts to try and address our incarceration problem is admirable and should get more praise and attention than it has. But politics is so small and petty...
  21. No, but not for the reasons you chose to assign to us.
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